

单词 valour
释义 val·our 英ˈvælə美ˈvælɚAHDvălʹər ☆☆☆☆☆高S八COCA¹²⁷³⁸¹BNC³²⁶³⁰iWeb²⁹⁹²⁰Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

the qualities of a hero or heroine; exceptional or heroic courage when facing danger especially in battle;

he showed great heroism in battle

he received a medal for valor

GRE难词记忆valour→val=to be strong 强大的+our→精神上强大→英勇GRE难词记忆valour→flavour n.味道,风味→给英勇的战士来一道美味 val=to be strong强大的+our→精神上强大⇒英勇近义词 pluck摘valor英勇spirit精神courage勇气bravery勇敢backbone脊骨boldness大胆valiancy骁勇gallantry勇气heroism勇敢的事迹fearlessness不畏惧valiancevaliant的名词形式…valorousnessvalorous的名词形…

用作名词Hisvalourin the war was seen by everybody.他在战争中的英勇人所共见。
Valour can do little without discretion .光英勇不谨慎,难成大事。
The general decorated the soldier forvalour.将军因该士兵作战骁勇而给他授勋。
Thatvalourwhich is not founded on prudence calls rashness.未经深思熟虑的勇武只能称作轻率。 A traveler can't be brought up in the broad smooth highway; a seaman full of valour and vigor can't be trained in the calm and unruffled sea.
平坦的大路培养不出出色的旅行家,风平浪静的海面锻炼不出勇猛的水手。 yeeyi

Also unto Shemaiah his son were sons born, that ruled throughout the house of their father: for they were mighty men of valour.
他的儿子示玛雅有几个儿子,都是大能的壮士,掌管父亲的家。 ebigear

And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him, and said unto him, The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valour.
耶和华的使者向基甸显现,对他说,大能的勇士阿,耶和华与你同在。 ebigear

And there fell of Benjamin eighteen thousand men; all these were men of valour.
便雅悯人死了的有一万八千,都是勇士。 ebigear

And to Semei his son were born sons, herds of their families: for they were men of great valour.
他的儿子舍玛雅所生的儿子,都为他们父家的主管,因为都是有力的勇士。 ccreadbible

And especially in the nights he went upon these expeditions, and the fame of his valour was spread abroad everywhere.
他为作战顺利,特别喜爱夜间进袭,因此他勇敢的声誉传遍各地。 ccreadbible

It is better to trust to valour than to luck.

It would be a happier night if elections were a test of valour and merit alone, but that is not for us to question now.
如果选举仅仅是一次对勇气和善行的考验,我们会更加欢乐——但这不是我们现在要考虑的事。 yeeyan

Opting for discretion rather than valour, he has also resisted the temptation to drive anywhere near the mess for a first-hand look.
而且经过审慎的考虑,我抵制住诱惑,不打算冒险开车去堵车现场一探究竟。 ecocn

The characteristics of Five-element Broadsword are: concise methods, prominent strength, swiftness and valour, practical skillful attack.
五行刀的特点是:方法简洁、劲力突出,快捷勇猛,技击实用。 yeedou

The Mongols have displaced you from your own houses, have taken your flocks and your land, seem to stand everywhere full of valour and success. Men call you women and cowards.
蒙古人强占了你的房子,夺取了你的家禽家畜以及你的土地,他们看起来无所不在且充满勇猛与兴旺,男人们都笑你是女人是懦夫。 douban

All these the sons of Jediael, by the heads of their fathers, mighty men of valour, were seventeen thousand and two hundred soldiers, fit to go out for war and battle.
这都是耶叠的儿子,都是族长,是大能的勇士。他们的子孙能上阵打仗的,共有一万七千二百人。 ebigear

And Zadok, a young man mighty of valour, and of his father's house twenty and two captains.
还有少年大能的勇士撒督,同着他的有族长二十二人。 ebigear

Colonel van Cortlandt was promoted to brigadier general following acts of valour at the Siege of Yorktown.
约克敦之围中的英勇表现使得范·科特兰上校晋升为准将。 clanlong

Fortitude is distinct from valour.
坚韧不拔有别于勇猛。 dj.client.iciba.com

He showed valour and skill on the battlefield.
他在战场上显得骁勇善战。 blog.sina.com.cn

I shall remember the virtues of Humility, Mercy, Justness, Honor, Sacrifice, Valour, Spirit and honesty by heart.
我将牢记谦卑、怜悯、公正、荣誉、牺牲、英勇、热情、诚实的美德。 kuenglish

If you can't have sumptuous play at a World Cup you at least need underdog valour and surprising outcomes to discuss in the pub.
既然在世界杯上打不出华丽的足球,那么你至少要拥有哀兵之勇,以及足成酒吧谈资的冷门结果。 yeeyan

In today's volatile markets, such discretion might prove the better part of valour.
在如今这多变的市场里,这种判断力可能是一种恰如其分的英勇。 ecocn

Once again, his bank decided discretion was the better part of valour.
日本央行再次选择了审慎而非冒进。 ecocn

Restores his heart: when valour preys on reason.
恢复了他的勇气:当勇猛掠夺了理智。 mosesenglish

So Joshua ascended from Gilgal, he, and all the people of war with him, and all the mighty men of valour.
于是约书亚和他一切兵丁,并大能的勇士,都从吉甲上去。 xddhy

Strength or valour is not a thing to be cultivated as you would cultivate a plant or a new breed.
力量或者英勇不是可以培养的东西,就像培养一株植物或者一个新品种那样。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn

The review will take several more months to complete. In the meantime, valour will have to remain its own reward.
这个过程将会花掉几个月的时间,在这段时间里,英勇行为只能先褒奖一下自己了。 ecocn




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