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词汇 vat
释义 vat. væt

a tax levied on the difference between a commodity's price before taxes and its cost of productiona large open vessel for holding or storing liquids来自 fat瓮南方英语方言变体,词源可能同 pot.故事记忆有一个 Rat老鼠非常地 Fat肥胖跳进了 Vat缸偷吃了 Salt盐变成了 Bat蝙蝠气坏了 Cat猫咬破了 Hat帽子当成了 Mat垫子近义词 tub桶ad valorem tax从价税value-added tax商品增值税…

用作名词The office is asking for thevatpapers.办事处要有关增值税的文件。
The worker is dyeing cloth in avat.工人正在一个大桶里染布。
His father emptied sacks of stale rye bread into thevat.他父亲把一袋袋发霉的黑面包倒进大桶里。noun.vessel
同义词 barrel,basin,cask,cistern,container,tank,tubnoun.container
同义词 basin,cask,pit,tub,tun
barrelnoun cylindrical container
bucketnoun container, often for liquids, with handle
bucketsnoun container, often for liquids, with handle
caldronnoun pot for boiling
casknoun rounded container for liquids
casksnoun rounded container for liquids
barrelets,barrels,butts,firkins,hogsheads,kegs,pipes,tuns,vats But such a system distorts people’s choices. Moving to a single rate of VAT without exemptions would eliminate this distortion but it would also be regressive.
这种系统会扭曲人们的选择,而统一实行单一税率的增值税,可能会消除扭曲效应,但却带来累退式税收。 ecocn

Much of today’s inflation stems from temporary influences beyond its control: a surge in energy and food prices, increases in VAT, a consumption tax and the delayed effects of a weaker pound.
如今的通胀大多源于不受控制的临时性影响:能源和食品价格的一波迅猛上涨,消费税中的增值税增加,以及弱势英镑姗姗来迟的效应。 ecocn

The GST would also spare Indians from paying a “ cascade” of taxes on taxes. Accountants, for example, pay state VAT on their physical inputs, such as pens and paper.
消费税还会把印度人从错综复杂的缴税“瀑布”中解放出来,例如,做会计的要为购入像笔和纸这样的实物缴纳增值税。 ecocn

Under his rule her entire wardrobe would be drowned in a vat of black dye.
如果是他,就会把她的整个衣橱扔到黑色的大染缸里头去。 yeeyan

After bringing forward purchases to beat the VAT rise, consumers are likely to cut back in early2010.
在提前购买以应对增值税上升之后,2010年前期消费者很可能会削减开支。 ecocn

Brazil has long been trying to reform its VAT, which is levied in a fragmented manner at the state rather than national level.
巴西的增值税是在分散的各州层面上征收的,而不是在国家层面上,政府一直试图对此进行改革。 ecocn

But some other conservatives, more deficithawkish and less tax-focused, see a VAT as one of the less unpalatable of a menu of bad options.
但是其他一些保守派更喜欢在赤字上做文章而非税务。 他们视增值税为菜单中一道不合口味的坏选择。 ecocn

But they do not understand how a VAT works.
但是他们并不理解增值税的运行原理。 yeeyan

Even if all the tax they pay is VAT on expensive meals in London restaurants or stamp duty on flats in Mayfair, it is still additional income for Mr Brown.
即使他们纳的税全是伦敦餐厅大餐的增值税或住在梅菲尔译者注:伦敦上流住宅区的公寓所上交的印花税,仍是布朗的额外收入。 ecocn

Experts warned of even higher increases in the New Year as VAT rises in January from17.5 per cent to20 per cent and retailers shield consumers from price rises.
专家警告说,随着增值税在一月从17.5%上调至20%以及零售商对消费者价格上的保护,新的一年中更快的增长可能会到来。 yeeyan

Had the UK concentrated on building up infrastructure and jobs rather than wasting money on the VAT cut, then we would be in a much stronger position.
要是英国集中精力搞基础设施建设和增加工作岗位而不是把钱浪费在削减增值税上,那么我们就会处于一个强得多的位置。 yeeyan

