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词汇 valencia
释义 valencia 英vəˈlenʃiə美vəˈlɛnʃiə, -tʃə, -siə BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
At two o’clock, he got his next number: the delivery of a giant stack of boxes to an address in Valencia.
两点钟的时候,他又接到了一个新任务,送一个特大号的箱子去巴伦西亚的一个地方。 ecocn

For two months, Valencia did not take on left-backs, too often playing it safe and laying the ball off.
两个月以来,瓦伦西亚并没有经常与对方左后卫直接交锋,而是常常踢得小心翼翼最后丢球。 yeeyan

The Valencia case, whose first, investigatory phase is expected to take six months, is being joined by similar ones in the Basque Country, Madrid, Catalonia, Andalusia and the Canary Islands.
巴伦西亚案件第一阶段即调查阶段可能需要六个月之久,已有各地相似经历的民众参加,他们分别来自巴斯克县、马德里、加泰罗尼亚、安大路西亚和加那利群岛。 yeeyan

There was a thoughtful tone to a United selection that had both Ryan Giggs and Antonio Valencia on the bench while the industrious Park Ji-sung was accommodated.
本场比赛,将赖安·吉格斯和安东尼奥·瓦伦西亚坐在替补席而安排能拼搏的朴智星上场,曼联主教练明显有着自己的考虑。 yeeyan

When Juan Roig, the chairman, took over in 1981, Mercadona had only eight shops, all in Valencia.
1981年,胡安.罗伊上任主席,任职之初,梅尔卡多纳仅有8间店铺,并且全部都在巴伦西亚。 ecocn

“ Sorry is a little word, an easy word,” The Guardian newspaper quoted Mancini as saying at Valencia airport, where the team was on the way to its Champions League game at Villarreal on Wednesday.
“对不起是一个再简单不过的词了,”曼奇尼在瓦伦西亚机场如是说道,他的球队将从这里出发出征周三与比利亚雷亚尔的冠军联赛。 yeeyan

“It's different in terms of the context of China rising and Japan in bit of a travail both economically and politically,” said Mark Valencia, a fellow at the National Asia Research Program.
“从中国崛起的大环境和处于经济和政治上经历阵痛的日本,双方的感受也是不一样的。”国立亚洲研究课程的研究员马克巴伦西亚说。 yeeyan

According to the People, he has made Valencia midfielder Mata one of his top transfer targets.
据《人民报》消息,曼奇尼已经将瓦伦西亚中场球员马塔视为头号转会目标。 yeeyan

Barca's current roaming front three of Messi, Pedro and David Villa are nominally wingers, and even Villa, the “ striker” brought in from Valencia, often plays in a wide position.
巴萨目前的前场三叉戟梅西、佩德罗和比利亚名义上是边锋,即使是以“前锋”名义引进的瓦伦西亚球员比利亚,也经常游弋于各个位置。 yeeyan

Barca, you'll remember, got its tactics wrong at the start in a sort of4-3-3 with Dani Alves pushing high up; it ended in a spirited2-2 draw with Valencia.
巴萨,你可能会记得,在开局433阵型上的战术失误,使得阿尔维斯解围不当导致最终被巴伦西亚2比2逼平。 yeeyan

Both Schalke04 and Valencia want to reach the next round and have very good players.
沙尔克04和巴伦西亚都想晋级下一轮欧冠,他们都有很多好球员。 yeeyan

Both Schalke04 and Valencia want to reach the next round and have very good players. I wish them both the best.
沙尔克04和巴伦西亚都想晋级下一轮欧冠,他们都有很多好球员。我祝他们都好运吧。 yeeyan

Cronin's bubbles are never going to be truly life-like until they carry something like DNA to drive self- replication and evolution, says Manuel Porcar of the University of Valencia in Spain.
西班牙巴伦西亚大学的曼纽尔-波尔卡说:“克罗宁研制的金属细胞泡沫目前还不能说完全具备生命特征,除非这些细胞可以携带类似 DNA的物质,可驱动自我繁殖和进化。”

Despite their financial issues, Barcelona have been pursuing Arsenal star Fabregas for some time and recently signed Spain striker David Villa from Valencia.
尽管面临财政危机,巴萨仍然在追求阿森纳核心法布雷加斯,并且已经从瓦伦西亚签下了西班牙前锋大卫比利亚。 yeeyan

