释义 |
USA PATRIOT Act 基本例句 爱国者法案 USA Patriot Actpassed in 2001 has direct influences on library users, and weakened library privacy protection.2001年出台的《爱国者法案》直接影响到图书馆用户的隐私权,弱化了图书馆用户的隐私保护。 TheUSA Patriot Actrequires banks, investment firms, insurance companies, and stock and commodities exchanges to put in place procedures to collect information on customers when they open accounts.USA Patriot Act要求银行、投资公司、保险公司和股票及商品交易,在客户打开帐户时,能够执行收集客户信息的规程。 Critics have claimed that theUSA Patriot Actallows the FBI to use “sneak and peek” tactics in libraries to find out who is reading “Tom Sawyer” without informing the targets until after a search.批评家们宣称,美国爱国法案允许FBI在图书馆使用“跟踪和偷窥”策略在不告诉读者的前提下发现谁在阅读比如汤姆.;索耶之类的书籍。 Influences ofUSA Patriot Acton American Libraries论《爱国者法案》对美国图书馆的影响 the USA PATRIOT Act美国爱国者法案 |