

单词 valise
释义 va·lise 英vəˈliːs美vəˈlisAHDvə-lēsʹ 高COCA³⁷³⁹³BNC⁷⁵⁸¹³iWeb⁵⁵⁰³⁴
a small overnight bag for short trips词源不详,可能来自拉丁语valere,强健的,词源同valiant,以此命名,寓意结实耐用之义。近义词 bag袋grip紧握case例子luggage行李baggage行李suitcase手提箱portmanteau旅行皮包

用作名词After ransacking hisvalise, they discover he is French.搜查了他的手提箱后,他们发现他是法国人。
Her father rummaged in thevalisehe had been carrying.她的父亲在随身的施行包里到处翻着。noun.luggage
同义词 bag,baggage,carry-on,grip,gripsack,haversack,portmanteau,satchel,suitcase
briefcasenoun carrier for work papers
carry onnoun small suitcase
bag,baggage,luggage,overnight bag,satchel,suitcase,valise
luggagenoun bag, suitcase
baggage,carry-on,case,fortnighter,gear,impedimenta,paraphernalia,suit bag,things,tote bag,trunk,valise
portfolionoun flat case for transporting papers
attaché case,bag,brief bag,briefcase,case,container,envelope,folder,notebook,valise
portfoliosnoun flat case for transporting papers
attaché cases,bags,brief bags,briefcases,cases,containers,envelopes,folders,notebooks,valises
portmanteaunoun suitcase
bag,gladstone,luggage,valise As he removed them from the valise, he laid them on the bed.
他一边取出衣物,一边放在床上。 ebigear

The single storied master suite becomes an intimate walnut valise, retreating from the exposed glass living room.
单层主人套房核桃成为亲密的手提箱,从暴露的玻璃客厅撤退。 dndci.com

When the train started off, he took down his valise and extracted, after some hesitation, the first volume of The Thousand and One Nights.
列车起动后,他打开箱子,犹豫一下之后,取出《一千零一夜》的第一册。 douban

A valise lacking straps.
一只么有带子的手提包。 qnenglish.com

A valise without straps.
一只没有带子的手提包。 tingroom

After ransacking his valise, they discover he is French.

Grabbing a valise of Swiss bank books, Arroyo made for the rear door and his ever- ready Lear jet.
阿罗约抓起一提箱瑞士钞票从后门跑掉,上了一直待命的利尔喷气机。 douban

He shoved the last few remaining things. he had laid out into his valise and snapped it with a vengeance.
他把已经找出来的最后几件东西一下子塞进旅行箱,怒冲冲地啪地关上盖子。 xddhy

He went to this table with a sort of vivacity, took a key from his pocket, and opened the valise.
他迅速走向圆桌,从口袋中取出一把钥匙,把小箱子打开。 ebigear

I believe that there is a little valise to which you are attached, I have fixed upon a corner of honor for that.
我想,还有一只您所珍视的小提箱,我已给它选定了一个体面的角落。 ycwb

I just need a thin valise.
我仅仅需要一只薄薄的手提箱。 blog.sina.com.cn

My wants were few and simple, so that in less than the time stated I was in a cab with my valise, rattling away to Paddington Station.
我只需要携带几件简单的生活必需品,所以不到半小时我就带着我的旅行包上了出租马车,车声辚辚地驶向帕丁顿车站。 voiceofgb




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