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词汇 valentino
释义 valentino
瓦伦蒂诺; n.;瓦伦蒂诺;世界著名的意大利时装品牌另一个译名是华伦天奴
Often a parody of what people think of as silent movie acting, Valentino became an exotic heart-throb with gleaming eyes and flaring nostrils, in The Sheik, Blood and Sand and Monsieur Beaucaire.
除了诙谐的演技深入人心外,瓦伦蒂诺还是一个拥有迷人双眼、张开鼻翼的拉丁美男子。 他相继出演了一系列影片《沙漠情酋》、《与血与沙》、《博凯尔先生》等。 yeeyan

This special edition Lambo was named after Valentino Balboni, who retired in2008 as chief test driver after spending40 years getting paid to pilot new Lamborghinis.
这辆特别版的蛮牛是因 Valentino Balboni而命名的。 Valentino Balboni在他2008年以首席试车员职务退休前,当了40年的兰博基尼新车试车员。 yeeyan

Even the funeral of silent film star Rudolph Valentino in New York in 1926 drew 40,000 fans.
甚至1926年在纽约为无声电影明星鲁道夫•瓦伦蒂诺举办的葬礼也只有4万名粉丝前往。 hjenglish

Fashion experts agreed that Aniston's metallic Valentino gown easily outshone Jolie's dreary black dress.

For sure Valentino doesn’t do this for himself, he just wants to show to everybody that he has apologised.
当然了,罗西这样做也不是自私,他只是告诉大家他道歉了。 yeeyan

Given his penchant for fast motorbikes he owns a Kawasaki, Valentino Rossi may have been more apt.
虽然他对摩托飞车情有独钟他拥有一台川崎牌摩托,但罗西可能对此更加在行。 yeeyan

He grabbed public attention with an investigation into the tax affairs of one of the country's best- known sporting figures, Valentino Rossi, a motorcyclist.
他还通过对国内最有名的一位体育界人物,摩托车手—瓦伦蒂诺·罗西的税收调查吸引了公众的注意。 ecocn

In a country where, even the police uniforms are designed by Valentino and footballers are kitted out by Mr. Armani, Italians consider it essential to look good pretty much from birth.

Linear Valentino dress, style casual nature, the two dress with spaghetti straps to give more sense of relief.
有线条感的瓦伦蒂诺礼服,有这自然的随意的风格,有着细肩带的两个礼服可以减轻这种感觉。 yeeyan

Permira, a private- equity firm which bought the Valentino fashion house in 2007 for€5.3 billion, is another cautionary tale.
2007年私人投资公司珀米拉用5.3亿欧元购买了华伦天奴时装店事件则是另外一个警告。 ecocn

Today, Adriana Bertini’s cocktail dress, modeled on a sixties-era Valentino dresses, is made from1,200 hand- dyed condoms.
日前,阿德里安娜·贝尔蒂尼的礼裙在六十年代风格华伦天奴女裙中展示,它由1200只手工染色的避孕套制成。 yeeyan

Working with Valentino is one of the most exciting things for every engineer, and it’s good to know we will have this great opportunity next season.
和他工作的技师,没有一个不激动。下个赛季能和他合作,太棒了。 yeeyan

Valentino is trying to renegotiate its debt and Permira has reportedly written down its investment by roughly half.
华伦天奴一直尝试重新商谈其债务情况,同时据报道珀米拉则只写下大概一半的投资额。 ecocn

Valentino, a famous Italian actor— nicknamed“the Latin Lover” — impulsively married the American actress in1919.
瓦伦蒂诺,人称“拉丁情人”,是意大利著名演员。1919年,他与美国女演员简.阿克冲动地结了婚。 yeeyan

Valentino— an expat American who flies often—then did the same exercise and found that if the whole world adopted his lifestyle, we'd require more than five planet Earths.
瓦伦蒂诺是一位移居海外的美国人,他常飞来飞去。 他也做了相同的测试,并发现如果全世界的人都按他的方式生活,我们将需要5个以上的地球才能满足需求。 yeeyan

Valentino and her colleagues analyzed the brains of rats as they responded to a swim stress test, aimed to trigger the release of the CRF hormone.
瓦伦蒂诺和她的同事们对测试了老鼠在游泳是对紧张的反应,并分析了老鼠的大脑,目标在于触发 CRF激素的释放。 yeeyan

Valentino's research focuses on corticotropin- releasing factor CRF, a hormone released in the brain in responses to stress, in both humans and rats.
瓦伦蒂诺的研究侧重于促肾上腺皮质激素的释放因子 CRF, 它是人类和老鼠的大脑在对紧张反应时所释放的一种激素。 yeeyan




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