

单词 value chain
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The value stream concept is illustrated in Figure1 as the linkage between your value chain and your supply chain.
价值流的概念如图1中所示,即为价值链和供应链之间的联系纽带。 ibm

The OMA DRM standard comes with a license that a user must agree to, defining what permission the content owner, content provider, or other member of the value chain can grant the user.
OMA DRM标准附带有一种许可,用户必须同意该许可,它定义了内容所有者、内容提供商或该价值链的其他成员所能授予用户的权限。 ibm

The value chain drives the strategy of your business by forming an enterprise architecture around desirable business qualities like flexibility, scalability, and extensibility.
价值链通过在适应性、可量测性、可扩展性等业务质量上形成一个企业架构,来驱动您的业务策略。 ibm

Among projects, it can be between business units and business partners within a value chain in a uniform and conceptually scalable manner.
在项目之间,它可以通过统一的、概念上可升级的方式在价值链内部的业务单元和业务伙伴之间。 ibm

As China moves up the value chain, it will export cheaper products in new industries, such as cars.
随着中国在价值链上的攀升,将在新兴产业出口更便宜的产品,如汽车。 ecocn

However, if you have the wrong mix of investments in the value chain, then your business will continue to struggle regardless of the performance of your software development and delivery organization.
然而,如果您在价值链中拥有一组错误的投资混合,那么您的业务将继续在没有执行软件开发和交付组织的情况下进行。 ibm

I would like to note that the business model of Value Networks is almost free from the described problems associated with the Value Chain model.
我要说的是价值网络的业务模型几乎摆脱了上文所描述的价值链模型所面临的问题。 infoq

Once you have a handle on what’s happening up and down the value chain of your industry, it’s time to look at what your competitors are doing.
一旦你能驾驭发生在你的行业价值链上下的一切,接下来就到了该你看看竞争对手正在做什么的时候了。 yeeyan

So more trade with the BRICs and less with the rich world is a step down the value chain—the opposite of what China did as it grew richer.
因此,与金砖四国的贸易增加而与富裕国家的贸易减少是降低价值链的一步:中国变得愈加富裕,而非洲国家则愈加贫困。 ecocn

Some changes, such as automating a manual task, can reduce both efficiency and elapsed time, because they remove existing effort from the value chain.
有些更改,例如自动化一个手动任务,可以同时降低效率和逃逸时间,因为可以从价值链中删除已存在的工作量。 ibm

The choice will be influenced by selection of business partners in the value chain, emerging standards and pragmatics of a solution.
这种选择将会受到价值链中业务合作伙伴的选取、出现的标准和解决方案的语用学的影响。 ibm

The delivery of a mix of products and services to the end customer will mobilize different economic factors, each managing its own value chain.
由产品和服务的混合物传递到最终消费者将会使不同的经济因素流通,每个因素管理着它自己的价值链。 yeeyan

The information managed throughout your supply chain is made available for decision support as the IT governance and value chain components of the value stream require.
贯穿您的供应链的被管理的信息可以用于决定支持,作为 IT控制和价值流要求的价值链组成部分。 ibm

The preceding tutorials have explored the IT management value chain from the managed elements all the way up to the management applications.
本系列之前的教程已经对从托管元素一直到管理应用程序的 IT管理价值链进行了讨论。 ibm

This supply- chain integration level allows the organization to extend its influence into the value chain and into the service ecosystem.
此供应链集成级别允许组织将其影响扩展到价值链和服务生态系统中。 ibm

This condition contributes to a “misalignment” between business stakeholders and software delivery teams in both the value chain and the supply chain.
这种情况导致在业务出资方和软件交付团队之间存在两条不同的价值链和供应链。 ibm

This explains why organisations based on the Value Chain model usually have significant problems with SOA adoption.
这解释了为什么基于价值链模型的企业通常在实施 SOA时存在严重问题。 infoq

This is why the Value Chain model tends to set the governing policies tight enough to guarantee the ownership or, at least, direct control over all related resources and capabilities.
这就解释了为什么价值链模型总是设定足够紧密的治理政策来保证所有权,或者,至少直接控制所有相关的资源和能力。 infoq




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