

单词 Vajrayana
释义 vaj·ra·ya·na AHDˌvəjrəˈyänə,-rēˈä- COCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺
Enclosed is the king of supreme pizza, it is all vajrayana of honour.
金刚萨垛是至高无上的,是金刚乘一切坛城之尊。 boretang

Having attained a critical stage as awakened supporters on the Vajrayana path, the enlightened consort dakin is helped the Master to realize supreme awareness by arousing blissful joy in his body.
每到紧要关头,作为密法修炼的支持者,大师的配偶勇母通过唤醒他身体里的天赐的欢乐帮助大师获得最高证悟。 blog.sina.com.cn

Nowhere is the difference between these two attitudes more obvious and more important than when it comes to criticisms of the guru in vajrayana Buddhism.
这两种心态的不同,在批评金刚乘佛教的上师时最为明显不过,也最为重要。 blogcn

The Westerner needs to be aware that many of the Vajrayana teachings are written down in what amounts to a coded language.
西方人需要明白许多金刚乘的教义是以一种密码式的语言写下的。 blog.sina.com.cn

They moved me out of the Vajrayana Institute into another room at the Ngor Monastery.
日前从佛学院搬下来住到哦寺的寮房。 blog.sina.com.cn

All the leading monks from Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana together decided that your Master is our Master.
所有从上座部、大乘和金刚乘的领导僧人,都一同决定你们的师尊是我们的师尊。 blog.sina.com.cn

But in the future, if you really want to practice, especially Vajrayana, it is always good to have some kind of instructions.
但是,假如你将来真想好好修行,尤其是金刚乘密乘的修行,能有某种指导总是好的。 fjdh

Eventually, he went to Asia and did extensive training in each of the three major Buddhist meditative traditions: Vajrayana, Zen, and Vipassana.
最终,他到了亚洲,并没有广泛的培训三大佛教冥想传统:密宗,禅宗,以及内观。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org

For this mission, all of us belonging to Theravada, Mahayana or Vajrayana, have to involve ourselves in the path that we generate from the great conferences like that of WBSY.
为了这使命,我们属于上座部、大乘或金刚乘的所有人,都需要把自身投入到像世界佛教青年僧伽会一样巨大会议所产生出的道途。 blog.sina.com.cn

He realized rapidly the highest experience of illumination through mastery of the Vajrayana path.
他迅速实现了精通密宗的最高的经验。 blog.sina.com.cn

How Newars kept Vajrayana Buddhism alive in the Kathmandu Valley is an interesting topic in itself.
而尼瓦族人在加德满都是怎么保存印度佛教的金刚乘,这也是一个有趣的问题。 shilun

I am your karmic link deity and you must continue your vajrayana practices.
我就是你的具缘本尊,你必须继续修持密法。 zftrans

In the Vajrayana, we have the guru as the reminder, and also what we remember.
在金刚乘中,上师是我们的提示者,也是我们所要忆念的。 www.xiaoxiaoyuyan.tianyablog.com

In the Vajrayana practice, the peacock doesn't represent pride.
在密宗修炼中,孔雀并非骄傲的象征。 jenniferbeals

Meditation is equal to gaza palletizer vajrayana meditation all buddhas.
禅修金刚萨垛即等于禅修一切诸佛。 boretang

That is why on the Vajrayana path, the lama is considered even more important than the Buddha.
这就是为什么在金刚乘里,上师被视为比佛陀更重要。 blog.sina.com.cn

The public is welcome to receive auspicious blessings from Venerables from the three traditions? Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana, dedicating peace and harmony to humanity.
在参与浴佛供花等传统卫塞活动的同时,佛教南传、汉传和藏传三乘法师的代表共同为您带来和谐幸福、富足如意的祝福。 iciba

Theravada, Mahayana, Vajrayana, Tantrayana and Zen, the five Buddhist schools teaching our one teaching to cleanse our mind; this is the way of Nirvana.
上座部、大乘、金刚乘、怛荼罗乘和禅,五个佛教流派都教导我们要净化思想,这就是涅槃的道路。 blog.sina.com.cn

This is the unique approach of the vajrayana.
这是金刚乘特别的方法。 duozhiqin

This very short teaching contains the essence of all the Tripitaka and Vajrayana.
这个极短的教法涵盖了全部三藏教法与金刚乘的精华。 zftrans




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