

单词 better than
释义 better than短语⁵⁵³
比…多; 超过
Copper conducts electricitybetter thaniron does.铜的导电性比铁强。
Two heads arebetter thanone.人多智广。
I think her translation of the article is muchbetter thanhis.我认为她对这篇文章的翻译要比他强的多。
Their much reviled system in fact works farbetter thanmany highly praised ones elsewhere.他们那套遭到许多非难的设备操纵起来实际上要比别的地方许多备受赞扬的设备好得多。
Many doctors prefer a natural food, rich in dietary fibre, which will help you to avoid constipation, rather than having to resort to purgatives. The reason is obvious-prevention is alwaysbetter thancure.许多医生推荐含有丰富食物纤维的天然食物,因为它有助于防止便秘,以取代万不得已而使用的泻药。原因显而易见-治病总是不如防病。
He likes the farms and fields in the countrybetter thanthe tall buildings and busy streets in the city.和大城市中的高楼大厦和喧嚣的街道相比,他更喜欢乡间的农庄和田野。
In one respect, I like your workbetter thanhis. It is neater.在有一点上,我喜欢你的工作胜过他的工作,那就是你的工作做得利落多了。
It'sbetter thannothing.总比没有好。




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