

单词 vacancy
释义 va·can·cy 英ˈveɪkənsiː美ˈvekənsiAHDvāʹkən-sē ★☆☆☆☆高IMT四COCA¹⁵⁰⁴³BNC¹³²¹⁹iWeb⁷⁴⁵⁵Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺

being unoccupiedan empty area or space;

the huge desert voids

the emptiness of outer space

without their support he'll be ruling in a vacuum

词根词缀: -vac-空 + -ancy名词词尾vacancy mobility空位迁移率frenkel vacancy夫伦克耳空位…vacancy area空地区域vacancy defect空位缺陷double vacancy双空位lattice vacancy晶格内空位,晶格空位…vacancy disk空位盘vacancy migration空位移动vacancy pair空位对,空位偶…vacancy cluster空位团vacancy rate空缺率,空闲率…vacancy concentration空位浓度anion vacancy阴离子空位job vacancy职务空缺single vacancy单一空位vacancy chromatography空穴色谱vacancy diffusion空位扩散vacancy condensation空位凝聚
vac变空+ancy抽象名词后缀,来自拉丁语动词的现在分词后缀,等于ing→空白,空虚⇒空缺,空位。非常记忆vacant空缺的〖熟词〗+cy成员〖拼音〗⇒空缺的职位被另一组的成员抢占了词根记忆vac空的+ancy状态→空白,空缺来自vacanta. 空的,未被占用的词根记忆vac空+ancy近义词 hole洞job工作gap缺口mouth嘴void空的post职位cavity洞pore毛孔slot狭缝room房间space空间chink裂缝crack破裂foramen孔orifice孔aperture孔breach破坏cranny裂缝hollow空的rental租费vacuum真空opening开口cleft裂开的fissure裂缝fatuity愚蠢inanity空虚absence缺席position位置chance可能性office办公室emptiness空虚situation形势vacuousness空blankness空白opportunity机会nothingness虚无nothing没有什么interstice细裂缝vacuity想象力等贫乏…crevice岩石、墙等裂缝…

用作名词There are three candidates for thevacancy.这一空缺有三名候选人。
We still havevacanciesfor secretaries but other positions have been filled.我们的秘书名额尚有空缺,但其他职位都满了。
I see avacancyboard outside for a kitchen helper. Is it still available?我在外面招工牌上看到有个厨房帮手的空缺。这空位现在还有吗?
This will help to fill avacancyin our knowledge.这有助于弥补我们知识上的空白。
We noticed a look ofvacancyon his face.我们觉查到他脸上有一种茫然若失的神情。noun.opening
同义词 gap,job,vacuum,voidabstraction,blankness,emptiness,lack,opportunity,position,post,room,situation,space,vacuity,vacuousnessdesertedness,voidness
反义词 fullness,unemploymentfill,overflow
absencenoun state of not being present
AWOL,French leave,absenteeism,cut,hooky,nonappearance,nonattendance,truancy
blanknoun empty space
abyss,cavity,chasm,emptiness,gap,gulf,hiatus,hole,hollow,hollowness,interstice,interval,lacuna,nihility,nothingness,nullity,omission,opening,preterition,pretermission,skip,tabula rasa,vacancy,vacuity,vacuum,void,womb
blanknessnoun emptiness
emptinessnoun void, bareness
hollownessnoun emptiness
hookynoun cut
AWOL,French leave,absenteeism,nonappearance,nonattendance,truancy,truantry,vacancy While the apartment vacancy rate in Detroit is high, renting remains unaffordable to the area's large low-income population.
底特律的房屋空置率很高,对于当地大量的低收入人群来说租不起房屋。 blog.sina.com.cn

With vacancy rates high, rents may slow.
高空置率会减缓房租上升速度。 ecocn

A group of graduates are struggling for vacancy in company or factory.
一群刚出校门的毕业生正在公司或工厂中争取空缺。 kekenet

A World War I soldier with a small-bore bullet wound in the back of his head might also, for instance, have a vacancy in his field of vision caused by a corresponding injury in his visual cortex.
例如,第一次世界大战期间被小口径的子弹射伤脑后部的士兵在他的视觉范围内存在一处空白区域,这是由视皮质的通信伤害造成的。 yeeyan

According to the Downtown Alliance, its vacancy rate is one of the lowest in the country.
根据市中心联盟所述,其空置率是全国最低的地方之一。 ecocn

America’s rental vacancy rate stood at9.8% in the third quarter of2011, down from a high above11% in2009.
在2011年的第三季度,美国的租房空置率从2009年的11%下降到了9.8%,并维持在这一数字上。 yeeyan

As reported in the journal Applied Physics Letters, the team is exploring the capabilities of diamond nitrogen vacancy NV materials.
根据应用物理快报上的报道,该团队正在考察金刚石氮-空位 NV材料的性能。 yeeyan

Demand for commercial property has dropped as the economy has weakened, leading to significant declines in property values, increased vacancy rates, and falling rents.
随着经济疲软,商业物业的需求下降,导致物业价格大幅度下跌,以及空置率上升和租金降低。 yeeyan

Even before Mr. Obama took office, he and his top aides had anticipated that they might have a Supreme Court vacancy to fill after the court’s current term ends, a senior White House adviser said.
在奥巴马先生上任前,他和他的高级助手就期待能够在现在的最高法院任期结束后有填补法官空缺的机会,白宫的一个高级顾问说。 yeeyan

He plans to use federal stimulus funds to demolish areas with high vacancy rates and turn them into green space for parks or even farms.
他计划利用联邦刺激资金来拆除空缺率高的地区,将他们变成绿色空间,建立公园,甚至农场。 ecocn

His resignation left a vacancy on the board of directors.

I'm calling about your job vacancy.
我想咨询一下你们的职位空缺。 hjenglish

In Tokyo office vacancy rates are at very low levels less than3 percent, the supply of buildings is falling and rents have been rising.
在东京,办公楼的空置率是十分低的小于3%,同时房屋的供给持续下降,租金却持续走高。 yeeyan

Office vacancy rates have declined.
办公室空置率也在下降。 ecocn

The biggest drama of the night came from upstate New York where the Democrats won a special election to fill a vacancy in a congressional district.
而当晚最戏剧性的事件发生在纽约北部,民主党人在那里赢得了一个推选一名议员填补国会选区空缺的特别选举。 ecocn




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