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词汇 uzbeks
释义 uzbeks 英'ʊzbek美'ʊzbek Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
a member of a Turkic people of Uzbekistan and neighboring areasa landlocked republic in west central Asia; formerly an Asian sovietthe Turkic language spoken by the Uzbek近义词 Uzbeg乌兹别克人Uzbak乌兹别克人Usbek乌兹别克人Usbeg乌兹别克人Uzbekistan乌兹别克斯坦国名…
用作名词Russian is still widely used alongside the national language,Uzbek.俄语仍然广泛地与官方语言乌兹别克语并用。
Gas, gold and auto manufacturing are mainstays for theUzbekgovernment.天然气,黄金和汽车制造业是乌兹别克政府的主要支柱。 After he was driven from Kabul in1996, he became the nominal head of the Northern Alliance, mostly minority Tajiks and Uzbeks, who swept to power in Kabul after the Taliban's fall.
1996年拉巴尼被塔利班组织赶下台后,成为“北方联盟”的领导人,该组织成员多为少数民族塔吉克人和乌兹别克人。 ebigear

Ethnic Kyrgyz say the Uzbeks started the violence, and that Kyrgyz were killed in pogroms, too.
吉尔吉斯族人指责乌兹别克族人挑起了暴力冲突,吉族人也受到了种族屠杀。 ecocn

In1990 about 300 people were killed in unrest between Kyrgyz and Uzbeks in the south.
1990年,吉尔吉斯族与乌兹别克族在费尔干纳谷地南部发生冲突,300人丧生。 ecocn

The Uzbeks have won a total of three gold, three silver and five bronze medals from three Summer Olympics in which it had competed.
在它所参与的三次夏季奥林匹克运动会上,乌兹别克斯坦总共得三枚金牌,三枚银牌和五枚铜牌。 ebigear

There was fighting in Jalalabad, the other major city of the south; our correspondent sheltered with Uzbeks in a university courtyard.
争斗已在南部另一主要城市贾拉拉巴德开始;我们的通讯员随乌兹别克族人在一个大学校园躲避。 ecocn

When the trouble started, thousands of Uzbeks fled to the Uzbekistan border, just three miles from Osh.
暴乱开始之后,成千上万的乌兹别克人逃离到奥什镇三英里外乌兹别克斯坦边境。 yeeyan

After deadly ethnic riots rocked southern Kyrgyzstan last month, one Georgian minister claimed that Russia has been behind the “ ethnic cleansing” of Uzbeks.
在上个月吉尔吉斯斯坦发生的严重种族纷争后,一名格鲁吉亚政府部长宣称这是俄罗斯在背后捣鬼,对乌兹别克人进行“种族清洗”。 yeeyan

American experts suspected that the attackers included Chechens and Uzbeks operating under the IMU’s umbrella.
美国专家怀疑,进攻者包括在乌兹别克斯坦伊斯兰运动保护下的车臣和乌兹别克人。 ecocn

Babur struggled on in Central Asia for a while, but was crushed between Uzbeks, Mongols and Timurid princes.
巴布尔在中亚挣扎了一段时间,但被乌兹别克人,蒙古人和帖木儿的王子们击溃了。 ecocn

But there was still no sign of aid deliveries for the ethnic Uzbeks whose homes have been razed, with packages apparently being distributed only to Kyrgyz victims.
但对于家园破碎的乌孜别克族受害者,救援物资依然没有到位的迹象。而吉尔吉斯族受害者已经领到了发放的救援物资。 yeeyan

Ethnic rioting in Kyrgyzstan between Kyrgyz and Uzbeks in the south of the country displaced hundreds of thousands and threatened to turn into a civil war.
吉尔吉斯斯坦南部的吉尔吉斯族和乌兹别克族发生种族暴乱,导致成千上万人流离失所,并威胁要发动内战。 ebigear

Indeed, around Kyrgyzstan’s bit of the Fergana Valley—the eastern rim of the ethnically mixed heartland of modern Uzbekistan— Uzbeks form a narrow majority.
事实上,围绕吉尔吉斯斯坦的费尔干纳山谷的现在乌兹别克斯坦的乌兹别克族混居的中心地带东部边缘形成微弱的多数。 ecocn

It claims that more than250 foreign militants, almost all Uzbeks, have been killed by resentful locals fed up with violence and religious extremism.
据称有超过250名外国武装分子被信奉暴力的当地宗教极端分子打死,其中大部分是乌兹别克斯坦人。 ecocn

It is hard not to conclude that the mayor wants to purge the city of Uzbeks.
谁都能看得出来,市长想把乌兹别克人从这座城市清洗出去。 ecocn

Local sources said the dead included Arabs and Uzbeks.
当地消息称死者中有阿拉伯人和乌兹别克人。 yeeyan

Most Uzbeks rely on cotton, growing fruit and vegetables, or remittances to get by.
绝大多数乌兹别克斯坦人依靠棉花、种植水果蔬菜或者汇款凑合着过。 yeeyan

The decision to hike wages and benefits, and to open new labour markets for expatriate Uzbeks, points to the difficulties facing the authorities.
提高工资和福利、为乌兹别克斯坦侨民工人开辟新的劳动市场的决定表明了政府面临的困难。 yeeyan

The latest victims of his legacy are the Uzbeks of Kyrgyzstan.
他的遗产的最近受害者就是吉尔吉斯坦国内的乌兹别克族人。 yeeyan

Uzbek houses have been looted and set on fire—plumes of smoke are visible for many miles around— women have reportedly been raped, and armed Kyrgyz gangs have been harassing and shooting at Uzbeks.
乌兹别克族人的房子被抢劫并焚毁----冲天的烟柱从数英里外都看得见----据说女人被强奸,武装的吉尔吉斯族团伙不断攻击和射击乌兹别克族人。 ecocn

We go first to the central Asian state of Kyrgyzstan where the conflict between Kyrgyzs and ethnic Uzbeks, which began last Thursday in the southern city of Osh, is now spreading.
首先我们来关注一下中亚国家吉尔吉斯斯坦的局势。 上周四,该国南部城市奥什爆发民族冲突,冲突双方为吉尔吉斯族与乌孜别克族,目前事态已进一步扩大。 hjenglish

Whatever the cause, the fighting between ethnic Kyrgyz and Uzbeks has been ferocious.
不管原因是什么,吉尔吉斯族和乌孜别克族之间的斗争非常残酷。 ecocn

Uzbeks, less than15% of the population, live mainly in the south and are under-represented in public life.
而不到总人口数15%的乌兹别克人主要住在南部并且在公众生活中也并不活跃。 ecocn

Uzbeks, thousands of whom were made destitute by the violence, were reported to be especially affected.
据报道,数以千计的乌孜别克族人受暴力影响严重,陷入贫困境地。 ecocn

Uzbeks had demarcated their territory by felling maple trees and building makeshift barricades with burned-out cars.
乌兹别克斯坦在国境线用砍倒的枫树和烧毁汽车做的路障,划清了他们的国境线。 yeeyan

Uzbeks are among the most orthodox of the Central Asian peoples.
乌兹别克人是中亚最传统的民族。 ebigear




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