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词汇 Vavilov
释义 VavilovCOCA¹⁰²⁰⁰¹
The Pavlovsk experimental station is one of several such stations in Russia. It is affiliated to the Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry.
巴甫洛夫斯克试验站是俄罗斯几个试验站中的一个。它附属于瓦维洛夫植物也研究院。 oobang

“ It is possible to witness there, ” Vavilov wrote, “ the great role played by man in the selection of the cultivated forms best suited to each area.”
“在那儿有可能见证,”瓦维洛夫写道,“人类在选择最适合每一地区的栽培方式中所扮演的伟大角色。” yeeyan

In addition, the Vavilov seamount, around200 kilometres north-west of Marsili, is made of similarly porous material.
另外,距马西里海山西北方向约200公里的瓦维洛夫 Vavilov海山也是由相似的多孔物质构成的。 yeeyan

It is affiliated to the Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry.
它附属于瓦维洛夫植物也研究院。 yeeyan

It is in the heart of one of the centers of diversity that Nikolay Vavilov visited on his1926 expedition.
它位于尼科莱·瓦维洛夫1926年探险考察造访过的一个多样性中心的心脏地带。 yeeyan

It's an idea first conceived by Russian botanist Nikolay Vavilov, who in 1926 had perhaps the least heralded scientific epiphany of the modern era.
这一主意最早是由俄国植物学家尼科莱·瓦维洛夫 Nikolay Vavilov构想出来的,1926年,他有了这个也许是最秘不外宣的现代科学顿悟。 yeeyan

So a group of scientists at the Vavilov Institute boxed up a cross section of seeds, moved them to the basement, and took shifts protecting them.
于是,瓦维洛夫研究所的一群科学家把一批代表性种子装入盒内,将它们搬到了地下室,并轮流值守以保护它们。 yeeyan

The Pavlovsk Experimental Station is part of the N. I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry.
巴甫洛夫斯克试验站是瓦维洛夫植物行业研究所的一部分。 koolearn

The institute already existed as a research center when plant scientist Nikolai Vavilov reorganized it in the nineteen twenties.
这个研究所之前是个研究中心,植物科学家尼古拉·瓦维洛夫 Nikolai Vavilov在20世纪20年代将它重组。 bugutang

Yet Worede balks at the idea of the developed world treating Vavilov centers like Ethiopia as wild seed banks from which to withdraw traits whenever the next plague strikes.
然而沃瑞德并不认为,发达国家是把埃塞俄比亚这样的瓦维洛夫中心看作野生种子银行,一旦下一次瘟疫发作,可由此取回需要的特性。 yeeyan

Yet Vavilov's vision of these regions as the repositories of the genetic diversity upon which the future of our food depends is proving more prescient than ever.
然而,瓦维洛夫关于这些地区是遗传多样性仓库,是我们食物未来依靠的设想愈发显出其先见之明了。 yeeyan

Vavilov's ideas have been modified in the years since.
自那以后的数年里,瓦维洛夫的设想一直在予以修正。 yeeyan

Vavilov's life story did not end happily.
瓦维洛夫自己的人生故事却没有一个幸福的结局。 yeeyan




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