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词汇 valjean
释义 valjeanCOCA⁹⁰⁰¹⁸BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
At this word, Jean Valjean, who was dejected and seemed overwhelmed, raised his head with an air of stupefaction.
冉阿让先头好象是垂头丧气的,听了这称呼,忽然抬起头来,露出大吃一惊的神气。 ebigear

It was this operation which had caused him to execute the peculiar movements observed from the shed by Jean Valjean.
冉阿让先头在棚子里注意到的那种特殊动作,正是他干这活的动作。 ebigear

It was evident that they had Jean Valjean before their eyes.
立在众人眼前的是冉阿让,这已很显明了。 ebigear

Jean Valjean pointed to his arm in its sling, charged Basque to explain his absence, and went away.
冉阿让向他指着自己吊着绷带的手臂,托他解释他缺席的原因,就出去了。 ebigear

Nevertheless, Jean Valjean did not reappear in the open air without profound anxiety.
冉阿让回到了自由的空气里,其实他心里仍怀着深重的忧虑。 ebigear

The hand which had seized him from behind and whose grasp he had felt at the moment of his fall and his loss of consciousness was that of Jean Valjean.
当他摔倒的时候,一只手从后面紧抱住他,虽已失去知觉,他仍能感到是被抓住了,这只手是冉阿让的。 ebigear

“ They are yours,” interrupted Jean Valjean.
“这钱是您的。”冉阿让插了一句。 ebigear

“Why, no,” said Jean Valjean.
“不冷嘛!”冉阿让说。 ebigear

Alas! How many times have we beheld Jean Valjean seized bodily by his conscience, in the darkness, and struggling desperately against it!
可叹的是,我们见到多少次冉阿让在黑暗中被自己的良心所擒,不顾死活地和它搏斗。 ebigear

But what was he, Jean Valjean, to do with this happiness, now that it existed, now that it was there?
但这个幸福,现在既已存在,并且就在眼前,他冉阿让将如何对待? ebigear

Certainly, if Jean Valjean had had a kingdom, he would have given it for a rope at that moment.
的确,在这关头,冉阿让假使有一个王国,他也会拿来换一根绳子的。 ebigear

He has escaped; we are in search of him-- that Jean Valjean; you have not seen him?
他逃走了,我们正在找他。那个叫冉阿让的家伙,您没有看见他吗? ebigear

His preoccupation must indeed have been very profound for him not to insist on this alarming rescue through the sewer, and for him not to even notice Jean Valjean's silence after his question.
他的心事一定很重,因而他一点也没有追究这个使人不安的从阴沟里把人救出来的事,也没有注意到冉阿让对他的问话默不作答。 ebigear

It sometimes happened that Jean Valjean clasped her tiny red hand, all cracked with chilblains, and kissed it.
有时,冉阿让捏着她的一只冻到发红发裂的小手,送到嘴边亲一亲。 ebigear

It would almost be true to say that there existed for Jean Valjean neither sun, nor fine summer days, nor radiant sky, nor fresh April dawns.
我们几乎可以说,对冉阿让,无所谓太阳,无所谓春秋佳日,无所谓晴空,无所谓四月天的清凉晓色。 ebigear

Jean Valjean, who was seated apart on a stone post, at the corner of the tavern, with his gun between his knees, had, up to that moment, taken no part in anything that was going on.
冉阿让坐在较远的一块界石上,在小酒店的转角处,双腿夹着他的枪,直至目前为止,他一点也没有过问所发生的这些事。 ebigear

Jean Valjean, a thoughtful man, and given to nocturnal strolls, often returned quite late at night.
冉阿让是个喜欢思索和夜游的人,他常常要到夜深才回家。 ebigear

Jean Valjean, with the gentleness of movement which a brother would exercise towards his wounded brother, deposited Marius on the banquette of the sewer.
冉阿让用长兄对受伤弟弟那样轻柔的动作,把马吕斯放在阴沟里的长凳上。 ebigear

Jean Valjean, without replying, helped the insurgent whom he was saving to don his uniform.
冉阿让一言不发,帮助他救下的那个起义者穿上他的制服。 ebigear

Jean Valjean continued to advance, supporting the dying man, who was, perhaps, a corpse.
冉阿让仍继续往前走,举着这个垂死的人,这也可能是具尸体了。 ebigear

Jean Valjean could glide along close to the houses on the dark side, and yet keep watch on the light side.
冉阿让可以隐在阴暗的一边,顺着房屋和墙壁朝前走,同时窥伺着明亮的一面。 ebigear

Jean Valjean did not hesitate for an instant. Unexpected as was this encounter, this man was known to him.
冉阿让一刻也不犹豫,相遇虽然如此突然,但他认得这个人。 ebigear

Jean Valjean had continued this practice; he had come to converse well; he possessed the secret riches and the eloquence of a true and humble mind which has spontaneously cultivated itself.
我们记得,马德兰先生读过不少书,冉阿让仍不断阅读,他因而获得谈话的能力。他知识丰富,有一个谦虚、真诚、有修养的人从自我教育中得来的口才。 ebigear

Let us not go too far, however; in what concerns Jean Valjean, this forgetfulness and obliteration were merely superficial.
然而我们也不必过多地去追究、对冉阿让,这种忘怀和删除只是表面的。 ebigear

Nevertheless, that night Jean Valjean felt that he was passing through his final combat.
然而这一夜,冉阿让感到他打的是最后一仗。 ebigear

Once more, Jean Valjean had the choice between the terrible port and the smiling ambush.
冉阿让又一次要在可怕的避风港和诱人的陷阱这两者之间作出选择。 ebigear

One morning, this spy saw Jean Valjean, with an air which struck the old gossip as peculiar, entering one of the uninhabited compartments of the hovel.
有一天早晨,这个蓄意窥探的老婆子看见冉阿让走进这座破屋的一间没有人住的房里去了,觉得他的神气有些特别。 ebigear

Then Jean Valjean, like all the sorry fugitives who are seeking to evade the vigilance of the law and social fatality, pursued an obscure and undulating itinerary.
这之后冉阿让和所有那些企图逃避法网和社会追击的穷途末路的人一样,走上了一条隐蔽迂回的道路。 ebigear

There Jean Valjean halted, let Marius slide to the ground, placed his back against the wall, and cast his eyes about him.
冉阿让在这儿止了步,把马吕斯轻轻地放在地上,他紧靠着墙并用目光四面扫视。 ebigear

Those who were on his track had evidently lost the scent, and Jean Valjean believed himself to be out of danger.
搜索他的那几个人显然迷失方向了,冉阿让自以为脱离了危险。 ebigear




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