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词汇 Ut
释义 Ut.
That context is what Stephenson and his co- author and adviser, UT Austin psychologist Cindy Meston, were interested in investigating.
背景是斯蒂芬森和同事兼顾问 UT奥斯汀心理学家辛迪·迈斯滕感兴趣要研究的内容。 yeeyan

The planet officially reaches this milestone at22:27 UT.
格林威治时间22点27分,海王星正式完成这一里程。 yeeyan

The police are currently investigating reports that there may have been a second gunman at Ut?ya.
据称在于特岛还有第二位枪手,警方正在调查。 ecocn

Also visible from parts of Alaska and Canada, the eclipse began at sunrise in Siberia and northern China at 19:25 UT, ending about3.5 hours later north of Newfoundland in the Atlantic Ocean.
这场日食在阿拉斯加和加拿大的部分地区也能看到,开始于西伯利亚和中国北部的日出时分,格林尼治时间19:25,大约在3.5个小时后结束在大西洋的纽芬兰北部。 yeeyan

Early detection is a cornerstone of Alzheimer's research, said Dr. Roger Rosenberg, a professor of neurology and director of the Alzheimer's Disease Center at UT Southwestern.
早期诊断是阿尔茨海默病研究的基石,德州西南医学阿尔茨海默病中心的神经病学教授和主任罗杰.罗森堡博士说。 yeeyan

Enable UT and FVT without needing an EJB container.
不需要 EJB容器启用 UT和 FVT。 ibm

For instance, if you look at an expansion of an ideal gas, Not based on thermodynamics, ut based on the statistical mechanics.

For instance, if you look at an expansion of an ideal gas, Not based on thermodynamics, ut based on the statistical mechanics.

Infectious disease specialists at UT Southwestern Medical Center have found a new method for identifying suspect viruses and bacteria that cause some of the most common acute infections in children.
犹他州西南医学中心的感染病专家门发现了一种确定引起日常儿童急性感染的可疑病毒和细菌的新方法。 dxy

It will end at21:02 UT10:02 p.m. GMT when the shadow will once again be seen to slip slowly across the surface of the moon.
它会在21:02分世界时 上午10:02分结束。这时我们能看到影子又会缓慢的从月球表面移开。 yeeyan

Last year more than80% of Texas freshmen at UT Austin came from this group.
去年超过80%的新入学学生是在这个标准以内的。 ecocn

My love of social media comes from my graduate work in UT.
对社交媒体的热爱源自于我从 UT毕业时的论文。 yeeyan

Samsung claims that the UD controller software that drives the UT arrays can set up a screen made up of as many as250 individual monitors.
三星宣称他们提供的 UT控制软件可以最大控制由250个显示器拼接成的显示幕墙。 cnbeta

The principles of AI, including its definition, basic study contents, study areas and approaches are interpreted and a basic AI system used in ultrasonic testing UT is illustrated.
论述了人工智能的原理,包括其含义、研究的基本内容、研究领域及研究途径,然后给出了人工智能系统在超声检测 UT中的应用示例。 cnki

This picture of a first quarter Moon was recorded at 23:45 UT on February22nd from Stuttgart, Germany.
这张上弦月照片拍摄于德国斯图加特,世界时二月22日23:45。 yeeyan

To answer this question, let's use Universal Time UT, also sometimes referred to as Greenwich Mean Time GMT.
为了回答这个问题,我们要使用世界时间 UT,有时也被称为格林尼治标准时间 GMT。 yeeyan

UTD and UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers are part of a national effort to better understand the factors that contribute to brain health and the pathologies that lead to Alzheimer's disease.
达拉斯的德克萨斯州大学和德克萨斯大学西南医学中心的研究员都承担国家级关于更好的理解脑健康的影响因素和导致阿尔茨海默病的病理因素研究的一部分。 yeeyan

William Powers, the president of the University of Texas UT at Austin, has sounded an alarm.
得克萨斯大学校长威廉。鲍尔斯发出警告。 ecocn

You may have some difficult working ut the maths problems. If so do not hesitate to ask your teacher for help.
你演算这些数学题可能遇到困难,如果真是如此,那你就要毫不迟疑地请老师帮忙。 fsjxxx

UT attracts top students from Canada and all over the world due to its size, reputation and influence.
由于其规模、声望以及影响力,多伦多大学吸引了世界各地及加拿大国内的顶尖学生。 jseie

UT Southwestern is one of the top enrolling centers of the50 sites in the United States.
德克萨斯大学西南医学中心是美国50所顶尖的注册中心之一。 dxy

UT Southwestern researchers studied mice with an engineered gene for CRP that was under the regulation of a second gene responsive to changes in dietary carbohydrate intake.
UT西南医学中心的研究者们研究了转 CRP基因的小鼠,这种小鼠的 CRP可以通过规定的碳水化合物摄取来进行二级的基因调节。 essaystar




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