

单词 vacuumed
释义 vac·u·um·ed 英'vækjuəm美'vækjuəm COCA⁶¹³⁶⁷BNC⁷⁵⁸⁰⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
C 真空

space that is completely empty of all matter or gas

C 〈口〉真空吸尘器

vacuum cleaner

S 空间; 空虚; 空白

situation or environment characterized by emptiness

the absence of matteran empty area or space;

the huge desert voids

the emptiness of outer space

without their support he'll be ruling in a vacuum

a region that is devoid of matteran electrical home appliance that cleans by suction
clean with a vacuum cleaner;

vacuum the carpets

用作名词 n.
动词+~fill a vacuum填补真空produce〔create, cause〕 a vacuum产生〔制造〕真空形容词+~low〔rough〕 vacuum低真空fine〔high, perfect〕 vacuum高真空
近义词 gapvoid
用作名词n.Sound waves cannot travel through a vacuum.声波不能在真空中传播。
I mean to buy a vacuum next month.下个月我打算买一台真空吸尘器。
His resignation has left a power vacuum at the head of the party.他的辞职使得该党的领导位置出现了权力真空。
His wife's death left a vacuum in his life.他妻子的去世使他的生活变得空虚。

在科技用语中vaccum的复数形式是 vacua。

用作形容词用作动词Please vacuum the carpets after the breakfast.早饭后请用吸尘器清扫下地毯。
I moved the chairs back so that I could startvacuuming.我将一把把椅子移开,以便开始吸尘打扫。as in.sweep
同义词 clean,clearbroom,brush,mop,ready,remove,scrub,tidy,vacuumbrush up,clear upas in.clean
同义词 bathe,brush,cleanse,clear up,disinfect,dredge,dustflushmop,pick,pick up,rinse,scrape,scrub,soak,spruce up,sweep,vacuum,wash,wipebath,blot,cauterize,clarify,deodorize,deterge,edulcorate,erase,expunge,expurgate,hackle,launder,lave,neaten,polish,purge,purify,rake,rasp,refine,sanitize,scald,scour,shampoo,soap,sponge,sterilize,swab,whisk,winnowabsterge,clear the decks,depurate,do up,elutriate,rout out,shake out,straighten up,tidy up Because there exist some limitations in the technology and production of solar energy vacuumed collecting-heat tubes, improvement is necessary.
目前国内太阳能真空集热管的生产,在工艺和设备方面都存在着一些缺陷,有待改进提高。 dictall

And then a vacuumed cheese block was sent into another department.

Boron carbide nanotubesnano- fibers was prepared by boron powder and carbon nanotubesCNTs at high temperature in a quartz tube after being vacuumed.
以碳纳米管为原料,利用真空封管技术在高温下用硼粉对碳纳米管进行掺杂处理,获得了碳化硼纳米管纤维。 chemyq

Cheryl chastised me, saying that her mama always vacuumed under their sofa seats every week.
谢丽尔严厉地批评了我,一再声称她妈妈每周总是用吸尘器打扫沙发座位下面。 ebigear

Have you vacuumed the stairway?
你用吸尘器清扫楼梯了吗? iciba

I had just trimmed and mowed the lawn, vacuumed the house, and cleaned the bathroom.
我刚刚剪了草坪用吸尘器清了所有房间还打扫了厕所。 bucter.com

I want the floor vacuumed.
我希望有人给地板吸尘。 ci123

Melted tin could be vacuumed into filter tube through special design nozzle and heater tube.
吸锡咀及发热管经特别设计,熔锡状态亦能被吸进过滤器。 sunkko.com

My misery had been completely vacuumed out of me.
我内心的痛苦完全被抽空。 wenzhai5

She cooked, served meals, did the dishes, made beds, changed sheets, helped with laundry, ironed, dusted, vacuumed, swept, mopped, and washed the patios, and was often still doing chores at midnight.
然后她做饭、服侍他们吃饭、收拾餐具、清理房间、换床单、用洗衣机洗衣服、熨衣服、拂去屋里的灰尘、用吸尘器吸尘、扫地、拖地、打扫庭院,常常到了午夜她还在干活。 yeeyan

She vacuumed the carpet.

She vacuumed the room this morning.

The room needs to be vacuumed before the guests arrive.
在客人到来之前,这间房子需要吸尘。 nciku

The ABS granules are vacuumed up and moved toward the molding machine.
这些塑料小颗粒被于真空中运送往成型机。 yeeyan

The carpet in the hallway has not been vacuumed for a while.
大厅的地毯很久没有用吸尘器清扫了。 iciba

The places like lobby, corridor etc. where it is often stepped on, should be vacuumed2 or3 times a week, bedroom vacuumed once a week.
大厅、走廊和走动频繁的地方,每周应吸尘两至三次,卧室应至少每周吸尘一次。 fanersai.com

The solution used in a dry carpet- cleaning machine is a powder- based substance that is sprinkled or sprayed on the carpet evenly, left to dry and then vacuumed to remove the dirt.
该解决方案中使用的干燥地毯清洗机是一种粉末为基础的实质,就是洒或喷于地毯均匀,左干,然后抽真空,以消除污物。 ganxi-ganxiji

They also vacuumed the interior and washed the windows.
他们还用吸尘器打扫车的内部,并擦洗车窗。 kekenet

They are all vacuumed.
它们都是真空的。 kekenet

Twenty minutes later, he walks into the living room. The carpet has been vacuumed; the furniture cleaned and dusted; the pillows on the sofa plumped; plants watered.
过了二十分钟,他走进客厅一看,地毯已用吸尘器吸过;家具也擦得一尘不染;沙发上的枕头也已拍松;植物也浇了水。 hjenglish

Upholstery and drapes must be vacuumed and stain-free.
室内窗帘必须吸尘和无污渍。 cnshu




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