Dr Jayanthi reported results at the international Society for Tennis Medicine and Science World Congress in Valencia, Spain.
Jayanthi博士向西班牙巴伦西亚国际网球协会医学和科学世界大学报告了这个结果。 yeeyan

Father Fernando, an ex- police officer, took a job as a security guard at Valencia when his son was there and now lives in England with his wife and son to satisfy David's craving for family life.
老爸费尔南多以前是个警官,席尔瓦在瓦伦西亚的时候,他在那做警卫,现在他跟老婆孩子住在英格兰,要知道大卫可是个非常恋家的人。 yeeyan

Giggs, Valencia, Carrick, Anderson, Nani and Scholes have all found the mark this term.
吉格斯,瓦伦西亚,卡里克,安德森,纳尼和斯科尔斯都在这段期间找到了自己的位置。 yeeyan

He is helped by the fact that the PP has its own problems—especially long- running scandals that have tarnished its reputation in strongholds like Madrid and Valencia.
他得益于这样一个事实,即人民党自身的问题----尤其是经常爆出各种丑闻,这些丑闻让人民党在马德里和巴伦西亚这些中心地区名誉扫地。 ecocn

He was the creator with an inviting pass that set Valencia free on the angle of the penalty area.
他是一个创造者,他的传球解放了巴伦西亚在大禁区边缘的作用。 yeeyan

I enjoyed six years at Valencia, they discovered me as a footballer and they will always be a special club for me.
我在瓦伦西亚的六年过得很愉快,他们培养了我。对我来说,瓦伦西亚将永远是一个特殊的球队。 yeeyan

I reviewed the game against Valencia today and if our opponents do things well is because they are good, not necessarily because we made mistakes.
我又会看了一遍对阵瓦伦西亚的比赛,如果我们的对手发挥出色,只是因为对手发挥出色而已,而不是因为我们犯了什么错。 goalhi

In the back of his Bentley, somewhere between Barcelona and Valencia, apparently.
显然是在巴塞罗那和巴伦西亚间的某个地方,在他的宾利跑车的后排座位上。 ecocn

In Turkey, no one ever looked like challenging him, while at the all- new Valencia circuit he led from start to finish.
在土耳其,没有人看起来能够挑战他,接着在全新的瓦伦西亚赛道,他从起步开始领跑至终点。 yeeyan

In Valencia a general decreed martial law and sent tanks on to the streets.
在巴伦西亚,一位将军颁布了戒严令,并在街上布置了坦克。 ecocn

Luckily for United's title rivals, not every defence will be as obliging as Wigan's once Rooney had headed in Antonio Valencia's cross for the opening goal.
对曼联的夺冠竞争者来说,幸运的一点是,并非所有的防守者都和维冈的后卫一样温柔,鲁尼很轻松地穿了安东尼·瓦伦西亚的档打入首球。 yeeyan

Others see the guards as dangerous. Maritime policy analyst Mark Valencia says he opposes“armed guards and armed resistance for commercial vessels because of the dangers to ship and crew involved”.
另一些人认为带护卫队也是危险的,海事政策分析家马克·瓦伦西亚说他反对商船上带武装安防人员,并且反对武装反抗,因为这对船只和卷入武装反抗的船员都是危险的。 yeeyan

Potential rivals, including the regional presidents of Madrid and Valencia, Esperanza Aguirre and Francisco Camps, are too busy limiting local damage to plot against him.
包括马德里市长埃斯佩兰萨•阿基瑞和巴伦西亚市市长弗朗西斯科•坎普在内的潜在对手们太忙于减少当地的损害而无法策划打败他。 ecocn

Silva loved his time with former club Valencia and he is fully focused on helping bring success to City.
席尔瓦热爱之前的俱乐部,瓦伦西亚,并将全力以赴地为曼城带来成功。 yeeyan

The only uncapped player was Valencia defender Jordi Alba.
唯一非国家队队员是巴伦西亚俱乐部后卫佐迪阿尔巴。 yeeyan

The Valencia rematch is being held on the25th anniversary of that match, which ended in a draw because officials feared for the health of both competitors.
在瓦伦西亚的重赛是为了庆祝那场比赛25周年而举办的,当时由于主办方担心两位选手的身体健康,以平局强行终止了那场比赛。 yeeyan

Valencia was flying from the first minute, even scoring four minutes from the end, a moment that will swell his confidence even more.
瓦伦西亚从比赛第一分钟起就健步如飞,还在比赛结束前四分钟打进一球,这一时刻会让他信心大涨。 yeeyan




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