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Valles 基本例句 巴列斯 A few days after she left Mexico, Valles Garcia learned her mother's house had been ransacked. 在她离开墨西哥几天后,玛丽索•巴列斯听说她母亲的房子已经被洗劫了。 yeeyan Ara Pizza, is a newly opened fast food restaurant in Sant Quirze del Valles, 30 minutes away from Barcelona city center. 这是一家新开的快餐店,离巴塞罗那市中心只有半个小时的路程。 zhulong As the picture shows, you could drop the whole Los Angeles basin into a small part of Valles Marineris and leave plenty of room to spare. 如图所示,我们能把整个洛杉矶盆地放入其中,还有大量的富余空间。 xcstar Below is an image of the floor of a600- mile long canyon called Ius Chasma, which is part of the Valles Marineris, the largest known canyon system in the solar system. 长约600英里的尤斯峡谷 Ius Chasma,是水手号峡谷一部分,是太阳系中已知最大的峡谷,暗色岩石是原来的熔岩流。 yeeyan The Valles Marineris is as long as the US is wide, and in places reaches10km deep. 水手山谷系火星上的一个峡谷系和美国国土同宽,有的峡谷深度高达10千米。 yeeyan To give the mosaic depth and height, movie makers fitted it to a computerized topographic model for Valles Marineris. 那么怎么给拼接图赋予深度、高度呢?视频制作者对水手谷进行了电脑地形模型拟合。 xcstar Also, the Valles Marineris; a vast set of canyons7km deep at its maximum, spreading4000km. 此外,水手谷,一个巨大的峡谷,在其成立7公里,最高深,传播四千公里。 lamost But Moggi insisted over the weekend: “ I have not heard anything lately from the Della Valles. I do not know if they need something from Juventus.” 但是莫吉整个周末都在狡辩:“直到现在还没有听说来自德拉-瓦莱的任何消息。不知道他们是否需要尤文的球员。” juveftp.88.vtdns.com Gunmen killed a local official and his son last weekend as Valles prepared to start her job. 而就在上周 Valles刚刚准备就任警长的时候,当地的一名官员和他的儿子被持枪者打死了。 yeeyan In terms of the total vertical profile exposed and the low elevation, Gale offers attractions similar to Mars' famous Valles Marineris, the largest canyon in the solar system. 从目前所能观察到的整体垂直剖面结构和低海拔的特点来看,盖尔陨坑的科研魅力与太阳系中最大的峡谷——著名的水手峡谷不相上下。 yeeyan Large rhyolitic volcanoes exist in the Yellowstone region of Wyoming, in Long Valley, California, and in Valles, New Mexico. 大量的流纹岩火山存在于怀俄明州的黄石国家公园区域,在加利福尼亚狭长的峡谷中,还有新墨西哥的瓦勒斯。 huaxia-ng The idealistic criminology student's rise to police chief in one of Mexico's most violent areas thrust Valles Garcia into the international spotlight. 这位主修犯罪学的理想主义者的学生升任墨西哥最暴力地区的警长后就进入了国际媒体的视野。 yeeyan Valles Garcia is devastated that she can't go home, and disappointed she couldn't finish her three- year term as police chief of the small town where she was born and raised. 玛丽索•巴列斯对她不能回到家乡感到身心憔悴,也为她没有完成她出生和长大的小镇的3年的警长任期而失望。 但是,她对她的成就依然很自豪。 yeeyan Valles Garcia hoped the same circumstances that made so many young people fall prey to drug cartels' offers of making easy money would bolster her police force's success. 玛丽索•巴列斯希望在贩毒组织吸引青少年去挣容易的钱的这样的环境下,用这样的方式使青少年能支撑起她所带领的警察队伍的成功。 yeeyan Valles Garcia knew it was only a matter of time before they closed in. 巴列斯·加西娅明白了他们的到来只是时间问题。 yeeyan |