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词汇 vagal
释义 va·gal 英ˈveɪgəl美ˈvegəlAHDvāʹgəl 高COCA¹⁰²⁴⁹⁷BNC⁵⁹⁹⁴⁹iWeb³⁸⁴⁶⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
of or relating to the vagus nervevag游民-al…的⇒adj.迷走神经的近义词 pneumogastric肺和胃的

用作形容词This experiment suggests that enhancement ofvagaltone may play a beneficial effect in the termination of VF.实验表示增加迷走神经的紧张性可能对终止室颤起有益作用。
Conclusion Fangsong training counteracted markedly the reduction invagalactivity,while hypoxia training counteracted markedly the decrease in sympathetic activity.结论卧床使交感和迷走神经的活性都降低,放松训练明显提高了迷走神经的兴奋性,而低氧训练明显提高了交感神经的兴奋性。 CONCLUSION Aerobic kinesitherapy can improve the vagus nerve activity and the sympathetic- vagal balance raise heart rate variability and reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular events.
结论:有氧运动疗法能增强卧床不起老年患者迷走神经的功能活性和交感-迷走神经平衡性,提高心率变异性,有助于降低心血管事件的发生。 cnki

Meanwhile, RUPV is very close to the epicardial fat pads thereby the efferent vagal innervation to atria.
RUPV靠近心外膜的脂肪垫,而脂肪垫内有支配心房的迷走神经节及节后纤维。 cnki

The NT- LI terminals also had obvious interactions with the HRP retrograde labeled preganglionic neurons in the dorsal vagal nucleus.
迷走神经背核内 NT- LI终末与 HRP逆行标记的节前神经元也有明显重叠的现象。 cnki

The results show that atrioventricular conduction is considerably influenced by autonomic nerves, especially by vagal.
表明植物神经对房室传导有较大影响,而尤以迷走神经的影响为著。 cnki

The t test was applied in the intergroup comparison, and the linear correlation analysis was used in analyzing the correlation between ciliary neurotrophic factor and the innervation of vagal nerves.
组间比较应用 t检验,睫状神经营养因子与迷走神经支配的相关性分析采用线性相关分析。 cnki

Adequate doses of atropine can abolish many types of reflex vagal cardiac slowing or asystole.
适当剂量的阿托品能消除多种类型的迷走反射性心效减慢或停搏。 bab

After total autonomic blockade, the intrinsic sinus rhythm in athletes is slower than in non- athletes, indicating that sinus bradycardia is not only the result of vagal hypertonia.

Anticholinergics act by blocking muscarinic receptors in the smooth muscle of the airways and inhibiting vagal tone.
抗胆碱药作用于气道平滑肌上的特定毒蕈碱受体,以抑制迷走张力。 mdchome

Clinically, vagal stimulation can terminate the occurrence of IVT. However, the role of the autonomic nervous on the mechanism of outflow tract ventricular tachycardia is still not clear.
临床刺激迷走神经可以终止这一类型室速的发生,而关于自主神经在流出道室速发生机制中的作用尚不清楚。 boshuo

Conclusion Vagal primary afferent neurons of the small intestine express at least three types of acid- responsive ion channels, including TRPV1 and two subtypes of ASIC.
结论小肠迷走神经初级传入神经元至少表达三种对酸反应的离子通道,分别是 ASIC的两种不同亚型和 TRPV1。

Conclusions Vagal influence is predominant in effects of autonomic nervous system on HRT.
结论自主神经系统对 HRT的影响中,迷走神经起着主导作用; cnki

For women in late pregnancy, the left lateral decubitus position may be beneficial becausecardiac vagal activity is suppressed least and cardiac sympathetic activity is enhanced least.
因此,左侧卧位对晚期妊娠是有益的,因为心迷走神经张力的降低和心交感神经兴奋性的增加最小。 cnki

It suggested that the sympathetic activity was diminished and the vagal activity was raised after PTCA.
说明 PTCA术后交感神经活性降低,迷走神经活性增强。 cnki

Methods: Treated with spasm, pain, psychological care, expansion, boost and other comprehensive treatment based on the reasons which occurred vagal reflex during SSG.
方法:针对输卵管造影过程中发生迷走神经反射的原因,给予解痉、止痛、心理护理、扩容、升压等综合处理。 lwlm

Objective To investigate effect of left vagal stimulation and autonomic nerve blockade on the electrophysiological properties of the left superior pulmonary veins LSPV.
目的研究迷走神经刺激和心脏自主神经阻断对左上肺静脉 LSPV电生理特征影响。 cnki

OBJECTIVE To observe the effect of aerobic kinesitherapy on vagal tone maintenance and the relevant indices of heart rate variability in elderly bedridden patients.
目的:观察有氧运动疗法对老年卧床患者迷走神经张力的维持和对心率变异性相关指标的影响。 cnki

Objective To study the blood pressure changes resulted from intracranial vagal neurovascular compression, and explore the true mechanism of neurogenic hypertension.
目的研究颅内迷走神经血管压迫对动物血压的影响,探讨神经源性高血压的发病机制。 dictall

Objective: To understand the causes, manifestations and treatment of vagal reflex during SSG.
目的:了解输卵管造影过程中迷走神经反射的原因、表现及处理措施。 studa

Objective:To evaluate the therapeutic effect of vagal nerve stimulation VNS on intractable epilepsy and its clinical application al value.
目的:总结迷走神经刺激术 VNS对顽固性癫的疗效及评价其临床应用的价值。 cnki

Objective:To explore the synergistic mechanism for protective effect on rat gastric mucosa by electroacupuncture and vasoactive intestinal peptide VIP in dorsal vagal complex DVC.
目的:探讨中枢迷走背核复合体 DVC血管活性肠肽 VIP参与电针对大鼠胃黏膜保护作用的机制。 cnki

On pentobarbital anesthetized rabbits, a three-wavelet compound potential to cervical vagal afferent stimulation was recorded in ipsilateral nucleus tractus solitarius NTS.
在戊巴比妥钠麻醉兔,电刺激颈迷走神经中枢端,在同侧孤束核 NTS区可记录到一个由三个子波组成的复合电位。 cnki

The lateral group supplies reticular formation, spinothalamic tract and dorsal vagal nucleus.
外侧群动脉供应延髓网状结构、脊丘束和迷走神经背核等。 cnki

The results suggested that during normal respiration the activities of vagal and cardiovascular sympathetic centers were inhibited by the inhibitory effects coming from the respiratory center.
结果提示:正常呼吸时,从呼吸中枢来的抑制性影响可抑制心迷走中枢及心血管交感中枢的活动; cnki

The main mechanisms of treatment are atrial substrate modification and vagal denervation.
其主要治疗机制是改变房颤的心房基质和去迷走神经作用。 cnki

This experiment suggests that enhancement of vagal tone may play a beneficial effect in the termination of VF.
实验表示增加迷走神经的紧张性可能对终止室颤起有益作用。 cnki

We conclude that both high myocardial adenosine level and high vagal tone may result in sinus bradycardia and A-V block.
实验结果提示:高腺苷含量及高迷走神经张力均可以起窦性心率减慢及房室传导阻滞。 cnki

Vagal stimulation did not result in the increases in contents of myocardial adenosine occurred during hypoxia.
刺激左迷走神经外周端不伴有心肌内源性腺苷含量增加; cnki

Vagal stimulation VS used for intractable epilepsy, particularly those with complex partial seizures, can reduce seizure frequency and duration, or intensity.
迷走神经刺激 VS治疗难治性癫痫,特别是复杂部分性癫痫,能减少发作频率和发作强度。 cnki




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