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词汇 Vascular bundles
释义 Vascular bundles短语⁸⁴³²⁰⁺
维管束原型vascularbundle的复数 A preliminary study on vascular bundles of bamboos native to Sichuan.

Having the epidermis, cortex, starch sheath, perivascular sclerenchyma, six vascular bundles, pith and pith ray, the stem is similar to the root in their structure.
该植物茎与根茎的构造相似,均有表皮、皮层、淀粉鞘、周维纤维、六束维管束、髓及髓射线。 cnki

Internodes of the mutants had abnormal-shaped epidermal and hypodermal cells and showed an unusual arrangement of small vascular bundles.
突变体节间的表皮细胞和下皮细胞形态异常,而且小的维管束排列也与野生型不一样。 ricedata

Outside the stele in the fleshy tap root of Phytolacca acinosa, there are abnormal vascular bundles arranging in more than5 concentric rings and parenchymatous conjunctive tissues between them.
商陆的肉质主根内,中柱的外方具有5轮以上呈同心环排列的异常维管束以及其间的薄壁结合组织。 cnki

The number of vascular bundles in neck- panicle was mainly controlled by genetic factors.
穗颈维管束数主要受遗传因素控制,环境条件的影响相对较小。 cnki

The weight of a single stem sheath is correlated significantly with the number of larger vascular bundle, the area of vascular bundles and the area of phloem for vascular bundles.
单茎茎鞘重与大维管束数目、维管面积、韧皮面积均呈极显著正相关。 cnki

The vascular bundles of the primary structure in stem are ring arranged, and the node is unilacunar and3- traced, which is from three vascular bundles or one vascular bundle.
茎的初生结构中多个维管束排列成环状,节部为单隙三迹,叶迹分别来自于3条维管束或同一条维管束。 cnki

Because you have split the stem, each dye color travels up different vascular bundles in the stem and reaches different parts of the flower.
因为我们在实验中将花茎切分,不同的颜色就通过不同的维管束向上传送,最后到达花朵不同的部位。 taipeitimes

In the course of primary growth and secondary growth , a few cells of pith ray turn into anomaleus cambium bundles, the anomaleus cambium bundles form new vascular bundles.
在初生生长过程中,部分髓射线薄壁细胞转变为异常形成层束,异常形成层束再分化产生新的维管束。 cnki

In the late stage of fruit enlargement and before fruit maturation, the total sugar content in the juice sacs was higher than that in the peel and similar to that in the vascular bundles.
在果实细胞膨大后期和成熟前期,汁泡中的总糖分含量高于果皮,但是与维管束的总糖含量接近; cnki

In Calocedrus and Platycladus, only a single series of inverted vascular bundles were generated in the adaxial side of the bract scale;
在苞鳞中只形成一组倒转的维管束,如侧柏属和翠柏属; cnki

It is because the vascular bundles in its rachilla and lodicules were undeveloped, the transport system was abnormal. and the lodicules absorbed and lost water difficultly.
这与其小穗轴和浆片中的维管束发育不良、辅导系统不发达、浆片不易吸水与失水等原因有关。 cnki

Sepals contain several vascular bundles, and are thought to be derived from leaves.

The characteristics of dry matter production, fertilizer absorption, sink and source, and the vascular bundles of Indica-Japonica F1 hybrid were studied.
本文从物质生产、营养吸收、库源特征及维管束形态等方面对籼粳杂交稻的高产形成机制进行了探讨。 cnki

The stem holds much smaller tubes, called vascular bundles.
花的茎中有许多称作「维管束」的微小管子。 taipeitimes

Their internal structures consist of air passages, vascular bundles of various size, ground tissues and sclerenchyma.
它们的内部结构是由气道、不同大小的维管束、基本组织以及厚壁组织组成。 cnki

Vascular bundles of the pedicel in flower of Commelina communis were scattered within central fundamental tissues.




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