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valukas vəˈluːkəs COCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺⁶ 基本例句 🌏当沃卢克斯 Mr Valukas boiled that down to the96 most relevant ones, some of which are now operated by Barclaysthe buyer of Lehman's American arm after the holding company failed. 而沃卢克斯先生浓缩出96个最相关的,其中一些至今还在为巴克莱资本雷曼兄弟破产之后其在美国分支机构的买家所使用。 ecocn But the work of Anton/span> Valukas, the chairman of Jenner& Block, a law firm, is crisp, clear and explosive. 但是, Jenner& Block律师事务所主席安东·沃卢克斯 Anton Valukas的工作是简明的、清晰的和爆炸性的。 ecocn By using a sophisticated set of databases and search techniques, Mr Valukas and his team narrowed the focus but still examined some34m pages of documents. 应用一系列高级的数据库及搜索方法,沃卢克斯和他的团队缩小了研究范围,但仍审阅了大约3400万页文件。 iciba Mr Valukas marshals plenty of evidence to back up his claim that“ Lehman painted a misleading picture of its financial condition”. 沃卢克斯整理了大量的证据,以支持他所宣称的“雷曼给自己的财务状况画了一幅以假乱真的画”。 ecocn Mr Valukas marshals plenty of evidence to back up his claim that “ Lehman painted a misleading picture of its financial condition”. 沃卢克斯先生列举了大量证据证实雷曼在市场上掩盖其真实财务状况从而对投资者产生误导。 ecocn Mr Valukas also draws back the curtain on the decisions that led Lehman into trouble in the first place. 雷曼的决策使其在次贷危机中第一个陷入困境,沃卢克斯也拉开了这些决策的帷幕。 ecocn Mr Valukas and his team took more than a year to research their report. 沃卢克斯和他的团队研究这份报告花了一年多的时间。 iciba Mr Valukas begins his story at a high point in Lehman's158- year history. 沃卢克斯从雷曼在其158年历史中的一个巅峰时刻开始讲起。 iciba Mr Valukas found that Lehman had to structure these deals through its UK subsidiary because it could not find a US law firm to give a legal opinion on them. 沃卢克斯发现,雷曼不得不通过其英国子公司安排这些交易,因为它找不到愿意对这些交易发表法律意见的美国律师事务所。 iciba Mr Valukas's report, however, focuses on two instances during which Repo105 was discussed by Lehman's top executives. 然而,瓦卢卡斯的报告却聚焦在两件事情上——这两件事发生时,雷曼的最高管理层曾对回购105进行了讨论。 tesoon The Lehman portrayed by Mr Valukas is not the successful upstart presided over by an aggressive but inspirational Mr Fuld that had become part of industry lore. 沃卢克斯所形容的雷曼,并非如业内传说所称,是在咄咄逼人、但善于激发斗志的富尔德掌管下迅速崛起的成功企业。 iciba |