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词汇 utopia
释义 u·to·pi·a 英juːˈtəʊpiːə美juˈtopiəAHDy›-tōʹpē-ə

a book written by Sir Thomas More 1516 describing the perfect society on an imaginary islandideally perfect state; especially in its social and political and moral aspectsa work of fiction describing a utopiaan imaginary place considered to be perfect or ideal1516年,英国政治家、空想社会主义者、作家托马斯·莫尔Thomas More爵士发表了名著《乌托邦》。莫尔在书中虚构了一个航海家航行到一个神奇的“乌托邦”Utopia的旅行见闻。在那里,财产是公有的,人民是平等的,实行按需分配的原则,大家穿统一的工作服,在公共餐厅就餐,官吏通过公共选举产生。今天,utopia一词一般用来描写任何想象的理想社会,或者是某些好的,但是无法实现的建议、愿望、计划等。anti-utopia反面乌托邦utopia理想国
词源解释1516年,英国政治家、空想社会主义者、作家托马斯·莫尔Thomas More爵士发表了名著《乌托邦》。莫尔在书中虚构了一个航海家航行到一个神奇的“乌托邦”Utopia的旅行见闻。在那里,财产是公有的,人民是平等的,实行按需分配的原则,大家穿统一的工作服,在公共餐厅就餐,官吏通过公共选举产生。今天,utopia一词一般用来描写任何想象的理想社会,或者是某些好的,但是无法实现的建议、愿望、计划等。
Utop-地方-ia…的⇒n.理想国¹¹;乌托邦⁸⁹;n.乌托邦;理想国词根记忆u无+top地方+ia,乌托邦是现实中没有的发音记忆乌托邦 ⇒理想国近义词 heaven天空Sion锡安山Zion犹太人ideal理想的paradise天堂dreamland梦境Shangri-La香格里拉never-never land想像中的地方…seventh heaven七重天天之最高处…反义词 dystopia反面乌托邦

用作名词In the cycle of destruction and creation, people find themselves farther and farther away from Utopia.在毁灭与创生的轮回中,人们离理想国越来越远。
He intended to establish a holy bourgeoisutopiaby concluding equal social contracts.他企图通过缔结平等的社会契约来建立神圣的资产阶级理想国。
When Vida came in to tea Carol sketched her Utopia.维达来喝茶的时候,卡萝尔就情不自禁把她的乌托邦扼要地说了一下。
The concrete Utopia is never contented.具体的乌托邦永不满足。noun.ideal place and life
同义词 bliss,paradiseArcadia,Eden,Erewhon,Shangri-la,dreamland,dreamworld,fairyland,heaven,perfection,wonderlandElysian Fields,Garden of Eden,Promised Land,land of milk and honey,never-never land,pie in the sky,seventh heaven
反义词 hell
Edennoun paradise
Arcadia,Garden of Eden,Promised Land,Shangri-la,garden,heaven,heaven on earth
Kingdom of Godnoun heaven
Abraham's bosom,City of God,Kingdom of Heaven,Land of the Leal,New Jerusalem,Promised Land,Shangri-la,city of light,kingdom come,nirvana,paradise,upstairs,utopia
dreamlandnoun sleep, fantasy world
Shangri-la,cloud cuckoo land,ideal place,land of Nod,never-never land,seventh heaven,slumber,utopia
fantasiesnoun imagination, dream
Atlantis,air castles,apparitions,appearances,bubbles,chimeras,conceivings,creativity,daydreams,delusions,envisioningsexternalizingsfabrications,fairylands,fancies,fancies,fantasiums,figments,flight of imaginations,flights,fool's paradises,hallucinations,head trips,illusions,imaginativenesses,imaginings,inventions,mind trips,mirages,nightmaresobjectifiesoriginality,rainbows,reveries,trips,utopias,vagaries,visions
fantasynoun imagination, dream
Atlantis,air castle,apparition,appearance,bubble,chimera,conceiving,creativity,daydream,delusion,envisioningexternalizingfabrication,fairyland,fancy,fancying,fantasia,figment,flight,flight of imagination,fool's paradise,hallucination,head trip,illusion,imaginativeness,imagining,invention,mind trip,mirage,nightmareobjectifyingoriginality,rainbow,reverie,trip,utopia,vagary,vision
fool's paradisenoun illusory state of happiness
castle in the air,chimera,delusive contentment,dreamscape,false hope,fond illusion,limbo,pipe dream,quixotic ideal,utopia In pursuit of a rural utopia, the Khmer Rouge abolished money and private property and ordered city dwellers into the countryside to cultivate the fields.
为建立一个农村乌托邦,红色高棉废除了钱币和私有财产,并下令城市居民到农村去开垦土地。 yeeyan

