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词汇 Uzbek
释义 Uz·bek 英ˈʊzˌbek, ˈʌz-美ˈʊzˌbɛk, ˈʌz-AHD‹zʹbĕk', ŭzʹ- 高iWeb⁵¹⁰³⁹Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
a member of a Turkic people of Uzbekistan and neighboring areasa landlocked republic in west central Asia; formerly an Asian sovietthe Turkic language spoken by the Uzbek近义词 Uzbeg乌兹别克人Uzbak乌兹别克人Usbek乌兹别克人Usbeg乌兹别克人Uzbekistan乌兹别克斯坦国名…

用作名词Russian is still widely used alongside the national language,Uzbek.俄语仍然广泛地与官方语言乌兹别克语并用。
Gas, gold and auto manufacturing are mainstays for theUzbekgovernment.天然气,黄金和汽车制造业是乌兹别克政府的主要支柱。 On the same day, Yang also held talks with Uzbek Foreign Minister Vladimir Norov, exchanging in- depth views on furthering bilateral ties.

A well- off local Uzbek near the border on the Kyrgyzstani side is putting up some200 people, mostly women and children, who are sleeping rough in his yard.
边境上一个富裕的当地乌兹别克人接济着大约200个从吉尔吉斯斯坦逃难过来的妇女和儿童,让他们睡在外面院子里。 ecocn

A nurse showed footage on a mobile phone of an Uzbek man who had been doused in kerosene and set alight. His head and arms were blackened stumps.
一位护士用手机展示一个被浇了煤油而后点燃的乌兹别克男子,他的头部和胳膊都是黑糊糊的斑块,眼睛已经没有了。 yeeyan

An NGO based in Uzbekistan says that there are already more than200,000 Uzbek refugees sheltering there.
一个总部位于乌兹别克斯坦的非政府组织说已有超过200,000乌兹别克族难民在那里避难。 ecocn

An Uzbek cameraman has footage of an armoured personnel-carrier going through a crowd of agitated Kyrgyz men as it approaches some Uzbeks.
一个乌兹别克摄影师的一个镜头显示一辆装甲车穿过一群激动的吉尔吉斯人,好像它是去对付乌兹别克人的。 ecocn

And much is required of the government that emerges from this scrimmage: not least, the beginnings of a reconciliation process in the south of the country, where Kyrgyz- Uzbek relations remain fraught.
另外,对一个在混乱中组建的政府还有很多要求,在吉尔吉斯族和乌孜别克族关系紧张的南部地区开启和解进程就是其中一项。 ecocn

Gas, gold and auto manufacturing are mainstays for the Uzbek government.
天然气,黄金和汽车制造业是乌兹别克政府的主要支柱。 ecocn

Gas, gold, oil and cotton continue to generate sufficient hard currency to enable Mr Karimov’s government to maintain the Uzbek model, even under more straitened circumstances.
天然气、黄金、油和棉花继续带来足够的坚挺货币,使卡莫夫政府即使在更困苦的情况下也能够维持乌兹别克斯坦模式。 yeeyan

He is ethnically Kyrgyz with a reputation as a law- and- order man, who appeals to the ethnic Uzbek and ethnic Russians as well as to the urban Kyrgyz.
库洛夫是吉尔吉斯人,他以强调法律和秩序而颇有名望,并且得到了乌孜别克人,俄罗斯人和居住在城市里的吉尔吉斯人的支持。 ecocn

In Osh, where streets are strewn with rubble and still echoing with occasional gunfire, Uzbek neighbourhoods have set up barricades separating them from Kyrgyz areas.
奥什市的街道上,碎石片遍布,不时地还有枪声回荡。乌兹别克居住区架起了路障,将自己和吉尔吉斯族区域分隔开来。 yeeyan

In recent days it has showed restraint in repelling attacks by Mehsud and Uzbek militants in North Waziristan, viewing these as an effort to draw Mr Bahadur and his men into the fight.
最近几天,在北瓦济里斯坦进行反击战的迈赫苏德和乌兹别克激进分子实力明显有所保留,这看似是在拉拢巴哈德将士进入战斗。 ecocn

