

单词 vaccinated
释义 vac·ci·nate·d 英'væksɪneɪt美'væksɪneɪt 高COCA³⁴⁸²⁹BNC⁴⁴²⁵⁶iWeb²⁷⁶⁵⁶Economist¹¹⁹²³
perform vaccinations or produce immunity in by inoculation;

We vaccinate against scarlet fever

The nurse vaccinated the children in the school

vaccinate someone against给某人接种疫苗以防……
近义词 jab刺protect保护immunize使免疫immunise使免疫inoculate给 … 注射疫苗…

She wasvaccinateagainst smallpox as a child.她小时候就接种了天花疫苗。adj.immunized
同义词 inoculated The cast bronze and stone statue depicts four persons, one of whom is a girl about to be vaccinated in the arm.
这座青铜和石头雕塑塑造了四个人物,其中之一是名女童,正准备在手臂上接种疫苗。 who

All elderly persons or those with a particular risk of influenza should be vaccinated.
所有老年人或具有患流感特定风险者都应接种疫苗。 who

And one way to do so would be to have the person being vaccinated inhale a finely powdered vaccine that coated every inch of his lungs.
而且这样做的一种方法就是让被接种的人吸入充分研磨成粉的疫苗使其能在肺内无处不在。 ecocn

Arguably, the one exception to this is medical staff who have a responsibility to their patients, and therefore they do have a civic duty to be vaccinated.
可以说,对此的一个例外是,医务工作者对他们的病人负责,因此,他们确实有公民的义务接种疫苗。 yeeyan

Avoid initiating contact with a wild animal, even if it seems tame or you believe it to be vaccinated.
避免与野生动物密切接触,即使它看起来很驯服,即使你相信它已经接种了疫苗。 yeeyan

But we did not anticipate that people would decide not to be vaccinated.
不过我们并没有想到有人决定不接种疫苗。 who

Children with asthma or diabetes are already being vaccinated.
患有哮喘或糖尿病的儿童已接种疫苗。 yeeyan

Even smallpox— a virus against which Americans are no longer routinely vaccinated— might survive in the bodies of victims buried in Arctic permafrost.
甚至天花——美国人已经不再经常接种疫苗的病毒——也许还存活于深埋在北极永冻层的受害者体内。 yeeyan

For instance, they have backed a controversial set of experiments to encourage the poor to be vaccinated or to pass exams by rewarding them with cash.
例如,他们提倡实行一个有争议的方案——鼓励穷人去接种疫苗或者通过考试的话就奖励现金。 yeeyan

How many children could be vaccinated for the cost of keeping one adult with AIDS alive?
维持一名艾滋病成年患者生命的费用,可为多少儿童接种疫苗? who

If enough people are vaccinated, then an ever- decreasing number of mosquitoes will carry the parasite on to new victims.
如果接种疫苗人数众多,那么携带寄生虫的蚊子会越来越少,被感染的人也随之减少。 ecocn

If enough children are vaccinated very few people will catch mumps, or get complications or die from it.
如果有大量儿童接种疫苗就会有极少的人感染风疹、或发生并发症或死于风疹。 yeeyan

If enough children are vaccinated very few people will catch measles, or get complications or die from it.
如果有充分的儿童接种,感染麻疹或产生并发症或死于麻疹的人就非常少。 yeeyan

If fewer people have their children vaccinated against measles, mumps, and rubella, more people are at risk of catching and spreading these infections.
如果少数人的孩子接种了抗麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹疫苗,而多数人还是有感染和传播这些传染病的危险。 yeeyan

If you or your child are not vaccinated then you increase the chances that the diseases will stay in the community.
如果你或你的孩子没有接种疫苗,你就增加了传染病在社会传播的机会。 yeeyan

In the US, many hospital employees are protesting against rules saying they must be vaccinated or lose their jobs.
在美国,很多医院职工纷纷抗议政府出台的政策—必须接种疫苗,否则会失去工作。 yeeyan

One might assume that if an HIV vaccine was available, many people would line up to be vaccinated.
有人可能会认为在 HIV病毒疫苗问世之后,会有很多人排着队去接种。 yeeyan

One rationale for inoculating boys is that entire populations should be vaccinated to achieve what is called herd immunity.
给男孩注射疫苗的一个理由是要整个人群都接种才能达到所谓的群体免疫。 yeeyan

Several other girls also vaccinated at the Blue Coat Church of England School in Coventry were seen by doctors last night and today after apparently suffering side-effects related to the jab.
其他几个女孩在考文垂的英格兰蓝制服教堂学校接种了疫苗,在明显出现了与皮下注射有关的副作用后,昨天晚上和今天接受了医生的检查。 xmlchina

Still, the percentage of fully vaccinated children remains high, at 92%, the poll found.
尽管如此,调查发现彻底接种过疫苗的孩子比例高达92%。 yeeyan

To protect you against small pox or diphtheria, you are vaccinated with a small amount of the toxin, and then your body develops immunity against that toxin.
为了避免你长小脓包或得白喉病,所以会给你的身体接种小量毒素,然后你的身体会针对这些毒素产生免疫力。 yeeyan

With appropriate monitoring programs in place, vaccinated poultry can enter the food chain without particular risk for the consumer.
有了适当的监测规划,接种疫苗的家禽可进入食物链而不对消费者造成特别的危险。 who

You can protect yourself against hepatitis B by being vaccinated.
你可通过预防接种保护自己免患乙型肝炎。 who

Youngsters with asthma or diabetes, for example, are already being vaccinated.
例如,有哮喘病或糖尿病的年轻人已经接种了疫苗。 hjenglish




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