

单词 vaccinate
释义 vac·ci·nate 英ˈvæksəˌneɪt美ˈvæksəˌnetAHDvăkʹsə-nāt' ★☆☆☆☆高四六GIMT宝八COCA²³¹¹⁴BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰iWeb¹²⁶⁷⁸Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

perform vaccinations or produce immunity in by inoculation;

We vaccinate against scarlet fever

The nurse vaccinated the children in the school

来自vaccine,疫苗。参见vaccine.vaccinate someone against给某人接种疫苗以防……
vaccine疫苗-ate…的来自拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,等于ed,在此构成动词⇒给…接种疫苗。GRE红宝书源于: vaccinen 疫苗
vac 空 + in 进入,使里面空,给皮肤打一针起泡
非常记忆vaccine疫苗+ate吃⇒给他近义词 jab刺protect保护immunize使免疫immunise使免疫inoculate给 … 注射疫苗…

She wasvaccinateagainst smallpox as a child.她小时候就接种了天花疫苗。verb.give a shot to treat or prevent disease
同义词 immunize,inject,inoculate,protect,treatmitigate,preventvariolate
反义词 harm,hurt,injure
immunizeverb perform vaccination
injectverb introduce into bloodstream by use of a needle
give a shot,inoculate,jab,mainline,shoot,vaccinate
injectedverb introduce into bloodstream by use of a needle
added,dragged in,force into,imbued,implanted,impregnated,included,infused,inserted,instilled,interjaculated,interjected,place into,squeezed in,stuck in,threw in
inoculateverb immunize
nurseverb care for, tend
advance,aid,attend,baby-sit,cherish,cradle,cultivate,encourage,father,feed,forward,foster,further,harbor,humor,immunize,indulge,inoculate,irradiate,keep alive,keep an eye on,keep tabs on,look after,medicate,minister to,mother,nourish,nurture,pamper,preserve,promote,see to,serve,sit,succor,support,take care of,take charge of,treat,vaccinate,wait on,watch out for,watch over And if you can vaccinate a child to prevent a disease from happening, it is a lot more cost- effective than it is to treat that disease afterwards.
对于穷人来说,疫苗接种是一个生死攸关的问题。 另外,如果你让孩子接种疫苗,防患于未然,这远比事后治疗更符合成本效益。 joyen

Following the detection of this case, the MoH has decided to vaccinate the entire population of the Mandiana prefecture.
发现这一病例后,卫生部决定对 Mandiana专区的全部人口进行疫苗接种。 who

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation recently pledged ten billion dollars to help vaccinate children around the world.
比尔与美琳达•盖茨基金会承诺了100亿美元去支援全世界儿童接种疫苗。 yeeyan

The law ought to cover animal population control and responsible pet ownership, which means people should vaccinate their animals from rabies and other contagious disease.
法律应该涵盖动物数量控制和宠物主人责任等方面的内容,这意味着人们应该为动物接种疫苗以防止狂犬病和其他传染性疾病。 yeeyan

“ Clearly the best strategy is to vaccinate schoolchildren first, ” said Longini. “The problem is the supply of the vaccine.”
说“显然最好的战略是首先接种学龄儿童,”“问题在于疫苗供应。” yeeyan

“ Parents often have this perception that it's a benign choice, whether to vaccinate or not, ” Omer, who was not involved in the new research, told Reuters Health.
没有参与新的调查的欧默告诉路透健康新闻:“不管接不接种疫苗,父母们都认为这是个良性选择。” yeeyan

“ We widely vaccinate animals in Thrace,” explains Dr Musa Arik, head of GDPC’s Animal Health Services, “ but their immunity is no help against a previously unknown strain.”
“我们在色雷斯对牲畜进行了广泛的疫苗接种”,管理总局畜牧卫生处负责人 Musa Arik博士解释道,“但是它们的免疫力无助于预防以前未知的毒株。” fao

Fortunately, in recent years most American egg producers have started to vaccinate their flocks.
幸运的是,美国最大的蛋品生产商近年来已经开始对鸡群接种。 yeeyan

Fortunately, in recent years most American egg producers have started to vaccinate their flocks. All companies should accelerate their efforts.
幸运的是,美国最大的蛋品生产商近年来已经开始对鸡群接种。所有的公司都将加快这一工作。 yeeyan

Girardi's teams have worked with the Ministry of Animal Husbandry to vaccinate dogs in select villages on Bali over the past year, with about60, 000 dogs having been helped.
吉拉迪的团队一直与畜牧部合作,过去一年选定巴里岛村庄为犬只接种疫苗,大约已有六万只狗受益。 iciba

How do you vaccinate against your family legacy of breast cancer or your constant exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke?
乳腺癌的家 族遗传,或者长期吸二手烟,对于这些因素,怎样才能进行免疫接种呢? yeeyan

If they prove effective, flu could soon become just one more half- forgotten disease that we vaccinate children against.
如果结果证明有效,那么流感很快就会变成另一个几近被遗忘的疾病,我们将只在给儿童接种疫苗时想起它。 yeeyan

In the case of H5N1, new vaccines developed in the last few years for both humans and birds may help to reduce risks, but local capabilities to vaccinate people are often lacking.
以 H5N1为例,尽管过去几年里开发了有助于降低人和鸟类致病风险的新疫苗,但有些地方却缺乏预防接种的能力。 yeeyan

It may be possible to vaccinate people against addictive drugs
向吸毒者接种疫苗防止毒瘾将成为可能 ecocn

North East Lincolnshire said that it is continuing to vaccinate but one school in the county opted to postpone appointments “ while they reassure parents”, the council said.
东北部的林肯郡据说正在继续进行疫苗接种,但是该县的一所学校选择了推迟指令,同时“他们在做使父母们恢覆信心的工作”,地方议会说。 yeeyan

Parents who refuse to vaccinate their children for fear of autism are also concerned about child safety, but have discounted the strong evidence that no link exists.
拒绝给生怕有自闭症的孩子打疫苗的家长们,也关心孩子的安全。但是,他们不相信那些没有联系的有力证据。 yeeyan

Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya will simultaneously vaccinate millions of children under five years of age from9-12 September in the largest ever synchronized vaccination campaigns in the Horn of Africa.
从9月9日至12日,索马里、埃塞俄比亚和肯尼亚将在迄今规模最大的非洲之角同步预防接种运动中同时对数百万名5岁以下儿童进行预防接种。 who

The recent controversy gave him pause, as did the reality that autism appears to still be on the rise despite some parents choosing not to vaccinate their kids.
然而最近的一些争论却让盖恩先生陷入困惑,就是虽然一些父母亲选择不给他们的孩子接种疫苗,实际的情况却是,孤独症的发生仍然还在增多。 yeeyan

The strategy of “ vaccinate those at risk” thus coincides with“ vaccinate the spreaders”.
因此,“为易感人群接种疫苗”的策略与“为病毒传播者接种疫苗”的提议恰巧一致。 ecocn

The U.S. government, for its part, still wants to vaccinate as many people as possible against H1N1.
然而美国政府仍然坚决地坚持自己的立场,鼓励国民尽可能都接种 H1N1疫苗。 yeeyan

They vaccinate our children and help us to recover when we are sick.
他们对我们的儿童进行预防接种并帮助我们在患病时康复。 who

We need to continue efforts to vaccinate and to put the needs of children in Africa first.
我们需要继续努力接种疫苗并把非洲儿童的需要放在首要位置。 who




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