

单词 Vautrin
释义 VautrinCOCA¹²³²⁶⁵BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
Minnie Vautrin was to die by her own hand, burdened with guilt over those she had failed to save.
明妮对那些她放弃救助的人心怀歉疚,不堪重负,她将死在自己手上。 yeeyan

After the great Rape, Vautrin drew on her extensive experience in social work to help rebuild the community.
在南京大屠杀之后,魏特琳利用她丰富的社会工作经验来帮助社会重建。 blog.sina.com.cn

I felt that if anyone deserved her place in history, that person was Minnie Vautrin.
在历史中如果谁能为自己留有一席之地,我认为此人一定就是魏特琳。 blog.sina.com.cn

It is a miracle that Vautrin, who endured both threats and blows from angry Japanese soldiers, survived the Rape of Nanking in one piece.
这真是一个奇迹,经过南京大屠杀的浩劫,魏特琳忍受了日军各种威胁甚至气急败坏的殴打,她竟然还活了下来。 blog.sina.com.cn

Long before the massacre, Vautrin had demonstrated a deep, unwavering commitment to help the people in the city.
早在南京大屠杀发生之前,许多事实表明魏特琳一直在关心和帮助南京平民百姓。 blog.sina.com.cn

One only has to go to Yale, the American national archives or the memorial hall at Nanking to find thousands of records on the subject, written not only by Vautrin but by numerous other eye- witnesses.
只要去过耶鲁大学、美国国家档案馆或者南京纪念馆的人,都会发现成千上万的关于南京大屠杀的事实记录,不仅魏特琳一个人,而且是很多的目击者都是这样写的。 blog.sina.com.cn

The United Christian Missionary Society announced: “ We feel that Miss Vautrin was truly a casualty of the war as any soldier who had fallen on the battlefield.”
正如美国基督教传教士联合会宣布魏特琳死讯时说的那样:“我们认为,像在战场上倒下去的士兵一样,魏特琳女士也是在战争中牺牲的。” blog.sina.com.cn

The Americans who stayed were mostly missionaries, among them the formidable Minnie Vautrin.
大部分留下来的美国人都是传教士,其中就有大义凛然的明妮·魏特林。 yeeyan

Today, it gives me great pleasure to report that the world has rediscovered Vautrin's life and legacy.
令人十分高兴的是现在全世界已重新发现了魏特琳及其日记的价值。 blog.sina.com.cn

Why had Vautrin been forgotten by the public for the past half century?
为什么在过去的半个世纪里魏特琳却被公众遗忘? blog.sina.com.cn




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