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词汇 Van Allen
释义 Van Allen

United States physicist who discovered two belts of charged particles from the solar wind trapped by the Earth's magnetic field born in 1914TheVan Allenbelts are composed of charged particles trapped by the earth's magnetic field.范阿伦带由地球磁场俘获的带电粒子所组成。
However,on February 21,1963,Telstar I suffered damage caused by the newly discoveredVan Allenbelts.然而;1963年2月21日通讯卫星1号被新发现的范艾伦辐射带损害.
In the lowerVan AllenBelt, the proton intensity is about 20,000 particles with energy above 30 MeV per second per square centimeter.在较低的范爱伦带,质子密度是每秒每平方厘米大约20,000个能量在30兆电子伏以上的粒子。
Of all the discoveries of the outer atmosphere made possible by rockets and satellites, few equal in importance the revelation of the high radiation belt byVan Allenin 1958.在使用火箭和卫星对外层大气取得全部发现中几乎没有什么发现在重要性方面能与Van Allen在1958年发现的高空辐射带相提并论。
These devices are used in satellites that orbit the Earth within theVan AllenRadiation Belts and must be able to work in a continuous low-radiation environment.这些装置用于在“范·艾伦辐射带”内沿一定轨道绕地球运行的卫星上,它们必须能在持续低辐射的环境中正常工作。




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