

单词 betrothal
释义 be·troth·al 英bɪˈtrəʊðəl, -ˈtrɔːθəl美bɪˈtroðəl, -ˈtrɔθəlAHDbĭ-trō“Yəl, -trôʹthəl ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁵⁰²⁷⁹BNC³⁹¹⁵⁵iWeb³⁶¹⁴⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a mutual promise to marrythe act of becoming betrothed or engagedbe-,表强调,troth,订婚,词源同tree, true, truth。 be来自原始印欧语*bheue,存在,将要,词源同future, physics。 troth来自truth拼写变体,常见于复合词betroth,订婚。 tree来自古英语treow,树。来自原始日耳曼语*treuwaz,树。来自原始印欧语*deru,橡树,树,其原义为固定的,坚固的,词源同endure, true。 true来自古英语triewe,忠诚的,真诚的。来自原始日耳曼语*treuwaz,信仰,忠诚。来自原始印欧语*deru,稳定的,稳固的,词源同tree, endure。后引申词义依据事实的,真的,真实的等。true-blue忠诚的,忠实的,坚决支持保守党的来自中世纪时期颜色的象征意义,蓝色象征着忠诚,忠贞,忠实。后该词在英国政治文化中被赋予了特殊的政治意义,即支持保守党。 truth来自true,真实的,-th,名词后缀。钱博士betroth同…订婚-al…的形容词和名词后缀⇒订婚,婚约
betroth同…订婚-al…的形容词和名词后缀⇒订婚,婚约。近义词 pact契约troth真实promise诺言marriage结婚contract合同espousal订婚compact紧密的engagement约会marriage contract结婚契约

用作名词It shall always remain an emblem of ourbetrothal.永为订盟之物。
Theirbetrothaltook place with great pomp and rejoicings.他们举行了盛大而又欢乐的订婚仪式。noun.marriage
同义词 engagement,espousal,plight,promise,troth,vowaffiancing,betrothing
反义词 breakdivorce,separation
alliancenoun friendly association, agreement
alliancesnoun friendly association, agreement
engagementnoun pledge to marry
espousalnoun wedding
affiancing,banns,betrothal,bridal,marriage,marriage ceremony,matrimony,nuptial,nuptials,spousal,spousals,troth,wedding ceremony
promisenoun one's word that something will be done
affiance,affirmation,agreement,asseveration,assurance,avowal,betrothal,bond,commitment,compact,consent,contract,covenant,earnest,engagement,espousal,guarantee,insurance,marriage,oath,obligation,pact,parole,pawn,pledge,plight,profession,promissory note,sacred word,security,stipulation,swear,swearing,token,troth,undertaking,vow,warrant,warranty,word,word of honor
promisesnoun one's word that something will be done
affiances,affirmations,agreements,asseverations,assurances,avowals,betrothals,bonds,commitments,compacts,consents,contracts,covenants,earnest,engagements,espousals,guarantees,insurances,marriages,oaths,obligations,pacts,parole,pawns,pledges,plights,professions,promissory notes,sacred words,securities,stipulations,swearings,swears,tokens,troths,undertakings,vows,warranties,warrants,word of honors,words In the course of the next day the first of the usual betrothal visits were exchanged.
第二天,进行了第一轮例行的订婚互访。 kekenet

References to“ handfasting, ” or a temporary betrothal period, appear as far back as the Middle Ages, and the Incas of South America practiced“trial marriages.”
说到“婚约”或临时的订婚时期,早在中世纪就出现了,南美洲的印加人实行“试婚”。 yeeyan

The acceptance of this bride price constituted a legally binding betrothal, which was followed by some wedding celebration when the bride took up residence with her new family.
接受这一彩礼构成具有法律约束力的订婚,随后一些婚礼时,新娘庆祝了新的居住地与她的家庭。 blog.cnii.com.cn

The author hopes to elaborate the effect of marriage , the nature of marriage and the damages for the dissolution of the betrothal better.
以期更好地对婚约的效力、婚约的性质以及解除婚约时的损害赔偿进行阐释。 fabiao

When it's time for our marriage, our parents asked for a huge betrothal gift from our deep lovers which seemed to be good for us yet.
等到自己要嫁人的时候了,父母却好象是为了你好,跟你心爱的男人大肆开口要求高额的彩礼。 iciba

A lot of places in rural areas, getting married before formulating betrothal even is considered a violation of rules.
在农村的很多地方,未订定婚约而径行结婚的行为甚至被认为是违反规矩的。 fabiao

A year earlier Schmidt had made what would end up being an auspicious betrothal to the heiress of the Carlsberg Brewery, a Danish company that donated generously to marine research.
一年前,施密特创办了一家为海洋研究慷慨捐赠的丹麦公司,最后幸运地与嘉士伯啤酒厂女继承人订婚。 yeeyan

After betrothal it was the part of the betrothed to appoint the time of their wedding, when at least one year had passed.
婚约订立一年之后,订婚的男女就可以决定他们成婚的日期了。 cndkc

At a rational evaluation of existing Marriage and Family law, the author considers that the existing Marriage law giving up confining betrothal and betrothal gifts is not a wise behavior.
在理性品评现行婚姻家庭法时,作者认为,现行婚姻法放弃规制婚约和彩礼实非明智之举。 fabiao

Conventionally, the ring is presented as a betrothal gift by a man to his prospective spouse while he proposes marriage or directly after she accepts his marriage proposal.
一般来说,男方会在向女方求婚或者女方答应求婚后将戒指作为礼物在订婚仪式上送给女方。 iciba

Helped by Lady Feng, Lady Fan and the young scholar entered betrothal.
得益于冯夫人,夫人范和青年学者进入订婚。 youeredu

In due time the betrothal was announced at a meeting of the two houses concerned, and the betrothed gave silver rings one to another.
在适当的时候,双方家族成员就会齐聚一堂并将婚约公之于众,订婚的男女互赠银戒作为信物。 cndkc

It should be noted that the betrothal of a marriage can happen at any time, and often will occur at birth.
应当注意到,在印度,婚约是任何时候都可以确定的,而且经常发生在约定的对象刚出生时。 yeeyan

Marriage is originally a manifestation of love. But now, such a beautiful happiness is dominated by “ betrothal gift”, it is so sad.
婚姻,本来是爱情的体现,而现在,这般美好的幸福却被彩礼所主宰,有点悲哀。 iciba

Part III: the comparative law analysis for the legal issues of the betrothal system involved in the cases.
第三部分:对案例所涉及到的婚约制度法律问题进行比较法研究。 fabiao

So that what we presumed to be merely the betrothal feast turns out to be the actual wedding dinner!
那么,我们认为只不过是订婚的喜酒变成结婚的喜酒了。 chinaorb

Such thing happens in many areas. But not all bridegrooms are rich, if they can not offer so high betrothal, are they single in all their life?

The three letters covers betrothal letter, gift letter and wedding letter.
这三封信有订婚信、 礼单和婚书。51ielts

Was it NOT his betrothal feast?
那次不是他的订婚喜宴吗? ebigear

Betrothal gifts have many types that reflect consumption structure, economic types and traditional culture's feature of various nations.
聘礼有多种形态,反映出不同民族的消费结构、经济类型和传统文化特征。 cnki




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