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词汇 vantage
释义 van·tage 英ˈvæntɪdʒ美ˈvæntɪdʒAHDvănʹtĭj 高四GMST宝八COCA¹³⁵⁵⁵BNC¹⁶⁴⁷²iWeb¹¹⁶⁴⁶Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

place or situation affording some advantage especially a comprehensive view or commanding perspectivethe quality of having a superior or more favorable position;

the experience gave him the advantage over me

vantage point有利地位catch some at a vantage处于比某人有利的地位…vantage ground有利地形catch some at the vantage处于比某人有利的地位…coign of vantage便于观看的位置有利…have some at a vantage处于比某人有利的地位…have some at the vantage处于比某人有利的地位…hold some at the vantage处于比某人有利的地位…hold some at a vantage处于比某人有利的地位…take some at the vantage处于比某人有利的地位…take some at a vantage处于比某人有利的地位…
van-(不|无t-,-age状态/总称⇒n.优势⁷⁹;有利情况²¹n.优越的位置;优越的地位;网球平分后得到的一分;利益;获利;有利地位有利情况²¹近义词 advantage优势preference偏爱反义词 disadvantage不利

用作名词The famous athlete had novantageto win the game.那个有名的运动员已经没有优势赢得那场比赛了。
Maybe it is bad to them, but it is just ourvantage.或许对他们是坏事,但对我们正是优势。noun.advantage
同义词 aid,ascendancy,asset,assistance,authority,avail,blessing,boon,break,choice,comfort,convenience,dominance,drop,edge,eminence,expediency,favor,gain,good,gratification,handicap,help,hold,improvement,influence,interest,lead,leeway,leverage,luck,mastery,odds,position,power,precedence,preference,prestige,prevalence,profit,protection,recognition,resources,return,sanction,start,starting,superiority,support,supremacy,utility,wealthhead start,leg up,pre-eminence,upper hand
反义词 bad fortune,bad luck,debt,disadvantage,harm,hindrance,hurt,impairment,impotence,incapacity,inefficiency,inferiority,injury,lack,loss,misfortune,obstruction,weaknessnoun.point of view
同义词 angle,attitude,eye,opinion,orientation,outlook,perspective,position,slant,standpoint,viewpointAnschauung,frame of reference,optique,private opinion,two cents' worth,way of thinking
edgenoun advantage
allowance,ascendancy,bulge,dominance,draw,handicap,head start,lead,odds,start,superiority,upper hand
edgesnoun advantage
handicapnoun advantage
edge,favor,head start,odds,penalty,points,start,trump card,upper hand,vantage
oddsnoun advantage
allowance,benefit,bulge,difference,disparity,dissimilarity,distinction,draw,edge,handicap,head start,lead,overlay,start,superiority,vantage
power basenoun home base
backing,constituency,home turf,niche,stamping ground,support,territory,turf,vantage
startnoun a lead or advance
advantage,allowance,backing,break,chance,handicap,head start,helping hand,lead,odds,opening,opportunity,sponsorship,vantage But from my vantage point, the true genetic gift is the design of the genome itself— our bodies and our minds are simply designed to respond to environmental demands.
我的观点是,真正的遗传天赋在于基因组本身的设计——我们的身体和我们的思想被简约地设计以对环境的要求作出反应。 yeeyan

From that vantage point, he shrewdly harnessed his new influence in the struggle against the dominant Yankee establishment.
他机敏地利用了这一任职优势,在和那些美国大家族企业的斗争中施加自己的影响力。 yeeyan

The report's co-author, Noor Huda Ismail, has a fine vantage point: he is an al- Mukmin alumnus turned security analyst.
报告的合著者之一努尔·胡达·伊斯梅尔 Noor Huda Ismail拥有一大优势:他是慕敏经学院的毕业生,后成为安全分析师。 ecocn

And thanks to its vantage point in space, the craft’s telescope can obtain much clearer images than Earth-based instruments.
由于在宇宙空间中的优势,与基于地球的设备相比,该飞船望远镜可以获得更清晰的图片。 ecocn

But China must consider the question from the vantage point of a coal- dependent economy.
但是中国的问题必须首先从一个经济高度“碳依赖”的角度来考虑。 yeeyan

But he also finds other vantage points from which to gaze at the heaving muck of New York, most memorably Manhattan’s municipal courthouse.
但是他也找到了其他有利位置,可以凝视纽约的黑暗面,最印象深刻的是曼哈顿的市政法院。 yeeyan

From his vantage point aboard the International Space Station, Noguchi captured the moon as it rose over Earth's dark horizon, later dedicating the shot to all“ moon lovers” via his Twitter feed.
野口宗千利用在国际空间站上的优势,在月亮从地球黑暗的地平线上升起时捕捉到这个景象,后来通过自己的 Twitter与所有“月亮爱好者”分享。 yeeyan

From the vantage of adulthood, and with some retrospective guilt, his son loved him for this grand gesture.
从成人的视角出发,回忆中还带着几许内疚,他的儿子为这堂皇的作派爱他。 yeeyan

I’m glad my mother never knew how high I dared to climb… Ever since then, I have always found it well worth paying the price to reach the vantage point that affords life’s best perspective.
我很高兴母亲从来不知道我爬得有多高。从那以来,我一直都觉得为了看见生活的光明远景,付出代价爬上那个制高点是十分值得的。 hxen

I wasn't even supposed to get this photo— I only ended up here after my original vantage point of the Golden Gate Bridge was completely fogged over.
我甚至没有料想到我会拍摄这张照片——在我拍摄的金门大桥的优势已经模糊以后,我把拍摄这张照片作为结束。 yeeyan

Just breathe and allow your spiritual vibrations to rise and take you to the higher perspective so that you can look from a different Divine vantage point.

On June17, COROT9 b will pass in front of its host star from the vantage point of Earth, an event known as a transit, and the hunt will be on for satellites encircling the planet.
从地球的优势位置去观察,行星 COROT9b将于6月17日从其母恒星前面经过,这被称为“凌日”现象,届时研究者将开始寻找围绕COROT9b旋转的卫星。 yeeyan

Peter’s cavalry commander called on him to release the main army still held in reserve but from his vantage point Peter could see the Swedes were losing men fast.
彼得的骑兵部队指挥官请求他派出仍保留在预备队中的主力部队,但处于有利地势的彼得能够看到,此时瑞典人的伤亡更为迅速。 yeeyan

Photo Tip: Choose a vantage point upwind from the blowing smoke.
摄影提示:在烟雾吹来的逆风处选择一个有利位置。 yeeyan

So, when we see challenges as opportunities, what does that reveal about our personal vantage point?
那么,当我们把挑战看做机遇时,对我们的人生来讲会发生什么样的变化? yeeyan

Spanish entrepreneur wants to give you a glimpse of the black expanse of space and the curvature of the earth from a most unusual vantage point — a balloon.
一个西班牙企业家想从最不寻常的有利地点-气球上给你看一下黑色的广阔空间和地球的弧线。 yeeyan

Surely one set of observations must be the True set. No, each has equal justification, no vantage point is privileged.
当然必须设置一组真正的观测值,不过每个人都有平等的理由,没人有特权提出有利观点。 yeeyan

To get that view, however, Swedish skywatchers would have needed a high vantage point, as both celestial bodies were skirting the horizon at that time.
然而,要捕捉到这一景观,瑞典天文爱好者们必须在日食发生时占领高的有利地形。 yeeyan




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