In two or three years' time, Russia and other big markets for Uzbek workers will most likely return to growth— and so perhaps Mr Karimov's model work once more.
在未来的两三年中,俄罗斯和其他大型劳动力市场对于乌兹别克工人的需求很可能会增长——因此或许卡里莫夫先生的体制会再一次运转。 ecocn

Not everyone made it: one witness described how two Uzbek youths drove into a Kyrgyz mob in the centre of town.
不是所有的人都成功逃脱了。一位目击者描述了在镇中心两个乌兹别克年轻人驾车撞到了暴动分子过程的。 yeeyan

Osh’s Kyrgyz-nationalist mayor has refused permits for hundreds of Uzbek families who want to rebuild their homes.
奥什市长是吉尔吉斯人,他不同意为几百家乌兹别克家庭重建房屋发放许可证。 ecocn

Pakistani officials say that Uzbek fighters have numbered among those captured and killed in the government’s offensive to retake the Swat Valley.
巴基斯坦官员宣那些被俘虏的和在政府夺取斯瓦特山谷的进攻中和被杀害的乌兹别克战士已经被编号了。 ecocn

The Soviet ruble was called Som in Kazakh, Kyrgyz and Uzbek which are written on the back of the notes.
苏联的卢布被称作索姆,用哈萨克语,吉尔吉斯语和乌兹别克语写在货币的背面。 ebigear

The area was a bone of contention between the Uzbek emirs and the Persian Kings for many centuries.
过去几个世纪中,这个地区是乌兹别克埃米尔们和波斯国王们争夺的焦点。 ebigear

This may help explain why in February2008 a thunderous army assault into the Mehsud territory was unaccountably called off, admittedly after it had killed over 1,000 Mehsud and Uzbek fighters.
这也可以解释2008年2月一次重大的军方突袭何以无故取消,然而无可否认后来有1,000名迈赫苏德和乌兹别克激进分子在战斗中死亡。 ecocn

Those Uzbek women and children who made it are now gathering in different villages along the border and do not know what has happened to their husbands, brothers and fathers.
那些乌孜别克族妇女和孩子现在正聚集在边界附近的不同村庄里,却不知道他们的丈夫、兄弟和父亲怎么样了。 ecocn

Those Uzbek women and children who made it are now gathering in different villages along the border and do not know what has happened to their husbands, brothers, and fathers, she says.
是谁让这些乌兹别克妇女和儿童聚集到这些边界的村子里,不知道在自己的丈夫,兄弟和父亲身上发生了什么,她说。 ecocn

Without mentioning the Uzbek community by name, Otunbayeva said the wrecked city of Osh would be rebuilt.
虽然没有点名提及乌兹别克族聚居的奥什,奥通巴耶娃说该市将会得到重建。 yeeyan

Yet the vast majority of homes destroyed in Osh, the centre of the violence, are in Uzbek neighbourhoods.
然而在此次暴力事件的中心奥什,绝大多数被毁的房屋位于乌兹别克族人居住的街区。 ecocn

Uzbek houses have been looted and set on fire—plumes of smoke are visible for many miles around— women have reportedly been raped, and armed Kyrgyz gangs have been harassing and shooting at Uzbeks.
乌兹别克族人的房子被抢劫并焚毁----冲天的烟柱从数英里外都看得见----据说女人被强奸,武装的吉尔吉斯族团伙不断攻击和射击乌兹别克族人。 ecocn

Uzbek is the official state language; however, Russian is the de facto language for interethnic communication, including day-to- day government and business use.
乌兹别克语是官方的国家语言。而俄罗斯语是各民族间沟通的语言,在政府例行事务和日常工作中使用。 ebigear

Uzbek neighbourhoods were torched and nearly200 people were reported to have been killed, though the actual total may turn out to be far higher.
乌兹别克族社区遭到焚烧,官方接到了近200人死亡的报告,不过实际死亡人数可能会高得多。 putclub




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