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词汇 Value Logos
释义 Value Logos
In nowadays society unilateral development of instrumental logos and decadency of value logos also block building of Universal Ethics.现代社会中的工具理性的片面发展和价值理性的衰微也严重阻碍了普世伦理的建构。
In order to overcome the crisis of ecology society and life, it is necessary to correct the deviation of current cultural idea through value logos, guide tool logos through value logos, and make value logos agree with tool logos.在全球化时代人类实践要克服生态危机、社会危机和人生危机,必须以“价值理性”来纠正现存文化理念的偏失,用“价值理性”校正和引导“工具理性”,使“价值理性”成为全球化时代与“工具理性”相契合的文化理念。
Both of these views are not right.We must fully understand and correctly deal with the relationship between the goals and means, science logos and value logos, rebuilding the natu…真正实现可持续发展,必须在坚持人的主体地位的前提下,正确认识与处理目的与手段、科学理性与价值理性、改造自然与改造人、物的尺度与人的尺度的关系。
On the basis of prevenient study this thesis draws conclusions: firstly, we should set the view of Universal Ethics and balance instrumental logos and value logos on the consciousness’ lay.本文在前人研究的基础上指出:首先,从意识层面上我们要树立普世伦理观,平衡工具理性和价值理性;




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