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variance in短语⁶⁷⁹⁰⁴ 基本例句 …的变化 The decision tree learning is able to cover all the variance in user input, which guaranteed high recognition rate. 决策树学习算法分类情况全面,保证了方法的高识别率。 cnki Once you find this line using the least- squared- error criterion, then you can perform various statistical tests to determine how well this line accounts for the observed variance in Y scores. 一旦用最小方差法找到这条直线,就可以执行各种统计测试,以确定这条直线与观测到的 Y值的偏离量吻合程度。 ibm Thus, we find that the variance component at the local level accounts for a major portion76% variance in local hazard mitigation policy adoption. 因此,我们发现方差成分在局部层面占大部分地方不同的76%相对减低灾害伤亡的政策选择。 china-exam |