In the past few decades it has transformed from a sleepy farming town to a surreal version of utopia where every person is entitled to free healthcare and education, a luxurious home, and cooking oil.
过去几十年里,华西村从一个沉寂的农耕城镇变成一个超现实的乌托邦;在那里,人人享受免费医疗和教育权利,人人都有一套豪华的居所,人人享有免费食用油。 yeeyan

The new garden city is a mark not of utopia but of ecological civilization.
新的花园城市不仅标志着一个乌托邦,也标志着一种生态文明。 yeeyan

The Utopia, insurrection, fights with the old military code in its fist; it shoots spies, it executes traitors; it suppresses living beings and flings them into unknown darkness.
起义式的乌托邦,手中拿着老军事规章战斗;它枪杀间谍,处死叛徒,它消灭活人并将他们丢入无名的黑暗中。 ebigear

The utopia part certainly seems plausible. Whether Mao would have approved is a bit more in doubt.
乌托邦部分看来肯定是说的通的。不过,毛会不会批准,还真的存在一些疑问。 yeeyan

After that, he expected a benign dictatorship to rule the world and foster scientific thinking, and eliminate all religion, until a global utopia was established.
他还预期,在这之后将出现一个良性专政来管理全球,鼓励科学思考,消除所有的地区限制,直到全球乌托邦最终建立。 yeeyan

Although it certainly does not fit the mould of a yacht, the design, called' Project Utopia', was unveiled to stunned onlookers at the glitzy Monaco Yacht Show.

As Russia was opening up to the world, it was bidding farewell to America as a dream and a Utopia.
随着俄罗斯向世界开放,它向美国这个曾经的梦与乌托邦说再见。 ecocn

But Plato's book is a utopia.

Even less does it need fiery Utopia builders spreading discontent with dreams of a better future.
它更不需要暴躁的乌托邦建造者们,传播着不满和关于美好未来的梦想。 yeeyan

Greece, of course, was no Utopia: prostitution and rape, often attended by slavery, were common.
当然,希腊并不是乌托邦,卖淫和强奸在奴隶身上屡见不鲜。 yeeyan

However, there's a serious issue here: how does a utopia come to be created?

I know not what the younger dreams-- Some vague Utopia--and she seems, When withered old and skeleton- gaunt, An image of such politics.

Indeed, the search for Utopia can bring out the worst as well as the best in mankind.
事实上,对乌托邦的搜索,可以显示人类最好的事情,也可以显示最坏的事情。 yeeyan

Later, to Anthony Powell, he described it as“ a Utopia written in the form of a novel”.
后来,给安东尼·鲍威尔的信中,他形容这像是“以小说的形式描写乌托邦”。 yeeyan

More surprising to me was that second place went to Utopia43 percent.
更让我感到惊讶的是乌托邦图的支持率位居第二43%。 yeeyan

Nevertheless, the value of Utopia lies in the articulation of certain social and socialistic ideals in an age very far removed from such philanthropic concerns.
然而,在当今这样一个原理博爱的时代,乌托邦价值在于建立某个社会和社会主义理想国的连接。 yeeyan

The two Wus allow that the village has yet been unable to shed capitalism, but they insist that Huaxi has moved to a higher level of socialism than China at large, and that utopia is a matter of time.
虽然两代吴先生承认华西村无法甩掉资本主义,但他们坚持说,跟中国广大的地区比,华西已经进入一个较高水平的社会主义阶段,实现这个乌托邦只是时间问题。 yeeyan

This time the cacerolazos, as they are called, are being staged in the name of educational Utopia—and in response to a cack-handed government ban on marches.
他们自称为抗议者,这次他们是以教育乌托邦的名义进行抗议的,也是对政府实施禁止游行拙劣禁令的回应。 ecocn

Throughout his decade in power he has urged Venezuelans to focus on the Utopia he says lies ahead.
在他掌管权力的十年时间里,他说乌托邦就在前面,并促使委内瑞拉专注在这上面。 ecocn

Utopia, moreover, we must admit, quits its radiant sphere when it makes war.
此外乌托邦,我们得承认,一打仗就离开了自己光芒四射的领域。 ebigear

Utopia claims that the police have promised to take the case seriously.
“乌托邦”宣称警方已经保证要严肃对待此事。 yeeyan




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