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词汇 vagaries
释义 va·ga·ry 英'veɪgərɪ美'veɪgərɪ 高COCA²⁶⁵⁷⁶BNC²⁰³⁷⁵iWeb²⁷⁵⁹³Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
an unexpected and inexplicable change in something in a situation or a person's behavior, etc.;

the vagaries of the weather

his wealth fluctuates with the vagaries of the stock market

he has dealt with human vagaries for many years

来自拉丁语vagus, 漫游,偏离,引申词义变幻莫测。近义词 mood心情vapor蒸汽quirk怪癖notion观念whimsy怪念头whim一时的兴致fancy华丽装饰的caprice反复无常
同义词 quirk,whimcrotchet,fancy,humor,idea,impulse,inconsistency,inconstancy,notion,whimsyfool notion It is not just traders, petty or great, who need cash for inventories. Households riding out the vagaries of harvests and the public- distribution system need plenty too.
不只是大小商贩需要现金进货,各户人家不能光靠没有定数的粮食收成及公有分配体系过日子,他们也需要一些现金。 ecocn

More reliable forecasts of the vagaries of their free but fickle fuel supply will help them do so.
对免费但变化无常的原料供应进行可靠的预测,将帮助他们做到这些。 ecocn

That is a crude measure when considering the2008 stock-market panic and all the other vagaries that go into share price.
考虑到2008年的股市恐慌以及所有其他影响股价的难以预料的情况,股价只是一个粗略的衡量标准。 iciba

The additional layer of uniform felt like another shield of protection, another barrier against the messy and dangerous vagaries of life.
多穿一层制服,就像多加了一层护盾,将她与生活中的肮脏和危险的变数阻隔开来。 yeeyan

The goal of the new global plant bank system is to protect the precious stored plant genes from the vagaries of climate, politics and human error.
全球植物银行系统的目标是从变化莫测的气候、政治和人为错误之下保护珍贵储藏着的植物基因。 yeeyan

The price of doing nothing again would be to condemn Russia to the vagaries of the oil market.
再次无所作为会令俄罗斯付出代价,受困于石油市场的反复无常。 ecocn

The question is why. Why has anger become a reflexive response to the inevitable vagaries of national life?
问题是为什么,为什么愤怒成为了这个国家每日生活不可或缺的奇特现象? yeeyan

Those who defend the vagaries of modern English spelling always say that by looking at an English word one can learn its history.
支持现代英语拼写形式变幻无常这种说法的人总是说,通过看一个英语单词,我们可以了解它背后的历史。 yeeyan

Because of the vagaries of Britain’s electoral system, if replicated at the election those numbers could well result in a hung parliament, ie, one in which no party has an absolute majority.
英国的选举制度变化无常,如果选举期间发生异常,那么由此产生的议会可能会因为内部没有占多数席位的党派而无法达成统一意见。 ecocn

But both kinds of investment are far less exposed to the vagaries of the commodity markets than big oil projects.
但这两项投资都比大的油气项目更少受到商品市场变化无常的影响。 ecocn

But only recently has the species worked out how to turn nature—with all its vagaries— into a tradable asset in its own right.
但是直到最近,人类才找到将自然——以及它的反复无常——转化为可交易资产的方法。 ecocn

By shifting the donkey work of supplying energy for transport to power stations— which generally burn coal—they make drivers less vulnerable to the vagaries of the petroleum trade.
甚至调侃道可以把交通的能源供应转交给发电厂—发电厂通常是烧煤的—这样美国的车主们就不用对变化无常的石油交易担忧了。 ecocn

By making its own polysilicon and building its own power plants, it hopes to protect itself from the vagaries of supply in an immature market and also boost demand for its products.
通过制造自己的多晶硅和修建自己的太阳能电厂,它期望自身能免于不成熟市场中变幻莫测的供应造成的伤害,同时期望提高对其产品的需求。 ecocn

Given the vagaries of the fossil record, current notions of near resolution of many of the most basic questions about long- extinct forms should probably be regarded with caution.
考虑到化石记录的奇特性,许多关于早已灭绝的物种的最基本问题近期决议的最新观点都可能应当以谨慎的态度对待。 yeeyan

If his novels have not got the self- conscious“ art” of Henry James, it is because Forster wished to connect with the vagaries of human experience rather than to create a separate aesthetic universe.
如果他的小说没有亨利•詹姆斯的自我意识“艺术”,那是因为他希望与人类经验的多变性相联系,而不是为了创造一个不相干的美学宇宙。 ecocn

In fact, even the customary vagaries of the British summer have this year been peculiarly disorienting.
事实上,英国夏天惯常的变化莫测,在今年更加的让人迷惘。 ecocn

In our Peter Pan culture, limits offend, as does commitment beyond the vagaries of our shifting desires.
在我们的彼得潘文化中,限界令人不适,因为承诺超出了我们莫测的欲望。 yeeyan

It is somehow shocking to come upon so many pictures of such high artistry, which reveal so much about the variety and vagaries of human character.
反而会让你感到震惊,这么多的画像都具有如此之高的艺术性, 从他们的脸上你可以看到人性的多样性和复杂性. ecocn

Participants who made notes to compensate for the vagaries of memory were likely to make the best decisions.
做笔记以应付变幻莫测的记忆的参与者有可能做出一个最好的决策。 yeeyan

Talking to them, you start to see how difficult it is to make a piece of software understand the vagaries of human taste.
与这些人谈谈,您就会明白制作一款可以理解变幻莫测的人类口味的软件是多么的困难。 yeeyan

Thanks to the vagaries of the voting system, there could well be a big gap between votes won across the country and seats won in Parliament.
多亏变幻莫测的选票系统,在全国选举中获得的选票和获得的议会席位之间可能会有很大的落差。 ecocn

The rationale for excluding food and fuel is to filter out prices that jump around for temporary reasons, such as the vagaries of the weather or the messy politics of the Middle East.
将食品及燃料费用排除在外,其原理在于可以滤除那些由于临时原因而上涨的价格,此种情况就像是中东阴晴不定的天气和杂乱无章的政治。 ecocn

Those with commodities to sell suffer from the vagaries of global prices.
而那些需要出售日用品遭受反复无常的全球价格的困扰。 ecocn

Thus, rather than fit your workflows around the vagaries of any specific technology, you can now honestly define your processing as a series of operations on XML documents.
因此,您无需让工作流去适应变化多端的特定技术,现在可以将自己的处理定义为 XML文档上的一系列操作。 ibm

Unlucky that I was, I had to bear the brunt of the ridicule which was more properly the due of the vagaries of English spelling.
我是倒霉的,我必须忍受嘲笑的强力打击,而那实在是因为英语的拼写过于变化莫测的缘故。 yeeyan

Visibility is more subtle; it deals with the vagaries of memory caching and compiler optimizations.
可见性则更为微妙;它要对付内存缓存和编译器优化的各种反常行为。 ibm




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