

单词 vancouver
释义 Van·cou·ver 英vænˈkuːvə美vænˈkuvɚ;vænˈkuːvər 高COCA¹⁰²⁶³BNC¹³⁴⁸⁵

English navigator remembered for his exploration of the Pacific coast of North America 1757-1798a town in southwestern Washington on the Columbia River across from Portland, Oregona port city in southwestern British Columbia on an arm of the Pacific Ocean opposite Vancouver Island; Canada's chief Pacific port and third largest city
用作名词How much is this parcel to Vancouver, please?请问这包裹寄温哥华要多少邮资?
I'd like to fly to Vancouver on the fifth August.我想乘八月十五日航班飞温哥华。 Have you been to Vancouver before?
你以前去过温哥华吗? putclub

The bulk of community building in Vancouver comes from these activities.
大部分的社区建设,在温哥华,就是从这些活动开始的。 yeeyan

When we saw Vancouver Island approaching, dismal gray clouds greeted us and I instantly missed the scorching dry heat of Wyoming.
温哥华岛接近了,迎接我们的是阴沉沉的灰色的云层,使我立刻怀念起火热干燥的怀俄明来。 yeeyan

A shining city of towers and islands, surrounded by beaches and backed by snow-capped mountains, Vancouver is a young city with one ear tuned to the call of the wild and the other to the future.
这是一座光芒耀眼的城市,有着塔楼和岛屿,还有有沙滩环绕和顶部覆盖着积雪的山脉作靠背。温哥华,一座年轻的城市,它接受了来自野性和未来的双重呼唤。 www.i21st.cn

After he dropped me off that night, I called my friend back in Vancouver, where I was living at the time.
那天晚上他送我回家以后,我给温哥华的朋友通了电话,我当时住在那里。 yeeyan

And how many non- Canadians recall that the centre of Vancouver was hit by riots in June after the local team lost an ice hockey game?
有多少非加拿大人能回忆起发生在六月份本地球队在冰球比赛中的一次失利之后温哥华市中心的暴乱呢? ecocn

Are you going to Vancouver?
你是到温哥华去吗? ebigear

Dad and I have moved to six different districts in Vancouver, two districts in Victoria.
父亲和我在温哥华已经搬了六次家了,还有两次在维多利亚。 yeeyan

He had succeeded, however, in opening up the coastal route from California to Fort Vancouver on the Columbia River.
无论如何他成功了,并沿哥伦比亚河打开了从加州到温哥华堡沿海的路线。 yeeyan

He became a merchant, opening an import-export business in the heart of Vancouver's Chinatown.
他成了一位商人,在温哥华唐人街的中心地段开了一家进出口公司。 ebigear

He made it clear his good results so far in Vancouver have given him a huge lift.
米勒明确表示,迄今在温哥华取得的好成绩使他受到了极大的鼓舞。 kekenet

Heidi wanted me to go with her to the funeral. She'd sent this message through the dean. “ We'll pay for your ticket to Vancouver,” the dean said.
海蒂希望我陪她一起去参加葬礼。她是通过系主任向我转达这个消息的。“我们会为你支付去温哥华的机票。”系主任说。 yeeyan

I left late, and made it to Vancouver as planned, though at 12:30 at night.
我出发晚了点,虽然晚上12:30才到,但还是按照计划到达了温哥华。 yeeyan

I was in Vancouver about a month ago.
大约一个月之前我就呆在温哥华。 ebigear

In the2010 Vancouver Olympics, she again earned gold, this time in the1500 meter race.
在2010的温哥华冬奥会中,她又一次摘得金牌,这一次是1500米的比赛。 yeeyan

Please quote us prices including insurance and freight to Vancouver.
请报包括到温哥华的保险和运费的价格。 ebigear

Prices quoted should include insurance and freight to Vancouver.
所报价格需包括到温哥华的保险和运费。 examw

Sometimes called Canada’s gateway to the Pacific, Vancouver is linked by shipping services with Pacific ports of the United States, China, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.
温哥华被称作加拿大通向太平洋的门户,它与美国、中国、日本、澳大利亚和新西兰的太平洋港口有船运服务往来。 putclub

There are, however, pilot projects for salmon in Vancouver.
然而,在温哥华有鲑鱼饲养的试点项目。 ecocn

Too bad I only was assigned to judge the short program in Vancouver.
可惜的是我在温哥华只得到了执法男单短节目的机会。 blog.sina.com.cn

We started out in Vancouver.
我们是从温哥华出发的。 ebigear

Wherever we go, the maple tree leaf reminds us of our great country and of our beautiful hometown Vancouver.
无论我们走到哪里,枫叶是我们想起我们伟大的祖国和我们美丽的故乡温哥华。 putclub

With half its population foreign born, Vancouver is one of the most ethnically mixed cities in North America, and it shows in the local restaurant scene.
温哥华有一半的人口来自国外,是北美地区民族最为混杂的城市之一,当地的饭店景象也展现了这一点。 edu.sina.com.cn

Vancouver has the biggest Chinatown in Canada, boasting a history of more than a century.
温哥华有加拿大最大的唐人街,已经有超过一个世纪的历史。 yeeyan

Vancouver is a friendly place, and that may be due in part to its diversity.
温哥华是一个友好的地方,部分原因可能是由于它的多元性。 edu.sina.com.cn




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