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词汇 Vasari
释义 Va·sa·ri 英vəˈzɑːriː, -ˈsɑːriː, vɑːˈzɑːriː美vəˈzɑri, -ˈsɑri, vɑˈzɑriAHDvə-zärʹē, -särʹē, vä-zäʹrē Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
Giorgio Vasari 瓦扎里1511-1574,意大利建筑学家、画家、传记家

Italian painter and art historian 1511-1574 The Vasari corridor, built in1565, connects the Pitti Palace with the Uffizi Gallery.
瓦萨里画廊建于1565年,连接着皮蒂宫和乌菲齐美术馆。 ecocn

Was this Vasari’s signal that something was hidden underneath?
这是不是瓦萨里暗示有什么东西暗藏在下面? yeeyan

When Vasari covered the walls with six new scenes, The Battle of Anghiari disappeared, seemingly painted over or destroyed.
瓦萨里在原有墙壁上覆盖了六幅新画作,《安吉亚里之战》从此不复存在,似乎是被重新粉饰了,抑或早已毁灭殆尽。 joyen

But Maurizio Seracini, an engineer and art detective at the University of California, San Diego, believes Vasari secretly saved Leonardo's mural.
但美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校的工程师兼艺术侦探毛里齐奥·塞拉奇尼却认为,瓦萨里秘密地保留了达·芬奇的壁画。 joyen

But because Vasari relied on anecdotal evidence, there was always doubts about the identification, and Leonardo is not known to have made any notes about the model's identity himself.
但由于瓦萨尼的结论缺乏确凿的证据,这个说法一直受到怀疑。而达•芬奇本人也未对画中女子的真实身份进行过任何确认。 suiniyi

But in 1975, when Dr. Seracini studied one of Vasari’s battle scenes, he noticed a tiny flag with two words, “ Cerca Trova”: essentially, seek and ye shall find.
但是1975年,在塞拉西尼博士 Dr. Seracini研究瓦萨里 Vasari油画一年后,他注意到一面很小旗帜上写着两个单词“ Cerca Trova”寻找-发现。 yeeyan

By taking infrared pictures and laser- mapping the room, Dr. Seracini’s team discovered where the doors and windows had been before Vasari’s remodeling.
通过红外线拍照和激光测绘,塞拉西尼博士 Dr. Seracini领导的团队发现了瓦萨里 Vasari改造前的门窗位置。 yeeyan

Deploying Advent and Vasari mines now costs resources instead of anti-matter.
部署到来和瓦萨利地雷现在成本的资源而不是反物质。 deeptimes

Fixed game crashing when using a scout to attack Vasari mines.
固定使用时游戏崩溃的球探攻击瓦萨利地雷。 deeptimes

He couldn't shake the feeling that the phrase was a clue from Vasari.
他有一种挥之不去的预感:这是瓦萨里留下的一种暗示。 joyen

He wanted to test his theory, but without damaging Vasari's mural, which is also a masterpiece, when it seemed that the search had reached a dead end, Seracini spoke at a physics conference.
塞拉奇尼在一个物理学会议上发言时说,他想验证自己的推理,但又不能毁坏瓦萨里的壁画,因为那同样是杰作。研究似乎陷入了死胡同。 joyen

If he is right, then perhaps Vasari did Leonardo a favor by covering up the painting— and taking care to leave that cryptic little flag above the trove.
如果预测准确,那么瓦萨里 Vasari真为达芬奇做了件好事—隐藏并保护油画,宝藏上插了一面神秘的小旗,以待后人探索。 yeeyan

It was not just the growing awareness of classical antiquity that drove this development, according to Vasari, but also the growing desire to study and imitate nature.

New star base explosions for Advent and Vasari.
新 starbase爆炸的到来和瓦萨里。 deeptimes

Prior to Vasari, the painting had been called A Certain Florentine Lady or A Courtesan in a Gauze Veil.
瓦萨里之前,这幅画曾被称作《某个佛罗伦萨贵妇》或《带着纱巾的情妇》。 yeeyan

The period had no Giorgio Vasari, the Renaissance artist who publicised the magnificent achievements of his contemporaries; his book, “The Lives of the Artists”, is still widely read.
这一时期没有乔治奥•瓦萨里这样的人物,这位文艺复兴艺术家传播了与他同时代的伟大成就;他的著作《艺苑名人传》至今仍被广为阅读。 ecocn

Vasari also went into raptures about the painting.
瓦萨里也对这幅画热烈谈论不止。 iciba

Vasari had a history of secretly protecting paintings.
瓦萨里过去曾在暗地里保护过不少画作。 joyen

Vasari mines are now deployed6 at a time in a random cluster around the ship more symmetric to the other mines and requires much less micromanagement.
瓦萨利地雷现在部署6的时间在一个随机整群周围船舶更对称的其他地雷,并要求更微观 。 deeptimes

Vasari tells the story of one of his father's tenants who wanted a panel painted.
瓦萨里讲述了一个故事:他父亲的一位佃户想让人作一幅油画。 hotdic

Vasari's judgment carries special weight in the naming of Renaissance paintings.
在文艺复兴时期作品的命名上,来自瓦萨里的评判有着特殊的影响。 yeeyan




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