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词汇 Vaclav Havel
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Czech dramatist and statesman whose plays opposed totalitarianism and who served as president of Czechoslovakia from 1989 to 1992 and president of the Czech Republic since 1993 born in 1936近义词 Havel哈弗尔河(位于德国东北部…
Former Czech PresidentVaclav Havelis listed on the letter to Mr.Medvedev as a supporter of a pardon.前捷克总统哈韦尔的名字也出现在支持总统赦免政治犯的信函中。
Where PresidentVaclav Havelsaid that Gypsies in his own country and elsewhere should have a better deal.第二段提出,吉普塞和犹太人不同,他们没有可回归的祖居地。
Former Czech PresidentVaclav Haveland Gottwald have been in this speech, announced the change of political power.捷前总统哥特瓦尔德和哈维尔都曾在此发表演说,宣布政权的更迭。
In July, 22 senior figures from the region, includingVaclav Haveland Lech Walesa, wrote a public letter bemoaning the decline in transatlantic ties.7月,包括捷克前总理哈维尔VaclavHavel和波兰前总统瓦文萨LechWalesa在内的22名东欧政要发表了公开信,对跨大西洋关系转冷表示不满。
Abstract:This paper looks back as what is now known as Czech Phenomenology, which is associated with Jan Patocka andVaclav Havelin particular.本文回顾以帕托契克和哈维尔为代表的“捷克现象学”。
Vaclav Havel, the dissident playwright turned philosopher-president, exemplifies the magical triumph of the Velvet Revolution, 20 years ago this week.而20年前的这个星期,剧作家出身同时兼有哲学家背景的反对党人士哈维尔当选了新总统,成功导演了一出非暴力革命的经典大戏。 Vaclav Havel and Spree River and the river through the city.
施普雷河和哈韦尔河流经该市。 ouzhoutong

Former President Bill Clinton and former Czech President Vaclav Havel at the Golden Tiger pub in central Prague.
前总统比尔·克林顿和前捷克总统瓦克拉夫·哈维尔在布拉格市中心的金老虎酒吧。 yeeyan

From a Korean dissident to a nuclear scientist, via Vaclav Havel, we look at some of the world's most famous political prisoners.
从韩国的异议者到核子专家,经由瓦科拉夫·哈维尔,看看世界上最著名的政治犯吧。 yeeyan

In July,22 senior figures from the region, including Vaclav Havel and Lech Walesa, wrote a public letter bemoaning the decline in transatlantic ties.
7月,22名该地区的重要人物,包括哈维尔和瓦文萨,写了一封公开信感叹变淡的跨大西洋关系。 ecocn

In the nineties and in the face of strong popular resistance, Czech President Vaclav Havel tore down a ghetto where his people wanted to see the “travelling people” incarcerated.
在90年代,面对强烈的民众反对,捷克总统哈维尔拆除了平民窟,因为他的人们希望看到住在那里的“游民”被监禁。 yeeyan

Vaclav Havel transitioned from a writer of plays to the writer of his country’s destiny.
瓦科拉夫·哈维尔从一个戏剧作家变为了国家命运的书写者。 yeeyan

Vaclav Havel, his friend and Czech counterpart, calls him the “ intellectual conscience of the Polish nation”.
他的朋友捷克外长瓦克拉夫•哈维尔称他是“波兰民族知识分子的良心”。 ecocn




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