be a signal for or a symptom of;These symptoms indicate a serious illness
Her behavior points to a severe neurosis
The economic indicators signal that the euro is undervalued
indicate by signs;These signs bode bad news
近义词 bode预示omen征兆point观点signal信号predict预言augur占兆官presage预感indicate指示forecast预测foretell预言prefigure预示foreshadow预示prognosticate预知bespeak证明某事物…portend 成为 … 的前兆…auspicate卜得吉兆而开始…
用作动词Those black cloudsbetokenrain.那些乌云预示即将下雨。
That would onlybetokenfor us seven years of plenty and seven years of scarcity.那只是预示我们将有七年丰收和七年饥荒。 A16th- century humanist who sought to reconcile Christianity and Stoicism, Lipsius betokens learning and integrity.
他是一位16世纪的人道主义者,博学而正直,致力于使基督教教义和禁欲主义相协调。 ecocn