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词汇 utter
释义 utter 英ˈʌtə美ˈʌtɚAHDŭtʹər ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIT宝4八COCA⁹⁸¹⁸BNC¹⁰⁵⁷⁶iWeb¹⁰¹⁹⁰Economist¹³⁹¹⁷

without qualification; used informally as often pejorative intensifiers;

an arrant fool

a complete coward

a consummate fool

a double-dyed villain

gross negligence

a perfect idiot

pure folly

what a sodding mess

stark staring mad

a thoroughgoing villain

utter nonsense

the unadulterated truth


came to a dead stop

utter seriousness

articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise;

She expressed her anger

He uttered a curse

express audibly; utter sounds not necessarily words;

She let out a big heavy sigh

He uttered strange sounds that nobody could understand

express in speech;

She talks a lot of nonsense

This depressed patient does not verbalize

put into circulation;

utter counterfeit currency









其多重含义,如“说出”、“发出”、“出版”,都归为一个字“出”,对应词根ut“外”,和out同源。而“彻底的”之义引申较抽象,也许和中文“出离的”、“格外的”等表示程度的词逻辑类似。再如thorough彻底的和through贯穿同源,都需意会。utter barrister普通辩护律师…utter bar普通律师的总称…utter a cry大叫一声
钱博士ut=out,外面的,远处的+t双写+er比较级形式→更加靠外的→到尽头的→完全的,彻底的⇒转作动词发出,发射使向外移动ut=out,外面的,远处的+t双写+er比较级形式→更加靠外的→到尽头的→完全的,彻底的⇒转作动词发出,发射使向外移动。非常记忆u你〖编码you〗+tt偷偷〖拼音〗+er儿子〖拼音〗⇒你偷偷跑去找儿子说了什么GRE红宝书源于: outer, 说出的
源自out, outer;另一个意思近似ult 最终,极点
形近词ottern.水獭近义词 say说speak讲mouth嘴pure纯的tell告诉read识字talk交谈dead死的voice声音total总的state情形sound声音gross总的mere仅仅的express快车plain清楚的signify表示breathe呼吸stark严酷的let out放出entire全部的broach烧叉肉sheer极轻薄的pronounce发音extreme极度的let loose释放perfect完美的staring凝视的complete完整的absolute绝对的thorough彻底的emit发出,发射outright直率的positive积极的downright彻底地unreserved坦率的consummate圆满的arrant彻头彻尾的out-and-out完全的everlasting永恒的unqualified不合格的enunciate清晰地发音verbalise用语言表达verbalize用语言表达double-dyed染二次的thoroughgoing彻底的articulate发音清晰的unconditional无条件的unadulterated无搀杂的give tongue to表示, 表达sodding动词sod的现在进行式…

用作形容词It's anuttermystery.这完全是个谜。
Whatutterrubbish he talks!他完全是胡说!
A feeling ofutterhelplessness washed over him.一种全然无助的感觉涌上他的心头。
He wanted to impress this man with hisutterwillingness to comply and obey.他要这个人觉得他的绝对屈服与服从。用作动词How can youuttersuch falsehoods?你怎么能说出这种谎言?
We didn'tuttera word during the test.我们在测验时没有说过一句话。
How can youuttersuch falsehoods?你怎么能说出这种谎言?
We didn'tuttera word during the test.我们在测验时没有说过一句话。adj.outright, absolute
同义词 pure,sheer,unmitigatedblasted,blessed,blooming,complete,confounded,consummate,perfect,totalall-fired,arrant,downright,entire,flat-out,infernal,out-and-out,stark,straight-out,thorough,thoroughgoing,unqualified
反义词 indefinite,mixed,uncertain,imperfect,incomplete,unfinishedverb.say, reveal
同义词 articulate,assert,blurt,deliver,enunciate,express,mutter,proclaim,pronounce,recite,shout,speak,whisperaffirm,air,announce,asseverate,chime,chin,declaim,declare,disclose,divulge,ejaculate,exclaim,go,jaw,modulate,mouth,promulgate,publish,spiel,state,talk,verbalize,vocalize,voicebring out,come out with,give words to,lip,make known,put into words,throw out
反义词 be quiet,conceal,hide,mumble,deny,refrain,secrete,suppress,withhold
absoluteadjective without limit
complete,consummate,downright,entire,flat out,free,full,infinite,no catch,no fine print,no holds barred,no ifs ands or buts,no joke,no strings attached,outright,plenary,pure,sheer,simple,straight out,supreme,thorough,total,unabridged,unadulterated,unconditional,unlimited,unqualified,unrestricted
airverb express opinion publicly
broadcast,circulate,communicate,declare,disclose,display,disseminate,divulge,exhibit,expose,make known,make public,proclaim,publicize,publish,put,reveal,speak,state,tell,utter,ventilate,voice
alladjective whole quantity
articulateverb say clearly, coherently
enunciate,express,mouth,pronounce,say,sound off,speak,state,talk,utter,verbalize,vocalize,voice
articulatesverb say clearly, coherently
concatenates,couples,fits together,hinges,integrates,joins,links
breatheverb tell information
articulate,confide,express,murmur,say,sigh,utter,voice,whisper From time to time, Putin likes to use a dirty word or utter an obscene threat.
时不时地,普京喜欢用脏字或者突然说出下作的恐吓。 yeeyan

