

单词 validity
释义 va·lid·i·ty 英və'lɪdɪtɪ美və'lɪdəti ☆☆☆☆☆高六IT四八COCA⁵⁶⁰⁵BNC⁵⁰⁵⁴iWeb⁷⁰⁹⁷Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

the quality of being valid and rigorousthe quality of having legal force or effectivenessthe property of being strong and healthy in constitution词根词缀: -val-强壮,价值 + -id形容词词尾 + -ity名词词尾content validity内容的正确性…criterion validity效标效度validity test有效检验face validity测验题的表面效度…universal validity普遍有效性data validity数据有效性period of validity有效期validity checker有效性检验程序…validity of ticket客票有效期限…validity coefficient效度系数internal validity内在效度,固定效力…domain of validity有效性域validity check有效性检查,效果检验…term of validity有效期间validity of contract契约效力empirical validity经验效度,经验的正确…predictive validity预测效度validity problem永真问题
valid-ity表状态名词后缀→结果是有效的、正当的⇒validity n.有效,合法性,正式的认可来自valid有效的-ity表名词→有效性近义词 proof证明truth事实force武力power力量rigor严格virtue美德weight重量rigour严格justice公平legality合法strength力气certainty确定cogency说服力authority权力soundness健康validness正当lustiness活泼hardiness大胆legitimacy合法robustness强度rationality理性accuracy准确性authenticity真实性lawfulness合法法定

用作名词The judge did not question thevalidityof my statement.法官对我的陈述的合法性没有表示怀疑。
The experimental results demonstrate thevalidityof this approach.实验结果说明了该方法的有效性。
We had doubts about thevalidityof their argument.我们对他们的论点的正确性有过怀疑。noun.(genuineness, lawfulness
同义词 effectiveness,efficacy,gravity,legality,legitimacy,potency,soundness,substanceauthority,cogency,force,foundation,grounds,persuasiveness,point,power,punch,right,strength,validness,weight
反义词 ineffectiveness,uselessness,weakness,impotence,incompetence,lethargyinvalidity
authenticitynoun genuineness
believabilitynoun verisimilitude
certaintynoun positive assurance
all sewn up,authoritativeness,belief,certitude,cinch,confidence,conviction,credence,definiteness,dogmatism,faith,firmness,indubitableness,inevitability,lock,open and shut case,positiveness,positivism,rain or shine,setup,shoo-in,staunchness,steadiness,stock,sure bet,sure thing,sureness,surety,trust,validity,wrap-up
cogencynoun effectiveness
credibilitynoun believeableness
crediblenessnoun believableness
believability,credibility,creditability,creditableness,plausibility,plausibleness,reliability,reliableness,trustworthiness,validity,validness,verisimilitude And there is some argument there that has some validity to it.
有些论据 说明这样做有一定的正确性。 ibm

Does this argument satisfy the definition of validity or does it not?

The problem is not the ease of access to information, but that Web users cannot always interpret this information and assess its validity.
问题不是信息通道的便捷性,而是网络使用者并不总能理解这些信息,并评估其有效性。 yeeyan

Actually these are a pretty good test of your understanding of validity because when you see those two arguments, the paradoxes of entailment, must be valid.

Although data protection provides the ability to regenerate data on a failure, it says nothing about the validity of the data in the first place.
虽然数据保护提供了在故障时重新生成数据的能力,但是这并不涉及处于第一位的数据的有效性。 ibm

But a more interesting question is how far the first explanation for the growth of values politics in Europe—that it reflects the influence and activism of religious groups— has any validity.
不过,一个更有意思的问题是,有关欧洲价值观政治成长原因的第一种解释——它反映出宗教团体的影响力和积极精神——又有多大的正确性。 ecocn

But the main reason they share there is to share, not to recommend the validity of a link in case someone searches for something similar.
但他们分享的主要原因只是因为他们想要分享,而不是想推荐这个正确的链接以确保不会有人搜索到相似的东西。 yeeyan

By encrypting the information, it ensures the confidentiality of that information, for both the identity and the validity of the token.
通过对信息进行加密,它可以确保该信息的机密性,包括标识和令牌的有效性。 ibm

If a new primary use is anticipated for a component, consider whether this creates a new trust boundary and a need for additional validity checking outside the component.
如果希望组件提供新的主要用途,请考虑这是否会创建新的信任边界和带来在组件外进行额外有效性检查的需求。 ibm

In order for parametric models to have any validity they must be based on or proven using actual project data.
为了参数的模型具备有效性,他们就必须基于或者被证明为是使用精确的项目数据的。 ibm

OK, I have to ask: How certain are you about the validity of your research?
好吧,我要问一下:对于你研究的有效性,你有多确定? yeeyan

One London lawyer says he has been inundated by requests from clients asking about the validity of contracts.
一名伦敦的律师说他已经应付不过来那些前来打听合同有效性的客户。 ecocn

One reason is that scientists seem likely to argue about the validity of her work.
其中一个原因是科学家们似乎会争论她的工作的有效性。 ecocn

Other validity classes should be listed in the tuple.
其它有效性类应该列在该元组中。 ibm

Relativism is the concept that points of view have no absolute truth or validity.
相对主义的概念是指一个观点不会是绝对的真理或正确。 www.youfind.com.cn

So I claim you accept my claim about the truth values and you accept my claim about validity.

So that satisfies the definition of validity.

Spend time making sure you ask the right questions, and consider the issues of reliability and validity.
花些时间确定好您所要问的问题并同时思考可靠性和有效性的问题。 yeeyan

This reduces the total programming effort by reducing the amount of effort spent in writing database control logic, while ensuring the consistency and validity of the data.
这不仅省去了编写数据库控制逻辑的工作量,同时也保证了数据的一致性与正确性,从而降低了总的编程量。 ibm

This study provides initial evidence supporting the validity of the assessment.
这项调查为评估的正确性提供的有力的证据。 yeeyan

Today I have gotten started with validity and truth looking for distinctions between them.

Typically, though, a mission- critical application does not rely on public data sources because of concerns about availability and data validity.
但是,考虑到数据的可用性和有效性,任务关键型应用程序一般都不依赖于公共数据源。 ibm

What makes up validity?
什么构成了有效性? ibm

Whatever tools are used must assure this validity as part of the creation and maintenance process.
无论使用哪些工具,都必须确保作为创建和维护进程一部分的这种有效性。 ibm

When analyzing test results, we need to examine the validity and reliability of the test results.
在分析测试结果时,我们需要检查测试结果的有效性和可靠性。 ibm

While each of these might have some validity, in many cases the same general comments may also apply to many of the other projects you work on.
尽管其中每个问题可能具有某些正确性,但是在许多情况下,一般性评论还可能适用于您从事的其他项目。 ibm




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