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词汇 vandalism
释义 van·dal·ism 英ˈvændlˌɪzəm美ˈvændļˌɪzəmAHDvănʹdl-ĭz'əm

willful wanton and malicious destruction of the property of others汪达尔人Vandal是古代日耳曼民族中的一支,在欧洲民族大迁徙时期,曾在北非今突尼斯地区建立了一个汪达尔王国。公元455年,他们从海上出发,入侵意大利并占领了罗马城,在罗马城中进行了历时两周之久的大肆掠夺和破坏活动。他们将罗马城中所有能搬上船的东西统统搬走,甚至连神庙上的镀金瓦片也都揭走。原本是欧洲文化中心的罗马城遭到严重破坏,大批珍贵文物被劫走或损坏。因此,人们创造了单词vandalism来表示肆意破坏财物的行为。钱博士vandal汪达尔人-ism性质/状态做法→汪达尔人的做法⇒故意破坏财物的行为
vandal汪达尔人-ism性质/状态做法→汪达尔人的做法⇒故意破坏财物的行为。GRE红宝书vandalize的名词近义词 harm危害damage损害wreckage失事sabotage怠工destruction破坏defacement毁损物hooliganism流氓行为malicious mischief故意损害他人财产…

The school suffered from widespreadvandalism.这所学校遭受广泛的野蛮破坏。
However,vandalismand theft are criminal offenses.然而,故意破坏和偷窃是犯罪行为。noun.destruction
同义词 mischiefravaging,ruin,sacking,smashing,wreckage,wreckingdefacing,grafitti,trashing
defacementnoun mutilation
harmnoun injury, evil
abuse,banefulness,damage,deleteriousness,detriment,disservice,foul play,hurt,ill,immorality,impairment,infliction,iniquity,loss,marring,mischance,mischief,misfortune,misuse,noxiousness,outrage,perniciousness,prejudice,ravage,ruin,ruination,sabotage,sin,sinfulness,vandalism,vice,violence,wear and tear,wickedness,wrong
harmsnoun injury, evil
abuse,banefulness,damage,deleteriousness,detriment,disservice,foul play,hurt,ill,immorality,impairment,infliction,iniquity,loss,marring,mischance,mischief,misfortune,misuse,noxiousness,outrage,perniciousness,prejudice,ravage,ruin,ruination,sabotage,sin,sinfulness,vandalism,vice,violence,wear and tear,wickedness,wrong
havocnoun chaotic situation
calamity,cataclysm,catastrophe,chaos,confusion,damage,desolation,despoiling,destruction,devastation,dilapidation,disorder,disruption,loss,mayhem,plunder,rack and ruin,ravages,ruination,shambles,vandalism,waste,wreck,wreckage
impishnessnoun mischief
atrocity,catastrophe,devilment,devilry,deviltry,diablerie,dirty trick,evil,fault,friskiness,frolicsomeness,funny business,gag,harm,high jinks,hurt,ill,injury,misbehavior,mischievousness,misconduct,misdoing,misfortune,monkey business,naughtiness,outrage,playfulness,prank,prankishness,rascality,roguery,roguishness,sabotage,shenanigans,sportiveness,tomfoolery,transgression,vandalism,waggery,waggishness,waywardness,wrong,wrongdoing
mischiefnoun trouble, damage
atrocity,catastrophe,devilment,devilry,dirty trick,evil,fault,friskiness,frolicsomeness,funny business,gag,harm,high jinks,hurt,ill,impishness,injury,misbehavior,mischievousness,misconduct,misdoing,misfortune,monkey business,naughtiness,outrage,playfulness,prank,rascality,roguery,roguishness,sabotage,shenanigans,sportiveness,transgression,vandalism,waggery,waggishness,waywardness,wrong,wrongdoing Li, from Xuanwei, Yunnan, was sentenced to jail for9 years in2001 for robbery, intentional injury and vandalism, and was set free earlier for good conduct in2006.

