

单词 useful
释义 use·ful 英ˈjuːsfəl美ˈjusfəlAHDy›sʹfəl ★★★★☆小初中高四六研I牛4COCA²⁴¹³BNC⁸²⁸iWeb¹¹⁴⁰Economist¹²⁹⁵

effective in use, bringing help or advantage

A 令人满意的


being of use or service;

the girl felt motherly and useful

a useful job

a useful member of society

having a useful function;

utilitarian steel tables

词根词缀: -us-用 + -e + -ful形容词词尾
用作形容词 adj.
副词+~amazingly useful非常有益的extremely useful极有用的generally useful样样都行的particularly useful极有用的~+介词useful at擅长…useful at cooking擅长烹饪useful for对…有用useful for students对学生有用useful in在…方面有用useful in agriculture在农业方面有用useful to对…有用useful to parents对家长们有用
用作形容词adj.useful as

可用作…的 can be used as

非常记忆use用〖熟词〗+ful俘虏〖拼音〗⇒有用的线索助他抓到俘虏use用处,用途+ful形容词后缀,有很多…的⇒有用的,有益的,有帮助的。蒋争熟词记忆use用-ful有…的⇒有用的;实用的小学英语速记词根记忆:use用+ful…的→有用的近义词 helpfulbeneficialadvantageous反义词 useless
~+ n.She's a useful person to know.她是个应该结交的有用的人。
John is a useful person to be around on such occasions.在这种场合有约翰在身边是很有帮助的。
Horses are useful animals.马是有用的动物。
I need a useful dictionary.我需要一本有用的词典。
He gave us some useful advice.他给了我们一些有益的忠告。
Salt is a useful substance.盐是一种有用的物质。
This is a useful book for beginners in English.这是一本对英语初学者有用的书。
The England cricket team scored quite a useful total.英格兰板球队得分总数令人满意。
S+be+~Money is always useful.钱总是有用的。
Information about people's language ability is often very useful.有关人们语言能力的信息经常是很有用的。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseHe is useful at cooking.他很会烧菜。
He is very useful at maths.他精通数学。
These books might be useful to you.这些书可能会对你有用。
These story books are useful to children.这些故事书对儿童有好处。
Your advice was very useful to me.你的劝告对我很有益处。
We should absorb whatever experience is useful to us.我们应吸取对我们有益的经验。
Tom's advice has been most useful to us.汤姆的建议对我们是很有用的。
Such information is useful only to those who know that particular subject.这种材料只是对了解那个特殊问题的人才有用。
Outdoor sports are useful to your health.户外运动对你的健康很有好处。
This book will come in useful for criticizing the wrong behaviour.这本书对批评错误的行为很有用。
The computer is useful in processing data.计算机在处理数据方面很有用。It is/was+~+for sb+ to- vIt is useful to read the text early in the morning.清晨读课文很有用。
It is very useful for a person to know how to swim.对一个人来说会游泳是很有用的。
Probably it will be useful for them to acquire a practical knowledge of English.有英语的实际知识可能对他们有用。It is/was+~+ v -ingIt's useful knowing several foreign languages when you are traveling abroad.在国外旅行时,会几门外语是非常有用的。
S+V+O+~I find this pen veryuseful.我觉得这支笔很有用。Pusefulnessn.有用有益Puseful-lifen.有效期限



useful在句中可用作定语,也可用表语,作定语时,后面可跟介词for, for的宾语通常是人。作表语时,后面可接介词at, for, to, in。表示对于人有益时,用be useful to; 表示“对于某目的有益”时,用be useful for; 表示“对某事精通”时,用be useful at; 当表示“在…方面有益”时,用be useful in。

用作形容词It is ausefulbook and, what is more, not an expensive one.这是有用的书,更难得的是不贵。
The book contains muchusefulinformation.这本书包含了许多有用的资料。
John always tries to cultivate people who areusefulto him.约翰经常设法和对他有用的人结交。
A sauna in the hotel would be ausefulamenity.旅馆中的芬兰蒸汽浴室倒是个有益的好设施。
She stopped hanging about and did somethinguseful.她不再闲逛,而是做了些有益的工作。
This manual is full ofusefultips.这本小册子里有很多实用的小建议。
They are not only ornamental, but alsouseful.它们不但具有装饰性,而且是实用的。adj.beneficial, valuable
同义词 advantageous,appropriate,convenient,effective,favorable,fruitful,good,handy,helpful,practical,pragmatic,profitable,proper,suitableutileall-purpose,applied,brave,commodious,fit,functional,instrumental,meet,of assistance,of service,of use,practicable,propitious,purposive,salutary,serviceable,subsidiary,suited,toward
反义词 awkward,bad,disadvantageous,disagreeable,harmful,hurtful,impotent,improper,inappropriate,incapable,inconvenient,injurious,misbehaving,unacceptable,unfitting,unhandy,unhelpful,unproductive,unskilled,unsuitable,unsuited,useless,worthlessunusableunvaluable
applicableadjective appropriate
applicative,applicatory,apposite,apropos,apt,associable,befitting,felicitous,fit,fitting,germane,kosher,legit,material,on the button,on the nose,on-target,pertinent,relevant,right on,suitable,suited,that's the idea,that's the ticket,to the point,to the purpose
appropriateadjective suitable
adapted,applicable,appurtenant,apropos,apt,becoming,befitting,belonging,congruous,convenient,correct,deserved,desired,due,felicitous,fit,fitting,germane,good,just,on the button,on the nose,opportune,pertinent,proper,relevant,right,rightful,seemly,tailor-made,true,useful,well-suited,well-timed
beneficadjective beneficent
beneficialadjective advantageous
benign,constructive,favorable,favoring,gainful,good,good for what ails you,healthful,helpful,profitable,propitious,salubrious,salutary,serviceable,toward,useful,valuable,what the doctor ordered,wholesome,worthy
benignantadjective beneficial
brass tacksadjective pithy
basic,compact,marrowy,practical,to-the-point,useful Each of my credit cards rewards me in a very useful way.
我的每张信用卡都以一种非常有用的方式回报我。 yeeyan

