

单词 vacant
释义 va·cant 英ˈveɪkənt美ˈvekəntAHDvāʹkənt ★☆☆☆☆高四六研IST46八COCA⁹⁵²¹BNC⁷³⁰⁶iWeb⁸²⁷⁷Economist¹²³⁵⁹


of a room, seat, etc. not being used or lived in


of a position in employment not at present filled

茫然的; 空虚的

blank; empty of thought

void of thought or knowledge;

a vacant mind

without an occupant or incumbent;

the throne is never vacant

vacant, empty, void


1.empty强调什么也没有,而vacant则强调没人占用。一个房间如果没有人住,那是vacant; 如果连家具也没有,那就是empty。


My father used to gaze into the vacant space.我父亲从前经常凝视那茫茫的太空。
The desert stretching away before the traveller seemed frighteningly void.展现在这位旅行者眼前一望无际的大沙漠空旷得令人生畏。
The agreement, not having been signed, was void.这份协议没有签字,是无效的。

3.empty喻指没有意义、没有价值和内容; vacant喻指空缺或空虚麻木; void喻指因缺乏内容而变得空洞。例如:

We hate people indulging in empty talk.我们讨厌人们一味空谈。
He looks rather vacant.他看上去似乎心不在焉。
His style is void of affectation.他的文体没有矫揉造作。

4.empty是普通用语,而vacant是较正式用语, vacant的应用范围不如empty广泛。



empty意思是“里面没有东西”、“一无所有”,具有“空无一物”的隐含意义,它可以用来描绘box、vessel、cupboard、bag、purse、room、house、street、stomach、head 等词。

vacant意思是“闲着的”、“无人占据的”,着重指临时性的情况,如:vacant seat、vacant apartment、vacant position等。

hollow意思是“空心的”、“中空的”、“空洞的”、“下陷的”,它常与tree、ball、cheeks、voice、sound、words、promise等词连用,由此可见,它既可用以指实物的“中空”,亦可指 words、promise、compliments的“虚假”,用于后者场合是比喻意义。

词根词缀: -vac-空 + -ant形容词词尾vacant lot空地在城市内的…vacant possession律空屋或空地…Situations Vacant招聘广告position vacant求才vacant position空位vacant shell未填满的壳层…vacant room空房vacant terminal空间端,空端…vacant land空置的土地,闲田…vacant code空余码vacant state空态,未满状态…vacant site空位vacant hours闲暇时vacant channel空余信道vacant space未用空间vacant succession无人继承vacant line未占用线vacant level空能级,空级…vacant stare茫然的眼神,神不守舍…
vac变空+ant形容词后缀,来自拉丁语动词的现在分词形式,相当于ing→正在变空的⇒空的,空虚的,空缺的。非常记忆va蛙〖谐音〗+can能〖熟词〗+t伞〖编码〗⇒空虚的青蛙能打伞词根记忆vac空+ant形容词后缀→未占用的谐音记忆音“未垦的”⇒未被占用的,空的词根记忆vac空+ant…的→空的词根记忆vac空+ant…的→空的vac空+ant⇒空的近义词 voidempty反义词 full
~+ n.There were many vacant seats in the theater.剧院里有许多空座位。
Are there any vacant positions in your firm?你们公司有空缺吗?
He stared into space with a vacant expression.他茫然地凝视着天空。
S+be+~Is the lavatory vacant?厕所里没人吧?
The top post in the delegation was still vacant.代表团中的最高职位仍空着。
His mind seems completely vacant.他的头脑似乎空空如也。Pvacantlyad.空虚地心不在焉地无表情地

用作形容词Absence of occupation is not rest, a mind quitevacantis a mind distress.无所事事不是休息,十分空虚的心灵是痛苦的心灵。
The sky remains infinitelyvacantfor earth there to build its heaven with dreams.天空总是无限空虚地用梦在大地构筑天堂。
He was appointed to thevacantpost.他被委派填补那空缺。
There are somevacantoffices on the third floor.四楼有几间空著的办公室。
The lavatory isvacant.厕所现在无人使用。
He does not know what to do with hisvacanttime.他不知道空闲时间该干点什么。
She has avacantlook on her face.她的脸上是一片茫然的神色。adj.empty;unoccupied
同义词 bare,deserted,idle,unemployed,unfilled,uninhabited,unusedabandoned,available,clear,devoid,disengaged,free,not in use,stark,tenantless,to let,unengaged,unlived in,untaken,untenanted,void,without contents
反义词 busy,employed,full,populated,usedaware,cognizant,comprehending,occupied,overflowingadj.absent-minded;expressionless
同义词 idleabstracted,blank,daydreaming,deadpan,dreaming,dreamy,empty-headed,foolish,inane,incurious,inexpressive,silly,stupid,thoughtless,unexpressive,unintelligent,unthinking,vacuous,vapid,witless
反义词 aware,cognizant,comprehending,full,occupied,overflowing
abandonedadjective left alone, deserted
alone,cast aside,cast away,deserted,discarded,dissipated,dropped,dumped,eighty-sixed,eliminated,empty,forgotten,forsaken,given up,godforsaken,jilted,left,left in the cold,left in the lurch,neglected,outcast,passed up,pigeon-holed,rejected,relinquished,shunned,side-tracked,sidelined,unoccupied,vacated
absentadjective deficient in something needed or usual
availableadjective ready for use
accessible,achievable,applicable,at hand,at one's disposal,attainable,come-at-able,convenient,derivable from,feasible,free,getatable,handy,obtainable,on deck,on hand,on tap,open to,possible,prepared,procurable,purchasable,reachable,ready willing and able,realizable,securable,serviceable,up for grabs,usable,vacant
bareadjective without covering or content
barestadjective without covering or content
blankadjective expressionless
deadpan,dull,empty,fruitless,hollow,immobile,impassive,inane,inexpressive,inscrutable,lifeless,masklike,meaningless,noncommittal,poker-faced,stiff,stupid,uncommunicative,unexpressive,vacant,vacuous,vague All three are vacant; she's making no attempt to rent them out.
三套房子都是空的,她也不打算把将它们出租出去。 yeeyan