Moreover, the rise in VAT will push up inflation.
此外,增值税的上升也将推高通货膨胀率。 topsage

Moving to a single rate of VAT without exemptions would eliminate this distortion but it would also be regressive.
实行无免税的单一增值税税率将会消除这种混乱局面,但是也是后退的。 ecocn

Mr King said that the overshoot would be temporary, partly because it reflected the VAT increase.
金说,这种超出预期是暂时的,部分是因为它反映了增值税的增加。 ecocn

Mr Obama, for his part, promised in2008 not to raise taxes on the middle class; a VAT would impose taxes on everybody.
奥巴马总统,对个人而言,承诺在2008年不会在中产阶级提高税额;一个增值税将会增加每个人赋税。 ecocn

One is artificial meat, which is made in a giant vat, and the other is nanotechnology, which is expected to become more important as a vehicle for delivering medication to livestock.
其一是人造肉,在大桶中制成的肉;另一个是纳米技术,有望成为给家畜进行药物处理的更重要的工具。 yeeyan

Retailers think the return of VAT to17.5% in January and rising unemployment will hit growth next year and Rose said he thought VAT might go even higher or be applied to food.
零售商认为,增值税1月份时恢复到17.5%,以及失业率的增长都将会在明年打击经济增长;罗斯说,他认为增值税会变得更高,或者食品也会被征收增值税。 yeeyan

Second Life's European residents pay VAT on some purchases in order to comply with EU tax regulations, and virtual economies could also be subject to further taxation in future.
为了符合欧盟的税收法规,《第二人生》的欧洲用户在购买某些东西时必须支付增值税,而且将来对于虚拟经济将会进一步地征税。 yeeyan

Spending cuts ensured much lower tax rates in Ireland, including substantial cuts in personal income and payroll tax rates and the VAT, as well as the famed12.5% corporate tax.
爱尔兰通过削减政府开支确保了超低税率的实现,包括大幅削减个人所得税、工资税和增值税,还有世界闻名的12.5%的公司税。 yeeyan

That means they cannot offset the VAT they pay against VAT they charge.
这意味着他们不能用支付的增值税来冲销他们收入的增值税。 ecocn

The commission should help countries align the way they apply directives, and find a way of simplifying VAT payments.
委员会应该协助各国在运用指令时保持一致,并找到简化增值税支付的方法。 ecocn

The rest will come from tax hikes, both those planned by Labour and new ones, including notably a rise in the consumption-tax VAT ratesee article.
而剩余部分,正如工党和新组建的联合政府所规划的,则通过增加赋税,包括明显提高增值税 VAT的比例来实现。 ecocn

Then very controversially Descartes says, okay I've got one bit of certainty here but I'm thinking that I exist, can't I look at the vat instance of certainty and draw a general rule from it.

They dipped the fabric in a vat of dye.

Tiger bone wine— a rice alcohol brewed in a vat with the carcass of one of the cats — is prized as a tonic for fatigue and sexual potency, for example.
例如虎骨酒——将老虎的尸体浸泡在一个大缸中酿造而成的一种米酒——被认为是一种珍贵的缓解疲劳和壮阳的补品。 yeeyan

To balance the books, he raised some taxes, notably VAT, but three-quarters of the savings will come from spending cuts.
为了平衡收支,他提高了一些税收,尤其是增值税,但是四分之三的节省款项将来自于缩减开支。 ecocn

We all know the formula: a mind inhabiting a brain submerged in a vat.
我们都知道这样一个规则:精神栖息在宛如浸在容器中的大脑里。 yeeyan

You can try masking the odor with Lysol or cologne, but you’ll still end up smelling like you’ve just taken a dip in an industrial-size vat of strained peas.
你可以试着用来苏水或古龙香水来遮盖一下,但是你最终仍然闻起来像在一大桶碎豌豆中泡个澡一样。 yeeyan

VAT fraud, in which tax is charged as part of a transaction but not surrendered to any government, has long been a problem in the market.
增值税欺诈一直是该市场的一个问题,它是指税赋已经作为交易的一部分征收,但并未向任何政府上缴。 ecocn




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