The “ people like me” aspect is also fun and useful, especially if you are looking for people in similar tasks or interests.
“和我相似的人”这方面也是有趣并有用的,尤其是当你在寻找有共同兴趣或共同任务的人时。 yeeyan

The power of ideas and the ability to turn them into useful things is what propels us forward as a society.
点子的力量和将它们转化成有用的东西的能力是将我们如社会一样向前推动的源动力。 yeeyan

Although the IDE is designed for undergraduates, it is quickly developing features that can be useful to developers at all levels.
尽管这个 IDE是为大学生设计的,但它的快速开发功能对所有级别的开发者都是有用的。 ibm

But what if you want to do something more useful with the HTTP response?
但是,如果希望对 HTTP响应执行一些更有用的操作,该怎么办呢? ibm

But for this data to be useful after a disk or server crash, it must be stored on another server.
但对于在磁盘或服务器崩溃后有用的数据,必须存储在另外一台服务器上。 ibm

But I can give you some useful tips about kissing.
但是我可以给你一些有用的关于接吻的建议。 tingvoa

But it will illustrate why this is so useful.

But this might not always be useful.
但是此方法并非始终有用。 ibm

Do not idle about like this and do something useful.

Keep in mind that the testing and debugging we do here are useful for any type of component, not just business state machines.
请记住,我们在此处所进行的测试和调试对于任何组件类型都是有用的,而不是仅仅针对业务状态机。 ibm

Many useful substances are now recovered from materials which used to be thrown away.

Mistakes and failure can be quite helpful if you look at them in a useful way.
如果你通过实用的方式看待错误和失败的话它们也非常有用的。 yeeyan

Once you have that, you can then annotate the URL with any other useful information that you find out about it for example, its author.
一旦有了 URL,您就可以用找到的有关它的任何其它有用信息例如,其作者来注释 URL。 ibm

Only then can they serve you in a useful way.
只有这样它们才能以有益的方式服务于你。 blog.sina.com.cn

Origin and priority are almost always useful, but you should define others that are suited to your project.
来源和优先级几乎总是有用的,但你必须定义适合你的项目的其他属性。 ibm

Pattern matching is also useful for the design problem where you need to get at data inside an object, but only in special circumstances.
在你遇到需要从对象内部提取数据的设计问题时,模式匹配也有用,但是仅限一些特殊的情况。 yeeyan

Someone came out with a most useful suggestion.

That’s one of the reasons why it’s so useful to smile when you first meet someone.
这是就是为什么当我们第一次见到某人就微笑是这么有用的原因之一。 yeeyan

They both have useful perspectives and appropriate techniques.
他们都有有益的观点和适当的技术。 ibm

This is useful, but it might not be what you want.
这很有用,但可能不是您想要的功能。 ibm

This mode is useful in situations where you know when a task starts and stops but have no way of knowing how far the task has progressed.
这种模式在这样几种情形下是有用的,您可以知道一项任务何时开始以及何时停止,但是您没法知道任务进展了多远。 ibm

We believe this to be a very useful suggestion.
我们认为,这是一项非常有益的建议。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

We hope that you find it useful.
我们希望您会发现它有用。 ibm

While this is an intellectually worthwhile goal, it does not usually add to the body of useful languages.
虽然这是在智力上值得做的目标,但是它通常不能添加到有用的语言体中。 ibm

Year by year a few of these slang terms prove so useful that they graduate into respectable society.

Yes, I know this may sound like a strange thing to do, but it could be useful in a variety of circumstances.
是的,我知道这可能听起来是要做一件奇怪的事情,不过这在很多环境中可能是实用的。 ibm

You may find some other useful tidbits in this paper of mine.
你也许会在我的这篇文章里发现一些其他的有用花絮。 yeeyan




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