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词汇 vcl
释义 vcl.
可视化组件库Visual Component Library垂直中心线Vertical Center Line
For more information about VCL and its working model, see the Resource section.
有关 VCL及其工作模型的更多信息,请参见参考资料部分。 ibm

The basic working model of HPC in a VCL is as shown in Figure7.
VCL中的 HPC的基本工作模型如图7所示。 ibm

The integration of HPC in VCL significantly increases resource utilization by the reuse of blade servers.
通过重用刀片服务器, VCL与 HPC的集成显著提高了资源利用率。 ibm

The VCL system processes the request.
VCL系统将处理请求。 ibm

Also, using the VCL blades for both HPC and VCL desktops provides economical services with optimum use of resources.
同样,对 HPC和 VCL桌面计算机使用 VCL刀片服务器则以最理想的资源利用率提供了经济的服务。 ibm

Based on the user affiliation, VCL supports different LDAP services for separate user access.
根据用户的从属关系, VCL对不同的用户访问支持不同的 LDAP服务。 ibm

From the perspective of a VCL, it can transform and support any type of environmentas heterogeneous as long as an image with the appropriate environment manager is available.
从 VCL的角度来看,只要具有合适的映像和环境管理器,它就可以转换并支持任意类型的环境异构环境。 ibm

If the user's desired combination of images is not available, the user has the privilege to construct the images in their own choice from the VCL component library.
如果用户所需的映像组合不可用,用户有权从 VCL组件库中构建自己的映像。 ibm

If a user specific image combination is not already available as an image, an authorized user can have the flexibility to construct their own image from the VCL library components.
如果一个特定于用户的映像组合没有以映像的形式出现,那么经过授权的用户则可以灵活地从 VCL库组件中构建自己的映像。 ibm

In an HPC environment, VCL provides public access only through login nodes.
在 HPC环境中, VCL只通过登录节点提供公共访问。 ibm

Second, it is very hard to accommodate the hardware resources for increasing requests from VCL.
第二, VCL难以容纳硬件资源来满足不断增长的请求。 ibm

The basic working model of VCL on HPC services is fairly simple.
VCL中的 HPC服务的基本工作模型非常简单。 ibm

There are few principal components in the VCL architecture as shown in Figure2.
如图2所示, VCL架构包含几个主要组件。 ibm

These categories grouped together and explained with the help of VCL in Figure1.
图1中的 VCL将这些类别组合在一起并进行了解释。 ibm

Thus the main challenge is to consolidate heterogeneous workloads of the same organization on the cloud computing platform through VCL.
因此主要难题就是通过 VCL在云计算平台上整合同一组织中的异构工作负载。 ibm

To know more about VCL HPC and its usage, see Resource section.
要了解有关 VCL HPC及其使用的更多信息,请参见参考资料部分。 ibm

Using VCL, Students need not to physically install any specific services, solution stacks or databases on their machine.
通过使用 VCL,学生们不需要在其机器上安装任何特定的服务、解决方案堆栈或数据库。 ibm

When an HPC image is loaded, the VCL manager scheduler recognizes it and begins to assign it work.
当 HPC映像被加载后, VCL管理器调度程序将识别它并开始为它分配工作。 ibm

VCL allows any of the software as a service solutions, virtualization solutions, and terminal services solutions available today.
VCL允许使用任何软件即服务解决方案、虚拟化解决方案和终端服务解决方案。 ibm

VCL can work on Hybrid cloud model.
VCL可以处理混合云模型。 ibm

VCL cloud provides exceptional computing power through a unique Open Software and Hardware Solution to run and host all university projects and learning programs.
VCL云通过一个独特的开放的软件和硬件解决方案提供了杰出的计算能力,可以运行和托管所有大学项目和研究计划。 ibm

VCL delivers a range of functionalities and services that map well onto the cloud computing requirements and its expectations.
VCL交付了一组丰富的功能和服务,它们与云计算的需求和期望建立了良好的对应。 ibm

VCL delivers different infrastructure at one place.
VCL在一个位置同时交付不同的基础设施。 ibm

VCL management node configured blade VLAN based on image metadata.
VCL管理节点根据映像元数据配置刀片 VLAN。 ibm

VCL manager provides appropriate virtualization aggregation, dis- aggregation of the available hardware resources before mapping the requested image onto that hardware.
在将所请求的映像映射到硬件之前, VCL管理者为可用的硬件资源提供适当的虚拟化聚合,解除聚合。 ibm

VCL provides following services for infrastructure.
VCL为基础设施提供了以下服务。 ibm

VCL provides good scheduling mechanism to identify the ebbs and flows of campus activities.
VCL提供了优秀的调度机制来识别校园内各种活动的变化。 ibm

VCL servers provide a pool of resources that are exploited for the users needs.
VCL服务器提供了一个资源池,可以供用户使用。 ibm

VCL services focus on controlling the resource at the platform level.
VCL服务主要关注平台级别的资源控制。 ibm




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