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词汇 betancourt
释义 betancourt
Former presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt is celebrating with her family, after being freed from more than six years in captivity.
贝当古曾经是哥伦比亚总统候选人,在被关押六年多后,她现在正在和家人一起庆祝团聚。 ebigear

Ms Betancourt was a minor politician in Colombia when she was seized while campaigning for the presidency in2002.
贝当古是哥伦比亚一位年轻的政治家,2002年竞争总统时被绑架。她在法国尽人皆知。 ecocn

The world’s most famous hostage, French- Colombian politician Ingrid Betancourt was released by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia in2008 after more than six years in captivity.
2008年哥伦比亚武装革命力量释放了囚禁6年之久的人质,享有法国和哥伦比亚双重国籍的她就是英格丽德.贝当古。 yeeyan

A day after being freed from Colombian rebels, Ingrid Betancourt is calling for new efforts to win the release of other hostages in rebel hands.
哥伦比亚政界人士英格丽德。贝当古在获救一天后呼吁采取新的行动,争取解救还在哥伦比亚反政府武装手中的其他人质。 kekenet

After years in captivity, Colombia's military says it has rescued15 hostages, among them former presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt and three U. S. military contractors.
哥伦比亚军方称已解救出15名被扣押多年的人质,其中包括前总统候选人英格丽·贝坦库和三名美军承包商。 putclub

But Ingrid Betancourt was full of praise for Mr Uribe and for the“ impeccable” army operation.
不过,贝当古却对乌里韦大加赞扬,对“完美的”军队行动大加赞扬。 ecocn

Even if it does become a best-seller, however, Ms Betancourt may not reap all the rewards: her ex-husband is reportedly planning to sue for half the proceeds.
即使这本书真的成为了畅销书,贝当古女士也不能拿走全部的收益,据说她的前夫计划向法庭要求获得一半的收益。 ecocn

For the next six and a half years, Betancourt was kept in places all over the countryside of Columbia.
在接下来的六年半里,贝当古被关的地方遍及哥伦比亚各地的乡间。 tingroom

He also praised the work of Colombia's armed forces and intelligence agents for securing the release of Betancourt and14 others.
乌里韦还称赞了哥伦比亚武装部队和情报人员在解救贝当古和其他14名人质的行动中的表现。 ebigear

Ms Betancourt’s mother was particularly bitter in her criticism of the president during her tireless campaign for her daughter’s release.
贝当古的母亲在不懈地寻救营救女儿过程中,毫不留情地批评总统乌里韦。 ecocn

President Nicolas Sarkozy has invited as his guests European Union and Mediterranean leaders, as well as Ingrid Betancourt, the recently liberated Franco- Colombian hostage.
总统尼克拉萨科齐邀请了最近才获释的法籍哥伦比亚人 Ingrid Betancourt,欧盟以及地中海国家的领导人。 ecocn

The army also rescued Ingrid Betancourt, the FARC’s most famous hostage.
政府军还营救出革命武装力量最有名的人质英格丽·贝坦古特。 ecocn

Betancourt, who holds Colombian and French citizenships, thanked France's government for recent efforts to pressure rebels to free hostages.
贝当古拥有哥伦比亚和法国双重国籍,她感谢法国政府最近向哥伦比亚反政府力量施加压力,要求释放人质。 ebigear

Betancourt said mediators should ask rebel leaders to use their influence to encourage militants to end terrorist activities and seek a path of reconciliation and peace.
贝当古说,调解人员应该要求反政府领导人利用自己的影响力鼓励激进分子放弃恐怖活动,争取找到和解与和平的途径。 kekenet

Betancourt said the leftist rebels are at a weak point, and Colombia's government should work to negotiate an end to the more than44- year-old rebel conflict.
她说,这个左翼反政府组织目前处于低潮,哥伦比亚政府应该与他们谈判,争取结束已经持续了44年的反政府冲突。 ebigear




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