

单词 Vanya
释义 Vanya ˈvɑːnjə COCA⁶⁰²²⁰BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
And Vanya and Maroosia danced about the hut and chuckled.
万尼亚和玛露西亚咯咯笑着,在小屋里蹦来跳去。 dreamkidland

There were blankets on it, and in those blankets Vanya and Maroosia rolled up and went to sleep at night, as warm as little baking cakes.
晚上睡觉时,万尼亚和玛露西亚就用这些毯子裹住身子,温暖得好像烘着的小蛋糕。 dreamkidland

“ No, no, never, ” cried Vanya and Maroosia at once.
“没有没有,从来没讲过!”万尼亚和玛露西亚立刻叫道。 dreamkidland

“To- night we'd like a story we've never heard before, ” said Vanya.
“今晚我们要听一个从没听过的故事,”万尼亚说。 dreamkidland

He invited artist friends from Moscow, and also hired Uncle Vanya from the village and a few workers from a failing collective farm nearby.
于是他邀请了一些莫斯科的艺术家朋友过来,并雇了万尼亚舅舅,还有附近一个濒临倒闭的集体农庄里面的一些工人。 yeeyan

Old Peter was the grandfather of Maroosia and Vanya.
老彼得是玛露西亚和万尼亚的爷爷。 dreamkidland

Take away the tables, Nikita Vanya.
尼基塔,万尼亚,把这些桌子挪开。 tingroom

Vladimir stirred suddenly in Vanya's lap, and a minute later they heard the scrunch of boots in the snow, and the stamping of old Peter's feet trying to get the snow off his boots.
睡在万尼亚膝盖上的弗拉迪米尔突然起来了。不一会儿,他们听见靴子踩着雪地的卡嚓声,还有老彼得跺脚的声音—他想把雪从靴子上抖下来。 dreamkidland

Vanya Veras gave up even trying to set up a company because she found the process too expensive, too complicated and too long.
维拉凡尼雅甚至连去建立一个公司都放弃了,因为她发现这个过程成本太贵,太复杂和太长。 ecocn

Vanya and Maroosia had jumped up to welcome him, and when he opened his big sheepskin coat, they tumbled into it together and clung to his belt.
万尼亚和玛露西亚早就跳起来迎接他了。他刚打开他那宽大的羊皮大衣,他俩就一齐扑了进去,紧紧抓住他的皮带。 dreamkidland




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