

单词 vasectomy
释义 va·sec·to·my 英vəˈsektəmiː, veɪˈzek-美vəˈsɛktəmi, veˈzɛk-AHDvə-sĕkʹtə-mē, vā-zĕkʹ- ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴²⁶⁷⁹BNC⁴⁰⁷³²iWeb²⁵⁷⁴²
surgical procedure that removes all or part of the vas deferens usually as a means of sterilization; is sometimes reversiblevas,输精管,-ectomy,切除,词源同 appendectomy,阑尾切除术。vaS,-ectomy切除术⇒n.输精管切除n.医输精管切除术Pepididymovasectomy附睾输精管切除术

用作名词He will be offended if you ask him to get avasectomy.如果你让他做输精管切除术,他会被激怒的。as in.birth control
同义词 abstinence,condom,contraceptive,diaphragm,family planning,pillIUD,birth prevention,conception prevention,contraception,method of preventing pregnancy,planned parenthood,rhythm method,rubber,tied tubes
birth controlnoun prevention of conception
IUD,abstinence,birth prevention,conception prevention,condom,contraception,contraceptive,diaphragm,family planning,method of preventing pregnancy,pill,planned parenthood,rhythm method,rubber,tied tubes Do the gentleman-like thing, ask for the kid to be named after you, write her a check for18 years of child support, and get a vasectomy.
有点绅士风度,真诚地请求让这个孩子跟你姓,给她写张支票支付孩子未来18年的抚养费,然后去做结扎绝育手术。 putclub

MESA can be performed to recover sperm after vasectomy or failed vasectomy reversal and in some men with absence of the vas deferens.
对输精管切除术后或输精管复通术失败和有些输精管缺如的男性可采用显微外科附睾精子抽吸术取精。 ivf

Ted Cox got a vasectomy when he was28.
在28岁时,特德·考克斯做了输精管切除术。 yeeyan

The decision to pursue sterilization must be taken seriously however. Although reversal is sometimes possible after vasectomy or tubal ligation sterilization of any type is considered permanent.
尽管输精管结扎术或输卵管结扎术后有失效的可能,但是一般来讲任何一种绝育手术的效果都是永久性的。 yeeyan

Who announced a few years after getting married that he'd had a vasectomy and didn't want the children he'd promised we'd have.
结婚几年后,原本承诺要生小孩的他却宣布自己做了输精管结扎术。 yeeyan

“ There have been many large, epidemiological studies comparing vasectomized and nonvasectomized men, and none of them have shown any health risks associated with vasectomy, ” he says.
“目前已经进行了很多大型的流行病学研究对输精管切除术男性同非输精管切除术男性比较,尚无确切研究表明输精管切除术存在任何健康风险,”他说道。 med66

After a successful vasectomy a man isn't able to father a child.
手术成功后,男人就不能育有后代了。 yeeyan

Conclusion The behavioral type is implicated in the anxiety reaction and the index of blood cortisol and hemorheology in vasectomy stress.
结论行为类型影响输卵管结扎术应激的焦虑情绪及血皮质醇和血液流变学指标。 cnki

Condoms or a vasectomy are still the only male contraceptive choices.
男性避孕目前仅能靠保险套或输精管结扎手术。 suyage.com

COULD zapping testicles with ultrasound provide a cheap, non- invasive alternative to vasectomy?
用超声波冲击睾丸能否成为输精管切除术的价廉、非侵入的替代方式? dxy

For men vasectomy is the only option for sterilization.
对于男性来讲,输精管结扎术是唯一的绝育手术。 yeeyan

However, vasectomy is generally considered permanent, leaving younger men with condoms as their only option.
但与年轻人的唯一选择戴避孕套比输精管切除术将是永久的。 dxy

Kids dish on your secrets all the time-- money, religion, politics, even Dad's vasectomy.
孩子们总喜欢提及你们的秘密——包括金钱、宗教信仰、政治观点,甚至输精管结扎。 ebigear

Kids dish on your secrets all the time— money, religion, politics, even Dad’s vasectomy.
小孩们每天都以你的秘密为乐——薪水,宗教信仰,政治倾向,甚至父亲的结扎手术。 yeeyan

Objective: In order to discuss the relationship between vasectomy and malignant tumor.
目的:探讨输精管绝育术与恶性肿瘤死亡率的关系。 cnki

The tail and epididymis vasectomy pot belly is the place of storage sperm.

The vasectomy, he explained, was because children could weaken a fighter emotionally, distracting him from the cause of waging class war and destroying capitalism.
他解释说,切割输精管是因为孩子可以从情感上削弱战士的精神,分散他们发动阶级斗争及消灭资本主义事业的注意力。 yeeyan

While women have the pill, men now are limited to using condoms or having a vasectomy for contraception.
在避孕方面,女性有避孕药片,而男性只局限于使用避孕套或接受输卵管切除手术。 cri

Vasectomy is a safe, effective and simple male sterilization procedure and an important contraceptive option.
输精管切除术是一种安全、有效、简便的男性绝育手术,也是一种重要的避孕选择。 dictall

Vasectomy is connected the epididymis pipe and tube ejaculation, mature sperm eduction channel, around each one, each about40-50 cm long, wall thicker, muscularis is quite developed, and small lumen.




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