The recent death of my Auntie Kerry put me in a state of mind that I think we all go through at different times in our lives: the feeling of utter isolation, of complete loneliness.
最近我阿姨凯莉的去世让我想到,我们每一个人在人生的某个时期都会遭受到某种彻底的孤独感和寂寞感的侵袭。 yeeyan

The Voice began to trill with incipient madness, to echo itself, to break into exquisitely wild arpeggios and cadenzas, until it soared to a D flat of utter despair.
她的声音,带着起初的疯狂,开始发颤,开始附和,分成精巧的野性的琶音和华彩,直到它飙到了曾让人彻底绝望的 D调。 ecocn

Thus being impressed with the pluck of the Burmese and their utter helplessness under the thumb of the thugs in power, I resolved to do something on their behalf before I left the country.
在暴徒权力控制下缅甸人的勇气和他们的完全无助给我留下了深刻的印象,我就下了决心,要在离开这个国家前,为他们做些事情。 yeeyan

“ My immediate reaction was utter sympathy for this woman, ” Mrs. Boesky said in a telephone interview, adding that she does not know Mrs. Madoff.
“我的第一反应是完全同情这个女人, ”博斯基太太在电话采访中说。她并不认识麦道夫太太。 yeeyan

All the charitable endeavors in this world only manage to bring poverty into greater relief; they show it to be more terrible and unintelligible than utter dereliction.
这世上所有的慈善活动目的在于较大的缓解贫困,但是他们所表现出的是比彻底放弃更为可怕与无法理解。 tianya

But this is utter nonsense.
但是这是完全的废话。 yeeyan

Even though you feel like utter crap: do it anyway.
即使你觉得这完全像扯淡:不管怎样你去就是了。 yeeyan

Here is utter spontaneity, utterly real emotion, no studied design, no conscious constraints.
这是完全自发的、完全真实的情感、没有刻意去设计、没有故意约束。 yeeyan

His characters were parasites whose money allowed them to clear away the distractions of work, responsibility, goals and purposes, and exposed the utter emptiness within.
他镜头下的角色是一群寄生虫,他们的金钱可使他们免受工作、责任、目标和宗旨的纷扰,同时暴露其内部彻底的空虚。 yeeyan

How could you create a collaborative environment for it without creating utter chaos?
为此您如何为它建立一个合作的环境,而完全没有产生混乱呢? ibm

I like having a clear weekend and a simple schedule that is flexible with the feeling of utter freedom.
我喜欢这种拥有完整的周末、简单灵活的安排和彻彻底底享受自由的感觉。 yeeyan

I thought I'd never utter these words, but I agree with Gordon.
我想我本不会说出这些话,但我支持戈登。 hjenglish

In a quarrel with dictators, fanatics and terrorists, America has somehow contrived utter defeat in the all- important battle for hearts and minds.
在与独裁者,激进分子和恐怖分子斗争中,美国通过各种方式精心策划的所有重要战斗都彻底失败了。 ecocn

In much of the international community, the calls for our destruction are met with utter silence.
在大部分国际社会中,与毁灭我们的喊叫声相应的是完全的沉默。 yeeyan

In private, at least, he may feel obliged to utter the K- word.
在私下,至少他也许会觉得有必要说出那个“克”开头的词。 ecocn

My words shall be of the uprightness of my heart: and my lips shall utter knowledge clearly.
我的言语要发明心中所存的正直。我所知道的,我嘴唇要诚实地说出。 ebigear

Once you finally realize your head has been filled with utter nonsense, you must then purge such garbage from your mind if you want your brain to be functional again.
一旦你最终意识到大脑被完全的谬论所充斥,那么你只有从思想中清除那些垃圾,然后大脑功能才会正常。 yeeyan

The mere act of traversing your daily routine places you evenly on a fine line between absolute triumph and utter defeat.
研究你的日常行为,就像是在绝对胜利和彻底失败之间放置了一根细线来平衡。 yeeyan

They discover that they have some differences, but also that they share many things — including an utter lack of interest in keeping up the feud.
他们发现有了许多不同的地方,同时也有许多相同之处——包括完全没有兴趣继续保持不和。 yeeyan

Thus, if someone were to utter the sentence “ I am simply a body stuck in a pod somewhere being fed sensory information by a computer” that sentence would itself be necessarily false.
因此,如果有人要说出“我只是一具被困在壳中,接收着电脑传输的感官信息的人体”这样一句话,那这句话本身就必然是错误的。 yeeyan

To be blunt, if Mrs Merkel and Mr Sarkozy can both utter the words“ European economic government”, it is because these have lost much of their meaning.
坦白地讲,之所以默克尔与萨尔科齐都能说出“欧洲经济政府”一词,是因为其原意已大部分丧失。 ecocn

When he called on my birthday, I knew he was in utter despair, trying to figure out what life he could possibly have without flying.
当他在我生日那天打给我的时候,我知道他已经彻底绝望,正试图弄清楚自己不能飞行后能过什么样的生活。 yeeyan




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