

单词 vanished
释义 van·ished 英'vænɪʃd美'vænɪʃd 高COCA⁹⁸³¹BNC⁹⁴¹⁵iWeb³³¹⁸⁶Economist⁷⁷⁸⁷
having passed out of existence;

vanished civilizations

词根记忆vanish突然消失+ed…的 →消失的vanish突然消失+ed…的 ⇒消失的He said. “See you later.” andvanished.他说了声“再见”, 就走了。
My prospects/hopes of success havevanished.我的成功前景;已破灭。
After the alien spacecraft had hovered over the park for a short time, itvanished.那只外星来的宇宙飞船在公园上空盘旋了一会儿之后就不见了。
Many types of animals have nowvanishedfrom the earth.很多种类的动物现在已经从地球上绝迹了。adj.disappeared
同义词 fadedgone
absentadjective not present
AWOL,astray,away,elsewhere,gone,missing,no-show,nobody home,playing hooky,removed
astrayadjective, adverb off the path or right direction
adrift,afield,amiss,awry,gone,lost,off,off the mark,off-course,roaming,straying,vanished,wandering,wrong
bygoneadjective in the past
ancient,antiquated,archaic,belated,dated,dead,defunct,departed,down memory lane,erstwhile,extinct,forgotten,former,gone,gone-by,in oblivion,late,lost,of old,of yore,old-fashioned,old-time,olden,oldfangled,one-time,out-of-date,previous,quondam,sometime,vanished,water over the dam,water under the bridge
defunctadjective extinct, not functioning
asleep,bygone,cold,dead,deceased,departed,done for,down the drain,exanimate,expired,gone,had it,inanimate,inoperative,invalid,kaput,late,lifeless,lost,nonexistent,obsolete,out of commission,vanished
extinctadjective dead, obsolete
abolished,archaic,asleep,bygone,cold,dead and gone,deceased,defunct,departed,disappeared,done for,doused,ended,exanimate,exterminated,extinguished,fallen,gone,inactive,late,lifeless,lost,no longer known,outmoded,passed on,passé,snuffed out,superseded,terminated,unknown,vanished,vanquished,void,wiped-out
goneadjective not present, no longer in existence
AWOL,absent,astray,away,burned up,consumed,deaddecampeddeceased,defunct,departed,disappeared,disintegrated,displaced,dissipated,dissolved,done,down the drain,dried-up,elapsed,ended,extinct,finished,flown,lacking,left,lost,missing,moved,no more,nonextant,not a sign of,not here,out the window,over,passed,past,quit,removed,retired,shifted,spent,split,taken a powder,taken leave,transferred,traveling,turned to dust,vanished,withdrawn Its rock art belongs to peoples who have vanished without trace.
那些岩石艺术属于那些已经消失无踪了的种族。 ecocn

Some of his other complaints have simply vanished.
他其他的不适也就随之消失了。 yeeyan

The Mars lander, by contrast, would visit a place where the seas — plain water in this case— vanished long ago.
与之相比,火星着陆器将会拜访一个淡水如果有水存在的话早已消失的地方。 yeeyan

The roar of the engines died out as the rocket vanished into the clouds.

What would you do if the Internet suddenly vanished?
如果互联网突然消失你会怎么做? yeeyan

' All right, ' said the Cat; and this time it vanished quite slowly, beginning with the end of the tail, and ending with the grin, which remained some time after the rest of it had gone.
“好,”猫答应着。这次它消失得非常慢,从尾巴尖开始消失,一直到最后看不见它的笑脸,那个笑脸在身体消失后好久,还停留了好一会儿。 hjenglish

And then, mercifully, they all vanished.
接着,谢天谢地,他们全体消失了。 yeeyan

Another man who lived not far away would occasionally watch as he vanished into the distance and later notice that he had returned.
不远处住着另外一个人,他偶尔也会注视着这个老人消失在远处,然后又看着老人回来。 ebigear