In other words, they could hop off an occupied channel and onto a vacant one before causing so much as a blip on television sets in the area.
换句话说,这些样机,可以做到在该地电视机上甚至连一个亮点都不产生,就能从一个占有通道跳转到一个空置通道。 ecocn.org

The aim is partly aesthetic, but also an attempt to increase the value of neighboring homes and neighborhoods by replacing vacant houses or other signs of blight with greenery.
这样做的目的一部分是出于审美需求,但也可以尝试增加邻近房屋和社区的价值,借以来取代空房子和其它绿色植物枯萎的迹象。 yeeyan

The post has been vacant since Richard Williamson stepped down as Sudan trouble-shooter at the end of the Bush administration.
自前苏丹问题特使理查德.威廉姆森在布什政府任期结束时卸任后,该职位一直空缺。 ebigear

The Republicans won a stunning victory in an election for a seat in New York, left vacant by the resignation of Anthony Weiner over some saucy photographs.
共和党人在纽约的选举上取得了惊人的胜利,在一些颇具讽刺意味的照片上表现安东尼韦纳卸任的茫然。 ecocn

The sullen, vacant prosecutor submits her closing arguments on a floppy disk; the bullying detective bristles with bravado but cannot look Mr Zúñiga in the eye.
表情阴沉而茫然的公诉人用软盘提交上她的结案陈词;盛气凌人的侦探充满虚张声势,却不敢看苏尼伽的目光。 ecocn

Then they thought they were safe, and they turned aside into a vacant castle, by the road, and sat down to a banquet, hanging the stolen harp on the wall.
佛莫瑞人心想现在安全了,于是来到路边一座空着的城堡中,歇脚下来举行宴会,并且把偷来的魔琴挂在了墙上。 yeeyan

As Jack continues to search the vacant sanctuary grounds, security guards watch him from a distance.
杰克继续在空荡的保护区场地上搜寻,在远处,安全警卫观察着他。 yeeyan

Host governments usually claim that the land they are offering for sale or lease is vacant or owned by the state.
土地提供国政府通常声称它们准备出售或租赁的土地都是空置或国家所有的。 ecocn

If your position will be vacant or filled by a temporary employee, the company may need your help on specific problems.
如果你的岗位空着或由临时员工来接管,公司可能需要你帮忙解决某些特定问题。 cri

In Norway, poor physician distribution between urban and rural areas has been persistent, particularly in the north, where in1997 a total of 28% of the primary care physician positions were vacant.
在挪威,城市和农村在医生分配上的差距一直存在,尤其是在北部地区。1997年,挪威北部地区有28%的初级保健医师职位是空缺的。 who

It will slow the process of reoccupying⑥ vacant homes and bringing construction back to life.
这将减缓空置房屋重新利用和使建筑业起死回生的过程。 ecocn

New families would be rushing in to fill the vacant home sites.
新组建的家庭可以迅速填补那些空置的房屋。 yeeyan

Now his health was poor, his mind vacant, his heart sorrowful, and his old age short of comforts.
现在,他健康欠佳,精神空虚,心情忧郁,缺少晚年应有的舒适和安逸。 ebigear

On Saturday Mr Mubarak named Omar Suleiman, his long- serving intelligence chief, vice- president, a position he had kept vacant throughout his30- year rule.
周六穆巴拉克指定长期为他服务的情报首长苏莱曼为副总统,该职位在其30年统治期间一直空置。 ecocn

Please leave the front row of seats vacant.

Sometimes Mr. Seymour didn't know what to do with his vacant time. His vacation plan was rather vague.
有时候,西摩先生不知道怎么打发他的空闲时间,他的休假计划很不明确。 ebigear

That does not translate into a big real estate deal, though— especially in a city where14 percent of retail property is vacant.
然而,那却无法转化为房地产销售合同——尤其是在一个14%的商铺都空置的城市里。 yeeyan

The housing market remains weak and the overhang of vacant or foreclosed houses are weighing on home prices and home construction, he said.
伯南克称,房地产市场依然疲软,房屋空置或丧失抵押品赎回权给房价和房屋建设造成压力。 yeeyan

The PMO nominates members to fill the vacant ratified seats, which in practice means that new ratified seats are the choice of the company holding the permanent seat.
PMO会任命一些成员填补上空缺的批准席位,这实际上意味着新的批准席位是拥有固定席位的公司的选择。 infoq

The result: Some Chinese cities are awash in vacant commercial space and unsold apartment units.
结果是:中国的一些城市空置的商业设施和未售出的住宅泛滥。 yeeyan

The day before, voters in Massachusetts will get the opportunity to pass judgment on his time in office when they vote for a senator to take the seat made vacant by the death of Edward Kennedy.
而当日的前一天,马萨诸塞州选民将投票决定出因爱德华•肯尼迪的去世而空缺的一个参议员席位,这是对奥巴马执掌白宫以来的表现给予定论的机会。 ecocn

There are many vacant seats in the carriage.

They don't pay rent because the landlord, with other vacant shops, just wants the store occupied.
她们不支付租金,因为业主只希望这个商店不要空着。 这名业主还有其他空置的店铺。 iciba




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