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Urumqi u'rumtʃi 基本例句 n.乌鲁木齐=Urumchi. A bright display at the back of one of the classrooms shows groups of them in Xian, Shanghai and Urumqi. 其中一个教室的后面鲜明地展示着学生在西安,上海和乌鲁木齐的情况。 yeeyan “ The plan is that by 2020 we should close the gap between east and west and allow the west to share in the prosperity of the east,” said Wang, who is based in Xinjiang's capital, Urumqi. 喀什位于新疆这个地方。王住在新疆的首府乌鲁木齐,他说:“这个计划是,到2020年,我们应该缩小东西部之间的差距,并允许西部分享东部的繁荣。” yeeyan In Urumqi, capital city of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, business is thriving at a local horticultural market. 在新疆维吾尔族自治区首府,乌鲁木齐,当地的园艺市场生意很兴旺。 examw Last May Shaikh's appeal against his sentence at the district court in Urumqi was rejected, leaving a final appeal in the Supreme People's Court to save his life, which is now reported to have failed. 去年五月,谢赫对判决不服,在乌鲁木齐地方法院提出上诉,被驳回后,只好向最高人民法院提出最后上诉以挽救自己的生命。据报道,这一上诉现在也败诉了。 yeeyan Official from Urumqi has responded to this question at the press conference this noon. 今天中午乌鲁木齐市负责人在新闻发布会上已经回答了这个问题。 www.fmprc.gov.cn Police in Guangzhou received an anonymous phone call at7 pm, saying there was a bomb aboard China Southern Airlines' flight3912, en route from Urumqi to Guangzhou. 当天晚上7时许,广州警方接到一匿名电话,称乌鲁木齐至广州的南航3912航班上有炸弹。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Separately, on the recent events in Urumqi, could you give us more details on the “ syringe attacks” that started the protest? 此外,关于近期在乌鲁木齐发生的事件,据称是针扎事件引发了群众示威,你能否具体介绍一下? www.fmprc.gov.cn September is the season of harvest in Urumqi. 九月的乌鲁木齐,正是收获的季节。 www.fmprc.gov.cn Shaikh, who is imprisoned in the isolated north- western city of Urumqi, was the victim of an elaborate ruse to exploit his mental condition, say his supporters. 谢赫被关在偏僻的西北城市乌鲁木齐。支持者称,他因患有精神疾病而被利用,是一个精心策划诡计的牺牲品。 yeeyan Thank you for inviting the World Bank here today to continue a decade- long tradition started in2000 when the World Bank first supported the China Mining Congress in Urumqi. 感谢诸位邀请世界银行出席今天的大会,延续自2000年世界银行首次支持在乌鲁木齐召开的中国矿业大会以来长达十年的传统。 worldbank The first, a31-year-old female from Urumqi, Xinjiang Autonomous Region had onset of symptoms on10 January. She received treatment in hospital but died on23 January. 第一例是一名来自新疆自治区乌鲁木齐的31岁妇女,她于1月10日出现症状,并在医院接受了治疗,但于1月23日死亡。 who The“ strike hard and punish” drive comes after ethnic violence rocked its capital, Urumqi, in July, killing almost200. 这次“严打整治”缘于七月份在新疆首府乌鲁木齐发生的民族暴力袭击,袭击造成大约200人丧生。 yeeyan This kind of fare has yet to be introduced to Urumqi except in its starred hotels. 除了乌鲁木齐的星级酒店外,这样的食品还没到达这里的市场。 yeeyan |