

单词 acinus
释义 ac·i·nus 英ˈæsənəs美ˈæsənəsAHDăsʹə-nəs BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
one of the small drupes making up an aggregate or multiple fruit like a blackberryone of the small sacs or saclike dilations in a compound glandacinus lienis脾小体:脾淋巴滤泡…acinus renis肾小球acinus lienalis脾小体:脾淋巴滤泡…glandular acinus腺泡
用作名词At high magnification, the appearance of a normal breastacinusis shown here.高倍镜示正常乳腺腺泡。
Panacinar emphysema occurs with loss of all portions of theacinusfrom the respiratory bronchiole to the alveoli.全腺泡型肺气肿发生时则出现从呼吸性细支气管到肺泡的腺泡所有部分全部扩张。 A pulmonary acinus is defined as that portion of lung distal to the terminal bronchiole, and up to12 acini can make up one secondary pulmonary lobule.
肺腺泡是指肺终末支气管远端的部分,12个腺泡组成一个次级肺小叶。 xctmr

The lumen of the acinus is small and narrow, but that of the alveolus is large and distended.
单腺泡腔小而狭窄,但肺泡的腔却大而膨满。 dictall

The submandibular gland, which is a mixed gland containing more mixed acinus than serous acinus and mucous acinus, contains intercalated duct, GCT, and secretory duct.
颌下腺属混合腺,以混合性腺泡为主,有少量浆液性腺泡和黏液性腺泡,有闰管、颗粒曲管和分泌管; cnki

Watched under the microscope, the development of the epithelial of mucous membrane, the hyaline cartilage and the acinus showed as follows:1.
染色,在显微镜下观察其粘膜上皮的类型、透明软骨细胞和腺泡的发育。 dictall

Acidophilia staining of acinus fluid of inside lobule is deeper than that of lateral lobule.
小叶中部腺泡着色较深,外侧腺泡着色较浅; iciba




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