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词汇 Bethlehem
释义 Beth·le·hem 英ˈbeθlɪˌhem, -liːəm美ˈbɛθlɪˌhɛm, -liəmAHDbĕthʹlĭ-hĕm', -lē-əm 高Economist¹⁴⁰⁰⁸

a town in eastern Pennsylvania on the Lehigh River to the northwest of Philadelphia; an important center for steel productiona small town near Jerusalem on the West Bank of the Jordan River; early home of David and regarded as the place where Jesus was bornBethlehem,又译白冷。宾夕法尼亚东部利哈伊河谷的城镇,在阿伦敦附近,曾经以煤铁产业而著名。而伯利恒这个名字则来自以色列/巴勒斯坦地区的一座城市,犹太国大卫王的出生地,也是圣经中说的耶稣的出生地。其字面意思为“面包之城”。宾州的这座城市以伯利恒命名的原因是:它在18世纪末的一个圣诞夜由一群德国的基督徒创建。由于是圣诞夜,那群基督徒就以耶稣的诞生地为此城命名。star-of-Bethlehem虎眼万年青bethlehem beam宽缘工字钢梁…

用作名词After a long journey they reachedBethlehem.长途跋涉后,他们终于抵达伯利恒。
Today inBethlehema savior has been born to you all.今天在伯利恒诞生了一位救世主。as in.manger
同义词 cradle,stableHoly Cradle,crèche
mangernoun the birthplace of christ
Holy Cradle,cradle,crèche,stable At the same time, the Palestinians complain that Israel's separation wall at the entrance to Bethlehem casts a dark shadow over Christmas.
与此同时,这位巴勒斯坦人抱怨说,以色列在进入伯利恒的通道处设立的隔离墙给圣诞节投下阴影。 tingvoa

Christmas mass was celebrated at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, with carols sung in Arabic.
人们在伯利恒的圣诞教堂举行圣诞弥撒,唱诗班用阿拉伯语唱着圣诞颂歌。 voanews

Milton wants to arrive in Bethlehem to hand Christ his poem before the wise men are able to bring their gold and their frankincense and their myrrh.

The faithful have flocked to the West Bank town of Bethlehem to celebrate Christmas.
世界各地的信徒聚集到约旦河西岸的伯利恒庆祝圣诞节。 ebigear

Any help that Bethlehem gets from the outside world tends to come from places far beyond Israel, such as European NGOs, churches and city councils.
伯利恒从外界得到任何援助,都倾向于来自比以色列更远的地方,例如欧洲的非政府组织、教堂与城市议会。 ecocn

As the last Ice Age came to an end, somebody picked a pebble out of a small river not far from Bethlehem.
随着最后一个冰河时代宣告结束,有人从伯利恒附近流水淙淙的小溪边,捡起了一枚鹅卵石。 yeeyan

But when he grows older, this child of Bethlehem will have lots of wise people on hand to explain the mysteries of his birthplace.
但是,当他年龄更长,这个伯利恒孩子的手头,会拥有许许多多智慧之人,为他解释形形色色的出生地之谜。 ecocn

If I am taken away from Bethlehem, I am like a fish out of water, because this landscape is deep inside me.
如果将我同伯利恒分离,我就会如鱼离水般不适,因为此地之景深入我心。 ecocn

Indeed, one of the mysteries about contemporary Bethlehem is not why many people are discontented, but how the place survives at all.
的确,有关当下的伯利恒,其谜团之一并非为什么许多人感到不满,而是这个地方究竟是怎么保全的。 ecocn

Islamic clerics escorted the pope to the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem shown above, to Bethlehem and to Nazareth.
伊斯兰神职人员陪同教皇到耶路撒冷的圆顶清真寺如上所示 ,伯利恒和拿撒勒。 ecocn

Israeli citizens are not allowed to visit Bethlehem without special permits, and only a handful of Bethlehemites can now visit Jerusalem or anywhere in Israel.
以色列的公民不被允许不经特别许可参观伯利恒,如今也只有少数伯利恒人能参观耶路撒冷或其他以色列的地方。 ecocn

Like every youngster who grows up in Bethlehem, Ramiz is learning to deal with life as a series of negotiations.
如同每一个在伯利恒土生土长的少年,拉米兹学习着应付生活的种种情况,就像一连串的谈判。 ecocn

May you have standing in Ephrathah and be famous in Bethlehem.
又愿你在以法他得亨通,在伯利恒得名声。 ebigear

Palestinians bitterly complain about Israel's security barrier, or wall, surrounding Bethlehem, which was built in response to a wave of suicide bombings a few years ago.
巴勒斯坦人愤怒地抱怨以色列在伯利恒周围建立的安全屏障,这个围墙是几年前为了应对自杀性爆炸袭击的猛增而修建的。 ebigear

So Rachel died and was buried on the way to Ephrath that is, Bethlehem.
拉结死了,葬在以法他的路旁;以法他就是伯利恒。 ebigear

The Israelis have no time for sentimentality about Bethlehem either.
以色列人也没时间因为伯利恒而多愁善感。 ecocn

Then there were incursions by Israeli forces, complete with armour, who said they had to stem the threat to civilians from fighters based in Bethlehem.
其次是以色列部队全副武装的入侵,他们说,他们必须遏制以伯利恒为基地的武装人员对于平民的威胁。 ecocn

Thousands of people have attended Christmas Eve celebrations at the birthplace of Christianity in Bethlehem.
数千人在基督教诞生地伯利恒参加圣诞夜庆祝活动。 kekenet

Thousands of pilgrims have joined local Palestinians in Christmas celebrations in the West Bank town of Bethlehem.
数千名朝圣者云集约旦河西岸城市伯利恒与当地的巴勒斯坦人一起庆祝圣诞节。 voanews

Whatever the holy sites of Bethlehem symbolise, it is not a world free of pain.
不论伯利恒的神圣地点象征着什么,这个世界终究尚未脱离苦海。 ecocn




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