Brazilian air force planes are searching the Atlantic for an Air France plane that vanished from radar screens as it flew to Paris today with 228 people on board.
巴西空军飞机正在大西洋搜索从雷达屏幕上消失的法航客机,这班载有228人的客机今天在飞往巴黎途中失踪。 yeeyan

But by1820, most of these property requirements had vanished.
但到1820年,这些财产要求大部分已经消失。 yeeyan

But next morning, the tree had vanished, and all their hopes were at an end.
但是第二天早上,这颗树却消失了,她们所有的希望都没有了。 yeeyan

By the time he reached me, he had vanished.
在他来到我跟前的时候,完全消失了。 eol

Even now, the scandal is quietly claiming victims, though in a lot of places it seems to have vanished mysteriously from the radar.
虽然在许多地区这起丑闻似已从雷达屏幕上神秘消失,但即便到今天,仍有人悄悄地成为受害者。 ecocn

Genesis hypotheses include a galaxy collision billions of years ago and the gravitational effect of a central bar that has since vanished.
对于这个星系起源有几种假设,其中包括数十亿年前的一次星系撞击以及重力对中间消失地带的影响。 yeeyan

I stayed outside, on the wooden porch, to consider the frozen mystery of the seracs at my feet until everything had vanished behind silent ghosts of fog, and then I went in.
我呆在外面木制的门廊里,仔细想着脚下封冻的冰雪柱的神秘性,待一切都在寂静的雾幕般的幽灵消失后,我才进了屋。 yeeyan

In the process, not only did the professional salespeople disappear but courteous telephone operators also became a vanished breed as well.
在这个过程中,不仅专业的销售人员消失了,连礼貌的电话接线员也成了消失的品种。 yeeyan

Instead, he vanished for six years.
却不曾想,自己一消失就是六年。 yeeyan

It is too early to gauge the effectiveness of these moves. But one thing is certain: it would be tragic if seahorses vanished from the oceans to become once more creatures of myth.
现在就估量这些行动的效力尚为时过早,但有一样是肯定的:如果海马真的从海洋中消失而又一次沦为神话的话,这将是个悲剧。 ecocn

Many kinds of animals have vanished from the earth.

Of course, I remembered all this only after she vanished, it was then I realized how much I counted on seeing her each morning.
当然,只有在她突然消失后,我才想起所有这一切,才意识到,每天早上我是多么渴望能见到她。 yeeyan

One of her patients had recurring nightmares of being surrounded by sharks. She imagined they were dolphins instead and rehearsed the scene during5 sessions, and the nightmares vanished.
她的一个病人总是反复做被鲨鱼包围的噩梦,她就想像它们是海豚而不是鲨鱼,并在5个疗程中排演这一幕,于是噩梦消失了。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Something immense happened, then vanished from our consciousness.
很多大事发生,然后从我们的意识中消失。 ecocn

Then it vanished.
接着,它就消失了。 yeeyan

They coexisted with us for thousands of years in Europe before they vanished.
他们与我们在欧洲共存了几千年,然后消失了。 yeeyan

They had vanished in the crowd.

This time, even if a door vanished from the screen, players could make it reappear whenever they wanted.
这一次,即便一扇门从屏幕上消失,玩家也可以根据自己的意愿让它重现。 ebigear

Total trade volumes have more than halved since a year ago, say market participants. Complex trades have vanished from the market.
市场人士表示,如今的总交易量比一年前减少了一半以上。复杂的交易合约已从市场上消失。 blog.sina.com.cn

Wetting my cheek, and then she vanished.
弄湿了我的脸颊,然后她消失了。 yeeyan

While some early studies conjectured that bullets shot upwards simply vanished into space, the threat from falling ordnance is not to be dismissed.
虽然一些早期研究推测,朝天射出的子弹仅仅会消失于太空中,但来自下落军火的威胁不能被解除。 yeeyan




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