The threat today is not simply about vandalism but outright theft of confidential information, such as credit- card numbers, social-security details, financial data, marketing plans and trade secrets.
如今它不只是简单地破坏、进而更盗取和泄漏保密信息,如信用卡号码、身份证号码、金融数据、营销计划和商贸机密。 ecocn

The government has accused pro- Zelaya demonstrators of vandalism and violence, noting that a grenade, which did not explode, was hurled at the Supreme Court on Tuesday.
现政府指责亲塞拉亚的示威者的破坏和暴力行为,还指控在星期二有人向最高法院扔了一枚手榴弹,但没有爆炸。 yeeyan

This, in its turn, has provoked a series of counter- blockades, brawls, vandalism, and a fight with golf balls and stones.

Whereas rates of theft and vandalism have been falling, violent assaults on individuals have risen.
这些地区的盗窃和打砸抢现象有所减少,而针对个人的袭击则在增加。 ecocn

A study by the British science magazine Focus said the Bold Lane multi-story car park had not had one break- in or act of vandalism in the six years it had been in operation.

But it is vulnerable to vandalism.

Given that many youths may not be sufficiently mature to cope with such problems, they go in the undesirable direction of delinquency, drugs, vandalism, stealing, etc.

Given everything that is at stake, his decision not to exercise it amounts to an act of vandalism.
考虑到所有利害关系,他决定不去行使裁决权相当于一故意破坏行为。 yeeyan

He spoke of“ radical and blasphemous intellectuals wreaking havoc in the name of freedom”, of “ germs” and“ vandalism”.
他还谈到“激进与亵渎神明的知识份子正籍自由之名制造浩劫”,说他们是“病茵”及“汪达尔人作风”。 ecocn

In March, in contrast, London’s police had been criticised for being too lax in responding to vandalism on the fringes of a protest against government cuts.
而相反的是,今年三月,伦敦警方因在处理由政府削减财政支出而引起地并险些破坏公共财物的抗议活动的迟缓行动而遭到批评。 ecocn

In2007 only six were reported to the FBI, and that included minor offences such as vandalism.
在2007年,只有六起事故被上报联邦调查局,其中包括损毁公物等未成年犯罪。 ecocn

It is outside my ken how anyone of your intelligence can commit such a wanton act of vandalism.
像你这样聪明的人竟然做出这种荒唐的故意破坏的事情超出了我的知识范围。 iciba

It was boarded up in1984 after years of urban decay and vandalism.
多年的城市衰落和损坏之后,它在1984年被关闭了。 yeeyan

Last November, an inquiry into the mosque’s demolition concluded that senior leaders of the party were complicit in the vandalism.
去年十一月,一份关于清真寺被毁的报告认定:此次破坏行动中,该党高级领导人是同谋。 ecocn

Luke Clements, a law professor at Cardiff University, describes the actions of the coalition as “ pure vandalism”.
卡迪福大学法律教授鲁克•克莱门特认为这种联合行为“纯粹是搞破坏”。 ecocn

Many gang members will engage ion acts of violence and vandalism.
许多团伙成员都会参与暴力和故意破坏的活动。 yeeyan

Paris's theft and vandalism issues were a huge obstacle in getting bike sharing to the US.
巴黎的偷窃和蓄意破坏等问题,是在美国建立和推广自行车分享项目的一大阻碍。 fortunechina

Similarly, Wikipedia draws strength from its volunteers who catch and fix every act of online vandalism.
同样的,维基百科也需要从抓获和整治网络破坏的志愿者们身上汲取力量。 jukuu

Speaking to the Chicago Tribune, Captain Jeff Sutter admitted that officers had only realised what the vandalism meant when one policeman's young son came forward to enlighten them.

Steps are also to be taken to avoid hacking or vandalism of content.
而且,还提供了一些步骤,防止内容遭到恶意破坏或篡改。 yeeyan

The police have interviewed one of those responsible for that outbreak of vandalismwho was jailed for two years but have eliminated him from the current investigation.
警察审问了恶意破坏行为的其中一名负责人被判监禁两年,但他不列入这次调查中。 ecocn

Theft and vandalism are very rare occurrences there precisely because the punishment feels completely out of balance with the crime.
偷窃和破坏公物的行为在新加坡几乎不见的因为罪与罚是在完全不对等。 yeeyan

Their charges have nothing to do with vandalism.
他们的指控与破坏无关。 yeeyan

While the taggers see their work as street art, the authorities tend to see it as vandalism.




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