

单词 vassal state
释义 vassal state短语¹⁰⁶¹⁰⁰⁺
The romantic town of Rovinj above a former Venetian vassal state rises from the Adriatic like an estranged island of Venice.
霍维尼 Rovinj见上面是个罗曼蒂克的小镇,是原威尼斯的一个附庸国。 这个小镇从亚得里亚海升起来,就像一个隔离的威尼斯岛一样。 yeeyan

Well, then, the hyperpower must have imposed an unequal trade system on its vassal state.
那么,这个超级大国大概要对加拿大这个诸侯国强加不平等的贸易体系了。 club.beelink.com.cn

As a vassal state of China at the time, Siam was the country that paid the most numerous and largest tributes to Ming.
作为明朝的臣属国,泰国是对明朝朝贡次数最多、贡品最丰厚的国家。 cnki

In order to eliminate The Sino-Korean suzerain- vassal state relationship, japan stopped scrambling for korea with china and focused on accumulating its strength, while trying to cooperate with china.
为了彻底解除中朝之间的宗藩关系,日本暂时放弃与清政府在朝鲜政治上的争夺,专注于经济和军事力量的积累,甚至不惜为此谋求与清政府的“合作”。 fabiao




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