

释义 USFWSCOCA⁴⁶⁹⁴⁵BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
United States Fish and Wildlife Service 美国鱼类和野生动植物服务; abbr⁵⁰.;=United States Fish and Wildlife Service 美国渔猎局⁵⁰
In July, Gabriela Chavarria was named the top science adviser for the US Fish and Wildlife Service USFWS, based in Washington DC.
七月份,加比瑞拉-查维瑞亚被任命为美国鱼类野生物保护部的首席科学指导专家,该组织位于华盛顿。 yeeyan

The USFWS will monitor their populations for the next five years. It has set a minimum of300 wolves and30 breeding pairs, split equally among the three states.
美国渔猎局将在五年内监控各州灰狼的种群数并平均地为每个州设置了100只灰狼和10对可繁育灰狼的底限。 ecocn

What are your goals as science adviser for the USFWS?
你对于提供给美国鱼类野生物保护部的科学建议所能达到的目标是什么? yeeyan

I hope that I'll be able to bring them out to the scientific community, so that the USFWS can interact more and show the world what we're doing.
我希望我能把他们从科学研究的团队中带出来,这样我们协会的影响力就会更大,也能让全世界看到我们在做什么。 yeeyan

What role will the USFWS have in addressing climate change?
在处理气候变化问题上你们协会会扮演什么角色? yeeyan




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