

单词 usage rate
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A variable factor of production is one whose usage rate can be changed easily.
“生产要素”的“使用率”是容易改变的。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Cupro Braze radiator has its advantages of lower cost, small size, no contamination, higher material recovery and reproduction usage rate.
铜硬纤焊散热器具有成本低、小型化、无污染及材料的回收和再生产利用率高等优点。 cnki

The establishment of this system has important value to improve the efficiency and reliability of device management in laboratories and increase the usage rate of device resources.
该系统的建立对于提高实验室器件管理的效率和可靠性,改善资源利用率具有重要的实用价值。 cnki

The relative absorption and usage rate of low, medium and high dose of “Shengxuebao Granule” were respectively raised10% , 7% and13% as compared with the ferrous sulfate group.
低、中、高剂量的生血宝分别较单纯硫酸亚铁组铁的相对吸收利用率提高了10%、7%和13%。 cnki

The result of simulation shows that the each- cycle- test is the best method for the server to guarantee the certain QoS and high resource usage rate.
选择逐周期测试法作为接入控制计算方法,保证服务器提供预定服务质量,并有较高的资源利用率。 cnki

A circuit analogy model for meat thawing in solution was developed. The voltage between two sides of meat, heat generation inside meat and energy usage rate were analyzed with the model.
通过建立的解冻槽内模拟电路模型,分析了肉在通电加热解冻过程中电能利用率、肉内产热量、肉两侧间电压的变化; chemyq

Ability to collect and data mine valuable information of customers spending patterns and facilities usage rate.
能够收集数据,挖掘消费模式和设施的使用率,提供有价值信息。 www.e-manx.com.cn

An index assessing the stage where an economy stays in an economic cycle, including the usage rate of the industrial production and equipment and the retail volume.
显示经济体在经济周期中所处阶段的指标,包括工业生产、设备利用率和零售额等。 www.treasurer.org.cn

CNC tool wear monitoring would be a great significance for improving the usage rate of CNC and reducing the economic losses due to the tool breakage.
数控机床刀具磨损监测对于提高数控机床利用率,减小由于刀具破损而造成的经济损失具有重要意义。 dictall

Finally, this paper expounded that the usage rate of periodicals was higher than newspapers; in the network environment, readers prefer to read paper board literatures.
得出结论:期刊的使用率远远高于报纸,网络环境下读者还是习惯于阅读纸质文献。 dictall

He's11th in the league in usage rate, but only43rd in player efficiency rating.
他是联盟中排名11位的出手者,但却只拥有第43位的效率。 yeeyan

Take all available nodes as storage nodes will increase the usage rate of network resource.
将网络中所有可用节点作为存储节点,大大提高了网络的资源利用率。 fabiao

Thermal extrusion is a forming method with seldom or no machining, and has high usage rate of material70%, easy operation and efficient.
热挤压是一种少或无机加工的成形方法,具有材料利用率高70%,操作简单,工作效率高等优点。 cnki




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